HR-390 can’t pass the Senate and get help to persecuted Christians

The Iraq and Syria Genocide Emergency Relief and Accountability Act of 2017 (HR-390) passed out of the House a year ago on a near unanimous vote.  Then, it sat in the Senate for many months until it was totally re-written by Senator Corker (R-TN).  

Christmas for Refugees in Syria!

Nearly 900,000 Syrians are expected to return to Syria in the next few months. The Christians are moving back to destroyed and looted homes and churches, just as they have in Iraq’s Nineveh Plain. 1,000 displaced Syrian Christians will have a real Christmas this year if we can raise the needed funds.  

Diapers for Refugees: One million more diapers this year!

We are currently buying 500,000 diapers at a time which greatly reduces the cost.  Each diaper shipment supplies diapers for about 2,000 infants and toddlers over a three-month period. 

The Chairman's Report For August 17, 2018

In this issue of the newsletter / Landmark events held in Washington for religious freedom / We participate The State Department and religious freedom – A new beginning? / Diapers for Refugees program continues in Iraq.  What about Syria? /  Christmas for Refugees program begins planning in Lebanon and Iraq

New playground for kids’ summer camp in Jordan

Christians are only six percent of the population and most Christian children are in the public schools where the study of Islam is mandatory. Only at their churches can Christian children talk and act like Christians. The Camp for Christian children we support was founded by a dear friend of mine more than 30 years ago.
These are the new water tanks that will sit on top of the new water towers which have not yet been delivered. This is not a small project.

The expanded diaper program in Iraq

The Christians of Qaraqosh and other towns simply call us “the diaper ministry.” We distribute diapers in six sizes from newborn to toddler. We fill a void that no other ministry is addressing. At the same time, our partner ministry reinforces the Gospel of hope through our Lord.
William Murray speaking at the site of the drafting of the Virginia Act Establishing Religious Freedom in 1777.


Violent Sunni Muslim terrorist groups who destroy our values and kill Christians worldwide are the true enemies of freedom and democracy and of our way of life.  The Deep State is distracting Americans from the real danger with Russia hysteria. When Vladimir Putin is dead and buried Sunni Muslim terrorists will still be killing Americans.

New Genocide In Nigeria

“In April, Fulani herdsmen attacked a group of Christians during Sunday mass, killing two priests and seventeen parishioners.  The same attackers then razed fifty homes belonging to Christians.  In fact, earlier in the year, on New Year’s Day, 72 people died at the hands of a Fulani attack.” Danger grows for Christians in Nigeria, a nation that at one time was nearly 100% Christian.
A small truck arrives with parts for new water system being supplied by the Religious Freedom Coalition.

The Chairman's Report For August 3, 2018

In this issue of the newsletter: Construction at Nigerian orphanage – New water system by start of school! / Christians die in attacks in Plateau State near our orphanage mission / Widespread left-wing attack on the Religious Freedom Coalition / Christmas for Refugees funding is down at time expansion is needed. More information on our programs in the Middle East to aid Christians.
These are the new water tanks that will sit on top of the new water towers which have not yet been delivered. This is not a small project.

Construction of new water system underway

In April of this year, when I visited the Nigerian orphanage that the Religious Freedom Coalition supports, the available water was marginal.  There was only one running tap for over 200 children and the squatting toilets did not flush.