Senator Rubio Defends Religious Liberty

Prayer has been an essential part of our nation’s history since the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) will be in the Supreme Court chamber this morning to watch the oral arguments for and against prayer in city council meetings.
The case involves the city council of Greece, New York, which was sued by anti-Christian activists because the council members opened their meetings with prayer.
Senator Rubio explains his views in a Fox News Op Ed:
The Town of Greece is the latest party to be thrust into the middle of our country’s debate over the right to public religious expression, and all it did to deserve this was allow prayer before sessions of its town council.
I believe that part of what distinguishes America from the rest of the world is that we do not feel threatened by each other’s faiths.
The tradition of praying before meetings of governing or legislative bodies is common all across our country. In fact, it has been meaningful to me in my own career as a public servant.
In the Florida State House, I often took time with my fellow state representatives to pray for the wisdom and discernment to properly serve our constituents. Now, every morning before debate commences in the U.S. Senate, we pause for prayer and reflection.
Even the Supreme Court, which is now considering this case, has long begun every session with the proclamation, “God save the United States and this Honorable Court!” These are just some examples of how religious freedom, including in the public square, is one of the things that unites us as a “nation under God.”
Our nation was founded on Christian principles and prayer was a key element in public meetings at the founding of our country. Read William J. Murray’s book, The Pledge: One Nation Under God to learn more about the deeply Christian roots of our nation and the patriots who fought to create this nation under God.
Read the rest of Senator Rubio’s Op Ed at
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