Remembering September 11th, 2001

William J. Murray, the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition recounts the events of the 9-11 jihad attack against the United States as he lived them. Murray was on the 14th Street bridge near the Pentagon when American Airlines 77 slammed into it. He had been on the phone with a Special Assistant to President Bush discussing the attacks in New York at the time.

The Chairman’s Report for September 1, 2017

In this issue of the newsletter State Department: My first worthwhile meeting at State in over eight years./ “Aid to victims of genocide” bill passes House, held up in Senate by petty feud/ Christian refugees returning to Syria, but not to Iraq/ Islamic State loses ground in some places but gains in others/ State Department Meeting

William J. Murray on the Hagmann Report

Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman William J. Murray discusses his book, Utopian Road to Hell and his work in the Middle East on the Hagmann Report.

Chairman's Report for August 11, 2017

In this issue of the newsletter: Report from Qaraqosh: Families receive food, hygiene supplies and diapers / Report from Dohuk, Iraq: Meeting with Assyrian leaders / Aid for Camp Odrana / Report from Jordan: Security updates at Christian summer camp complete / Children from traditional Christian families find personal relationship with Jesus

The Forgotten Assyrian Christians

As with the Kurds, the Assyrians are also a distinct ethnic group, although not treated as such by the West despite their rather high-profile history during Old Testament times. In 721 B.C., the Assyrians captured Samaria and essentially ended the northern kingdom of Israel, carrying off the Israelites as slaves. Later the Assyrians laid siege to Jerusalem.

USCIRF Praises Nomination of a New Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) welcomes the White House nomination of Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas as the Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. As a Senator from 1996-2011, he was at the forefront of international religious freedom issues.

Dear-Colleague Letter Regarding Reports of Roll Back of Genocide Declaration

A dear-colleague letter authored by Reps. Smith, Eshoo, Fortenberry, and Franks, regarding reports that some in the State Department are seeking to roll back the declaration of genocide against religious minorities in Iraq and Syria by ISIS is currently circulating to supporters of the HR 390 bill.

Can Ayaan Hirsi Ali Liberate Islam from Islamism?

Moderate calls for a “paradigm shift that recognizes how violent jihad is intertwined with the ideological infrastructure of dawa,” the “subversive, indoctrinating precursor to jihad.”  The question remains: "Can Islam actually become a religion of peace?"

Chairman's Report for July 14, 2017

In this issue of the newsletter: Report from Iraq: Threats at Christian IDP compound – “must be cut” / Four camps for displaced Christian families visited – Diapers distributed / Downtown Erbil – Christian women cannot go into street alone / Small Christian IDP camp needs more than 47,000 gallons of water per month

NGOs Sign Letter to Senate Leaders in Support of HR 390

Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman, William J. Murray signed…