RFC Chairman Featured In WND Article
William J. Murray, the founder and chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition was recently featured in WorldNetDaily in a discussion of jailed Pastor Saeed Abedini and Obama’s response to his man’s suffering in an Iranian prison. Murray says Obama doesn’t see religion the same way a Christian would.
Chairman's Report -- December 20, 2013
We made a difficult day special – On Monday, December 16 the Christmas for Refugees dinner for Christian refugee children was held in Jordan despite deep snow and lack of power. A last minute location change and splitting the event date saved us from disaster!
Chairman's Report -- Thanksgiving Day, 2013
Making that special day even more special – Our first ever Christmas meal for refugee children from Iraq and Syria will be held in Amman, Jordan this December. More than 950 children from different families will receive a traditional Arabic Christmas dinner and a "joy bag" of food stuffs to take back to their homes in the tents of the refugee camps.
Thanksgiving, November 28, 2013
In this issue: The real meaning of Thanksgiving – Read the first Thanksgiving Proclamation / Thanksgiving proclamations of Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln / Proclamation of the first Congress / The Pilgrim experiment with collectivism / Pray for Christians in the Middle East this Thanksgiving
Washington Report - November 22nd, 2013
In this issue: Obama's war on Christian businessmen / Dem Senator attacks pro-family group / The Muslim congressman and the Nazi / Liberals go nuts to stop anti-war nun / Turkey help for Syrian terrorists goes bad / Liberal news outlet says Christians are persecute
Chairman's Report - November 8th, 2013
In this issue of the Chairman's Report William J. Murray discusses the feral youth who congregate mostly in the coastal cities of the United States / A full report on the vandalism of the Ten Commandments monument on Capitol Hill is discussed. Chairman William Murray spoke at the re-dedication of the Ten Commandments monument after it was re-erected.
Senator Rubio Defends Religious Liberty
Our nation was founded on Christian principles and prayer was a key element in public meetings at the founding of our country. Read William J. Murray’s book, The Pledge: One Nation Under God to learn more about the deeply Christian roots of our nation and the patriots who fought to create this nation under God.
RFC & WND Publish Syrian Terrorist Story Five Months Before Washington Post
Better late than never is a good saying – and it certainly applies to the Washington Post for its woefully late coverage of Syrian terrorists who post photos of their fallen “martyrs” on Facebook and Twitter.
Washington Report - November 1st, 2013
In this issue: Obama created the Syrian terrorist nightmare / Obama Army attacks "Healthy white, Christian heterosexual men" / Leading economic conservative attacks Senator Ted Cruz / Congressman Allen West on anti-Christian army / Sudan: Bulldozing churches for Muslim businessmen / Syria: Location of kidnapped bishops known / Egyptian newspaper exposes Muslim Brotherhood in the USA / Iran: Christians whipped for taking communion wine
Washington Report- October 25th, 2013
In this issue: Obama created Syrian nightmare / Obama Army exposed for smearing Christian groups / Pro-gay agenda activist takes over Homeland Security / Senators demand response to persecution of Christians / Congressman wants abortion coverage disclosed / World Council of Churches ignores persecuted Christians / International Religious Freedom Day ignored? / In Yemen, Muslim father burns teen daughter to death / in Kenya, Muslims murder pastors / In Nigeria, Police in norther states enforce Sharia on Christians / In Syria, Christians turn to Russia for help/ CLIP OF TERROR ATTACK ON LIVE NEWS PROGRAM