September 3, 2010 – Washington, DC

Why do so many believe Obama is a Muslim / Why is Obama attacking Sheriff Joe? / Congress in recess as news for Democrats gets worse / Taking America Back / The men behind the mosque / Ramadan attacks continue / Imam calls to behead Geert Wilders

NEW AUGUST 18, 2010 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT NOW ONLINE- The August 18, 2010 Chairman’s Report is now available online. This issue contains: Complete information on the planned mega-mosque at Ground Zero. The real reasons for the mosque’s construction are examined.

SPECIAL: William Murray’s newest book, The Pledge, One Nation Under God is on special at just $7.99 plus shipping!


ATTACKING SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO – The Obama Justice Department is convinced that Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is Hispanic, is discriminating against other Hispanics. With no proof other than the extreme far left media’s ravings, the Justice Department set up a toll free number in Arizona for people to file anonymous complaints against him. They have demanded all the Sheriff’s records, without any criteria, so they can search for proof of the accusations of MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. For months the Department of Justice has spent tens of thousands of man hours trying to find something that Sheriff Joe has done wrong. All the while they were ignoring drug smugglers and human traffickers on our borders. Rather than to fight crime, the Obama Administration has posted signs in Arizona warning honest citizens to stay clear of large areas of the state.OBAMA A MUSLIM? – A recent Newsweek Magazine poll indicated that 24%, or nearly one in four Americans, think President Barack Obama is a Muslim. The day he was sworn in as president, just 9% believed he was a Muslim. The change over less than two years is so striking that I have been invited on numerous radio shows to discuss the statistics. I was even asked about this issue on the very liberal Pacifica Radio network. Perhaps President Obama has bowed just once too often to Muslim royalty and Muslim demands.


CONGRESS IN RECESS UNTIL SEPTEMBER 14th? – Because of a fairly unusual occurrence of Labor Day and Rosh Hashanah falling in the same week, Congress will not reconvene until late on Tuesday, September 14th.BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS – The poll numbers for congressional Democrats are dropping at an increasingly rapid pace. Much of the drop has to do with arrogance and total disconnect with the majority of the American people. While 70% of Americans are against the Ground Zero mega mosque, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi not only supports it, but wants those who are outspoken against it to be investigated. Investigated for what — free speech?


Invite to WND converence TAKING AMERICA BACK – Conservative Internet giant World Net Daily will be holding a conference in Miami, Florida on September 16th, 17th and 18th, and large numbers of Tea Party supporters are expected to be present. On Friday I will be speaking at 2:00 on the proposed Ground Zero mega mosque and I will also participate in a panel at 2:30. The Religious Freedom Coalition will have a large display on hand all three days and our TV commercial about the intolerance of Islam will be featured as well as our new Internet site at www.no911mosque.orgTHE MEN BEHIND THE MOSQUE – Sharif el-Gamal, the real owner of the property for the proposed Ground Zero mosque, refuses to say where he obtained the $4.8 million cash he paid for the building. He has also refused to pay the City of New York $227,000 in taxes on the property. It has also been revealed that this devout Muslim has been arrested for several assaults, DWI and soliciting a prostitute. Meanwhile the writings of the front man, Imam Faisal Rauf show that he promoted signing an Arab-Israel peace treaty as a way to pacify the enemy while preparing for war. He stated that in the end Israel would be Muslim state with a Jewish minority.

NEW OP-ED ON THE MEGA MOSQUE – A new op-ed I have written on the Ground Zero mosque is now posted at

WWW.NO911MOSQUE.ORG Visit our new Internet site dedicated to stopping the Ground Zero Mosque


RAMADAN ATTACKS CONTINUE – By the end of the 22nd day of the Muslim “holy month” of Ramadan, there had been 162 Islamic terror attacks against civilians, killing 669 people and wounding many more. Although for the most part Muslims killed other Muslims during their “holy month,” Christians, Buddhists and others were murdered as well. The attacks were spread all over the world and included Nigeria, Thailand. Pakistan, Yemen, Mali, India, Tajikistan, Dagestan, China, Egypt, Indonesia and Ethiopia.

BEHEAD GEERT WILDERS – Netherlands MP Geert Wilders is one of the great heroes of Europe who has stood up and boldly said that Islam is a danger to the European way of life. The Kingdom of Jordan has issued an arrest warrant for him for committing the crime of “apostasy,” and now an Australian imam named Feiz Mohammad has issued a fatwa calling for him to be beheaded. This is the same imam who said Australian girls who are raped deserve it because of the way they dress. We need a mega mosque at Ground Zero to preach this kind of hate here as well?


BOOKS AND GIFTS FROM A CHRISTIAN STORE- Books and other items with Christian themes are available at WWW.RFCSTORE.COM This is our Christian Internet store, and sales assist our cause financially. We are not as cheap as Amazon, but then, we don’t sell porn or occult materials!

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