Report From Washington – July 1, 2011
In this issue: Oil price goes up after Obama releases oil / Obama recognizes, talks with the Muslim Brotherhood / The non-Twitter Weiner scandal at State / Congressmen demand pro-Hamas activists be protected from Israel / Congress, NBC and Under God / Same Sex marriage in New York / Feisal Rauf associated with anti-Israel flotilla / Iraq’s vulnerable religious minorities / Nigerian churchs install metal detectors / The Kabul hotel attack
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT FOR JUNE 29th, 2011 – William J Murray reports on President Obama, Congress and terrorism. This issue includes Obama’s drive to make us more dependent on energy from despotic nations and his release of oil from the Strategic Reserve. The genocide of Christians in the Sudan which Obama is also ignoring while assisting Muslims in Egypt is questioned. At the Capitol Peter King’s hearings on radical Islam in our prisons and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification bill are investigated. On the international front the continued slaughter of Christians in Nigeria by the Boko Haram is discussed. Also covered is the continued push for sharia law in Egypt by elements of the Muslim Brotherhood.
ABOUT THAT OIL RELEASE – Last week I wrote that President Obama’s attempt to manipulate the markets with a release of oil from the Strategic Reserve would do little except frustrate markets. His intention was to bring down the price of oil and “teach speculators a lesson.” On the day Obama announced the release of a million barrels of oil a day, oil was trading for $92 a barrel and yes, it quickly fell — for a few days. Exactly one week after the release of oil from our emergency reserve, oil traded for $95 a barrel. The amount of oil the United States government holds in reserve is not large enough to affect world prices for more than a few days. Final result: The oil in the reserve, which was bought at an average price of about $50 a barrel, must now be replaced with oil costing nearly $100 a barrel.
“Allah is our objective.
The Prophet is our leader.
Qur’an is our law.
Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
The Obama Administration has begun a relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood stating, “The political landscape in Egypt has changed, and is changing. It is in our interests to engage with all of the parties that are competing for parliament or the presidency,” a State Department official told Reuters. Negotiate this: The only acceptable final agreement for the Muslim Brotherhood will be the surrender of our Constitution and the establishment of sharia as the law under a Caliphate.

CONGRESSMEN COMPLAIN TO NBC OVER “UNDER GOD” DELETION – 108 Members of Congress sent a Letter to NBC chastising the network for cutting “Under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance during its coverage of the U.S. Open this month. NBC aired a patriotic video montage that included children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and twice during the video “under God” was cut out of the Pledge. Congressman Randy Forbes, Co-Chairman of the Congressional Prayer Caucus, and 107 other Members of Congress sent the bipartisan letter to Mr. Stephen Burke, CEO of NBCUniversal, expressing serious concerns. Read more
KABUL HOTEL ATTACK – At least eight Taliban armed with guns and bombs shot their way into the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan killing several Westerners this week. US troops had to be called to take the hotel back. The attack came just days after the Obama Administration announced it was in talks with the Taliban.
RELEASE ASIA BIBI NOW – Pakistani Christians are demanding the release of Asia Bibi, mother of five, who has been falsely accused of blasphemy and jailed for nearly two years. Blasphemy laws in Pakistan are used to blackmail Christians and steal their homes and land. This is just one more outrage. More at Pakistan Christian Post
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