Demanding that Biden continue Trump policy on Nigeria

Biden allows travel from Nigeria: President Donald Trump had stopped Nigerians from freely travelling to the United States because of increased Sunni Muslim terrorist activities there. Immigration from Nigeria was also banned by the Trump Administration.
Joe Biden, in his first week in office, issued an executive order to undo what he called the “Muslim travel ban.” Biden has ordered that the travel ban be lifted from Muslim nations that have active cells of Sunni Muslim terrorists including Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Yemen, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Tanzania.
It will now be exceedingly difficult to protect our nation from Muslim terrorists.
President Trump’s State Department had also added Nigeria to a list of “Countries of Particular Concern” in December of 2020 due to severe violations of religious minorities pursuant to the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA).
The travel ban proclaimed by President Trump, and his adding Nigeria to the “Countries of Particular Concern” list of nations that violate religious freedom, were steps toward confronting the Sunni Muslim president of Nigeria. President Buhari allows the attacks on Christians and actively suppresses the Shia Muslim minority (who are less violent than the Sunni Muslims) and much harsher action is needed from the U.S.
On January 15th – FIVE DAYS BEFORE BIDEN WAS SWORN IN – I mailed 65,000 letters to social conservatives, asking them to mail post cards to Joe Biden demanding action against Nigeria’s Muslim president to force him to stop the killings of Christians.
I also mailed every supporter of the Religious Freedom Coalition a survey asking what programs they supported for 2021. The vast majority of responses so far are in favor of continuing the post card program to pressure Joe Biden to take action on Nigeria.
My plan is to mail hundreds of thousands of letters with cards like the one shown during I want to give social conservatives who believe in religious freedom and in protecting the lives of persecuted Christians the opportunity to tell Joe Biden to do something even if his far left internationalist friends advise him otherwise.

Not all the supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition have received personalized copies of the post card to send to Joe Biden.
Every supporter of the Religious Freedom Coalition and all those who receive my newsletters should receive their personalized post cards to send to Joe Biden by the end of March.
Your name, city, state and zip code will be on the card to be sent to Biden. You will only have to sign it, put a stamp on it, and mail it directly to the White House. If you do not receive mail or emails from us but would like to be added to our email list to participate, please sign up through the home page of our website.
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