Chairman’s Report for August 23, 2024
In this issue of the newsletter
Update: Can the truth be told on Facebook and other social media outlets?
New: Christmas for Refugees program planning begins for Lebanon and Nigeria
New: Matching Gift Fund – In 2024 all program gifts will be doubled
New: New Baptisms at the orphanage / Bible clubs at the IDP camps
Facebook denies most of our post promotions!
Advertising that Facebook does accept is only seen by our current supporters
Telling the truth is difficult: Most Americans are totally ignorant of how censored the media is, particularly social media platforms such as Facebook.
When billionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter, he exposed the fact that a special FBI unit had been “advising” Twitter which stories to block and which advertising to limit during
the 2020 election that saw Biden/Harris come to power.

Before Musk bought Twitter, the FBI advised Twitter (now X), Facebook and Instagram to block or throttle stories such as those on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.
The FBI had added their own layer of censorship to Facebook, Twitter and the other social media platforms. The FBI is part of the Justice Department and was operating to actively censor conservatives even when President Trump was still in office!
Facebook and other social media outlets already had teams set up to either totally block or throttle posts made by anyone the left-leaning elites disagree with.
TikTok was the only powerful social media outlet that didn’t throttle conservatives during the election. Oddly, Republican leaders were busy during the 2020 election trying to shutdown TikTok because a Chinese company owned it.
LETS GET REAL: Facebook poured huge sums of money into media and lobbying campaigns against TikTok, hoping to shut it down and expand the Facebook/Instagram monopoly of social media.
Facebook paid Targeted Victory huge sums of money to mount a campaign against TikTok with letters to the editor and op-eds in newspapers and other media outlets. Targeted Victory’s main business model is getting GOP candidates elected to office.
Is TikTok a major threat to America’s national security? I don’t know the answer to that, but I sure am not going to take Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s word for it.
Of course, active-duty military should not be using TikTok as it could reveal their location and their mission. That said about TikTok, Chinese and Russian spies can easily scan Facebook and Instagram and get most of the same information. All social media should be banned from military bases and operations.
Meanwhile Facebook continues to discriminate against the Religious Freedom Coalition and other social conservative groups.
Facebook discriminates against any group that goes against the “global warming” agenda or speaks out against DEI. Facebook either bans or throttles any individual or group that is antiwoke in any manner or fashion.
The Religious Freedom Coalition has also long been listed as a “hate organization” on social media platforms. Our organization was first branded a “hate” group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Yet another reason to throttle our Facebook posts.
The primary reason for the “hate group” designation is my refusal to provide aid to the Sunni Muslims who persecute Christians all over the world. All our aid programs are for Christian victims of Islamic terror only.
This throttling and outright blocking of paid promotion of our posts means the public never learns of the slaughter of Christians in Plateau State and the thousands of young orphans created by Islamic terror in Nigeria.
The Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) crisis in Nigeria is never mentioned in the news because 95% of those affected are Christians.
Getting past the censors … Our aid programs to Christians in the Middle East and Nigeria are central to us, but getting the truth to the American public about what is happening is an important part of our mission.

I have authorized an advertising campaign displaying the victims of Islamic terror in Nigeria using direct advertising placements that skip Google, Apple, Facebook, and other platforms that censor.
Our advertising is being displayed directly at Internet sites such as Bible Gateway. The direct placements of the ads exposing the truth about what is happening in Nigeria cannot be blocked, as they are contracted directly to the Internet sites involved.
Someone searching for a Scripture verse may well see one of the ads exposing Islamic terror against Christians in Nigeria.
Do our Internet ads ask for a donation? Yes, but there is no chance that we can recover the cost of the advertising. The advertising posts are being used to make younger Christians aware of the continuing horrors of Islamic terror that are no longer reported in the Western media. The younger generation of Christians must be made aware of the persecution!
Please pray that our paid posts generate awareness. Please pray that some new supporters will also join with us to help the persecuted.
Please consider assisting with our advertising awareness campaign.
Matching Gift Fund Activated!
Leadership Circle Matching Gift: The Leadership Circle is a group of generous Religious Freedom Coalition supporters who come together each year to create a matching fund to encourage others to donate.
Gifts to the Religious Freedom Coalition for all programs will be doubled by the Matching Gift Fund. One area of great need is for special needs adults in Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Lord.
Gifts to the Diaper Program will be doubled. Gifts to all Nigeria projects including the orphanage and help for IDP orphans will also be doubled.
For many years the matching gift fund was only available for the Christmas for Refugees program. This year gifts to all programs in the Middle East and Nigeria will be doubled.
Christmas for Refugees
The Christmas programs our ministry organizes for Christian refugees from Islamic terror are centered on Jesus.

The programs are about recentering Jesus on the lives of children driven from their homes and often orphaned.
Every event that is held for the children in December each year is geared to help them make a decision to truly accept Jesus as their savior.
The programs last hours and include a hot meal when possible and plenty of singing and games. But all activities point to Jesus. For example, there is always a coloring contest. The children do their best to color a Nativity scene for a prize.
Our programs have many thousands of participants each year in war torn Syria. Many who participate are orphans. Nearly half the population of Lebanon are refugees from war in Syria and Iraq. At least 100,000 of the refugees in Lebanon are Christians.
The children at our orphanage in Nigeria began holding Jesus centered Christmas events for the many new orphans and displaced children just south of Jos.
The “Happy Birthday Jesus” events held at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in Mangu and other areas bring joy to children who have lost their homes, and many times one or both parents. The “Happy Birthday Jesus” events in Plateau State remind the children that regardless of the pain they have endured, Jesus is with them.
Many of the events are in the planning stage and the total budget has not been set. As soon as the Christmas events are scheduled and the number of children is known, I will send you a detailed letter about the Christmas programs. Please pray for the planning and execution of the Christmas programs.
Last year, areas we held Christmas programs in were attacked, and even more Christians killed! Please pray for the protection of Nigeria’s Christians.
Diaper Update
I have made two special appeals in letters to supporters asking for help with our adult diaper program. The greatest need is to help Christian special needs adults in the West Bank.
In “good times” Christians in the West Bank receive an average wage of $32 a day. Wages in the “West Bank” are about one-third the wages in Israel, but the cost of goods in “West Bank” towns such as Bethlehem are higher than in Israel.
There are no “good times” in the West Bank this year! Because of the ongoing Hamas- Israel war, more than 80% of Christians are unemployed. Many Christians were employed in tourism, but because of the war there is no tourism. Hotels and restaurants are shut down and tour buses just sit empty in lots.

Christian employees (RFC Photo 8/1/24)
Christians are no longer allowed to enter Jerusalem to work. Because of the war, Israel has stopped all work permits for West Bank residents, including Christians.
We are helping desperate Christians who are persecuted in the Middle East and Nigeria. Orphans who had no homes because of terror have now been provided homes.
Special needs adult Christians reaching the end of their lives are being comforted with adult diapers and the Word of God.
But Religious Freedom Coalition programs do not end with charity. At the same time, we are working tirelessly to tell the truth to elected officials and the American public. Tens of thousands of dollars are spent each year shouting Islamic terrorism still threatens the world!
Nigerian Orphans are not forgotten
Baptisms: Eleven of our teenagers at our orphanage accepted the Lord this year and were baptized the Sunday before the school graduation ceremony!
Bible Clubs: There are hundreds of children in Bokkos, Mangu, Barkin Ladi and Miango who still do not have homes. For many, the IDP camp is their new reality. Our support programs at the IDP camps have begun Bible studies for children at different age points. In the next newsletter there will be more information and pictures about the Bible study groups.
We are planning even more for orphans in Bokkos, Mangu, Barkin Ladi and Miango who have not as yet been placed in homes. Our Christmas programs in Nigeria will be expanded this year to include as many of these children as possible.
Please pray for the persecuted Christians around the world and for the safety of the newly orphaned children in Plateau State.
William J. Murray, President
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