Father Keith Roderick and William Murray visit Orthodox priest in a burned out church in Kosovo

Chairman's Report -- April 3, 2014

IN THIS ISSUE: Reverend Keith Roderick, Religious Freedom Coalition board member and long time defender of those persecuted for their faith, dies at age 61 / Are all congressmen basically alike, or are some God fearing and hard working? / The good and the bad on Capitol Hill / Christmas for Refugee program
A Sharia Free USA

Sharia Law: Threat To America’s Constitutional Freedoms

The American Freedom Law Center recently held a conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on the danger that Islamic Sharia law poses to our First Amendment freedoms. To make this danger as clear as possible, a Muslim scholar who operates out of an Islamic Center in Memphis, Tennessee, has provided us with a frightening view of the future in America should Sharia be adopted as a parallel legal system in the U.S.

Chairman's Report - March 14, 2014

In this issue:  Senator John McCain verbally attacks Syrian clergy visiting the Capitol to plea for help – this after he had traveled to Syria promoting the civil war there.  Senator McCain and Secretary John Kerry travel to Kiev to encourage the mobs which have forced out a  democratically elected government there.  Why do President Obama and the Western media hate Russia so much?  Also, the Religious Freedom Coalition makes specific plans to help Christian refugees in the Middle East.
Very Reverend Keith Roderick

Father Keith Roderick - Defender of the faith and the oppressed

The Very Reverend Keith Roderick, our brother in the Lord and a member of the Board of Directors of the Religious Freedom Coalition, has passed away. Father Keith, as most called him, died in his sleep at home at age 61 greatly to be missed by the oppressed of this world.

Chairman's Report - February 21, 2014

In This Issue: In February the Religious Freedom Coalition has been a part of several major Capitol Hill events which presented news from the Middle East that the Obama Administration and many in Congress do not want to hear. Chairman Murray met with the Syrian church leaders which Senator McCain later cursed during a congressional meeting.
William Murray speaking at the site of the drafting of the Virginia Act Establishing Religious Freedom in 1777.

Chairman's Report -- January 31, 2014

In this issue, William Murray includes his remarks as keynote speaker at the National Religious Freedom Day celebration at the Fredericksburg, Virginia monument which commemorates adoption of the world's first formal statute guaranteeing religious freedom.  .The same week, Murray escorted a noted Islamic scholar from Australia, Dr. Mark Durie, to meet with Congressmen in Washington, D.C., and to speak at the Hudson Institute.  Durie's topic was the attempt by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a group of 57 Muslim majority nations, to use their voting power in the United Nations to pass international blasphemy laws.
William Murray lays wreath at memorial during celebration of religious freedom, as honor guard from the Knights Templar and Knights of Columbus salute.

Atheists try to hijack National Religious Freedom Day

A local atheist group attempted to hijack National Religious Freedom Day at the site Thomas Jefferson wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Religious Freedom Coalition chairman William J. Murray was the keynote speaker and atheists demanded a "rebuttal" at an event that was 90% parade and celebratory. The atheists were informed that this was a celebration not a debate.

Chairman's Report -- January 10, 2014

 Christmas for Refugees program to expand             …
William J Murray

Thank you for your support - End of weekly updates

For nearly two decades I have written a weekly news update from Capitol Hill which was emailed to supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition. Regrettably over the years the number of subscribers declined as news feeds became more popular and the number of readers did not justify the amount of preparation work required. The service has been discontinued.

Christmas Dinner For Christian Refugee Children From Syria, Iraq

Preparations were underway in Jordan's capital Amman for "the first ever Christmas meal for Christian refugee children from Iraq and Syria" who have been "mostly ignored by Islamic charities," organizers said.Project Director William J. Murray, who leads the Washington-based Religious Freedom Coalition (RFC), told BosNewsLife he would supervise the dinner "to make sure all the children we can reach out to and invite will have a special occasion."