Washington Report- August 23rd, 2013
In this issue: Priest says Obama does not understand Egypt / Obama military being cleansed of Christians / White House jokes about attacks on Coptic Christians / Senator condemns attacks on Coptic Christians / Congress in recess / Reeducation camps for Christians? / Terrorist Assistance And Facilitation Act / Egypt: Documented attacks on Christians / Egypt: Coptic Pope calls MB terrorists/ Syria: The chemical attacks that weren't / Out of context? Radical Imam calls for death of Hindus and Buddhists
Washington Report- August 16th, 2013
In this issue: Obama's gay hypocrisy / Obama praises Islam / Obama's dog gets own helicopter / Social conservative wins NJ primary / McCain and Graham anger secular Egyptians / Huckabee on the mayhem of Islam / Muslim Brotherhood fights for sharia in Egypt / Fatwa in Syria allows looting / No justice yet for Pakistani pastor / Christians attacked in Central African Republic
Chairman's Report - August 16, 2013
In this issue: A report on the car bombings against Christians over two years in the Christian majority city of Jaramana, Syria / Several congressmen introduce resolution asking for protection of Egyptian Christians / Congressmen defend the right of legislators to pray at meetings / Florida public school textbooks trash Christianity and call Mohammed "God's Messenger"
Syrian Christians killed by Obama's Islamist friends
William J. Murray explores the attacks on the majority Christian city of Jaramana, Syria by the Islamists "rebels' supported by President Barack Obama. Less than one week after Murray appeared on the Mike Huckabee Show to discuss this article another car bomb exploded in Jaramana killing eighteen including three children.
Washington Report- August 9th, 2013
In this issue: Obama ignores mass killing of Christians / Dishonoring those who serve / Former Army officer explains president's "radical transformation" / Senator warns of persecution of U.S. pastors / Congressmen file suit to allow legislative prayer / Congressional resolution on persecution of Copts / Islamists slaughter 120 Kurdish children / Three American jihadists killed / In Philippines Muslims attack school and hospital / Ramadan death toll rising
Huckabee Show: William Murray exposes attacks on Syrian Christian town
Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman William J. Murray appeared on the Mike Huckabee Report August 5th, 2013 to discuss the car bombing in the majority Christian city of Jaramana in Syria and other atrocities against Christians in Syria by the Barack Obama supported Islamists.
Washington Report- August 2nd, 2013
In this issue: Clarity on Snowden and Russia / Obama Justice: Transgenders a protected class / Obama's IRS still targets pro-life groups/ Congressmen question IRS targeting of pro-life Groups / August Recess / No tax dollars for jihadists / School textbook promotes Islam, ignores Christianity / CAIR says Muslims above U.S. law / Syria: WND.COM features my op-ed on Syria / Nigeria: More Christians killed / Kidnapping and forced conversion to Islam of pastor's daughter. Saudi Arabia: Jail and lashes for blasphemy / More kidnapped Christian clergy
Washington Report- July 26th, 2013
In this issue: Obama's Ramadan / Al Gore's gateway to Islamist propaganda / Congressman warns of new "global caliphate" / Religious freedom becoming a "second tier right"? / No funds for atheist "chaplain" / No tax dollars for jihadists / Immigrant wins battle to keep Jesus statue up / Air Force chaplain under attack / Congressman speaks out against arming Syrian "rebels" / Syrian "rebels" attack convoy of unarmed Christians / Young girl flees forced Muslim marriage
Chairman's Report - July, 25, 2013
IN THIS ISSUE: William J Murray speaks at religious freedom rally on Capitol Hill / Murray and Lela Gilbert discuss Saturday People, Sunday People, Religious liberty becoming a second tier freedom / Murray discusses Syria with congressmen / The Saudi evil Newspaper ad campaign
Washington Report- July 19th, 2013
In this issue: Obama's godless army / Ft. Hood victim attacks Obama Administration / Congressmen defending faith in military / Senator Cruz for President? / No tax dollars for Jihadists / Pro-gay anti DOMA decision will affect public schools / American imam trashes Constitution and human rights / Dubai: European jailed because she was raped / Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood declares war / Sudan: Christians uprooted and killed / China: Model of America with no soul