Report From Washington – June 3, 2011
OBAMA, THE DEBT AND FOREIGN AID – The credit rating agency Moody’s is now threatening to lower the rating of the United States because of massive debt. Lowering the rating from AAA would increase interest payments dramatically. Meanwhile, Obama’s State Department and other agencies are giving money to nations that actually hold huge amounts of US debt including China. Fox News obtained a CRS report showing that in 2010 the U.S. gave $1.4 billion to 16 foreign countries that held at least $10 billion in Treasury securities.Incredibly enough, we are borrowing money from other nations and then giving it back to them in “aid” while still owing them the money. See full list
OBAMA’S HOMELAND SECURITY – President Obama has nominated David Heyman as Assistant Secretary for Policy at the U.S.. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and at the same agency, Secretary Napolitano has appointme Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. Both men are devout Muslims, and in her announcement Napolitano made that clear. When Catholics, Jews or Baptists are appointed or hired their religion is not mentioned, but why is that? Pandering to Islam and political correctness would be the answer. Alikan is associated with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) “a public service agency working for the civil rights of American Muslims.” Both men will have top security clearances. Several Muslims at the DHS who have top security clearances are associated with groups that claim Hamas and Hezbollah are humanitarian groups. Meanwhile, Secretary Napolitano has ordered an investigation of the Border Agents who work for her, because they are allegedly “profiling” Muslims at the Canadian border.
CONGRESSMEN JOIN MEMORIAL LAWSUIT – Congressmen who are members of the Prayer Caucus headed by Randy Forbes (R-VA) filed an Amicus Brief in the Utah Roadside Cross Memorial Case. The amicus brief to the Supreme Court urged it to decide if crosses placed on Utah roadsides to honor fallen state troopers violate the Establishment Clause. Utah allows a private nonprofit organization to place cross memorials at sites where state troopers have been killed in the line of duty. The 10th Circuit held that the crosses were unconstitutional because they caused a reasonable observer to believe the state was endorsing a specific religion. Twenty states are also urging the Supreme Court to hear the case and overturn the ruling.
PASTOR FILES LAWSUIT TO SAY “JESUS” – Rev. Scott Rainey was allowed to pray in the name of Jesus at a Memorial Day celebration in Texas, but only after taking legal action.The pastor had been invited to pray at an event at a National Cemetery, but the Department of Veterans Affairs instructed the pastor that he would not be allowed to pray unless he removed references to Jesus. He sued and a federal judge held that the government was engaging in impermissible religious viewpoint discrimination, and was “forbidden from dictating the content of speeches”
BRITISH TEACHER BEATEN TO ENFORCE SHARIA THAT IMAM RAUF SAYS IS DEMOCRATIC- Four Muslim men in London, England were tried last week and found guilty of a vicious attack against a local schoolmaster named Gary Smith who was the head of religious studies at the Central Foundation Girls’ School, an academically prestigious school for girls aged 11 to 18. The defendants in the case, ranging in age from 19 to 27, have admitted to causing Mr. Smith “grievous bodily harm” when they smashed his head with a concrete block, slashed his face with a knife and beat him with a metal rod. Smith required surgery after which he was unconscious for two days, and is still unable to work. Their reason for the attack, in recordings played before the court, was that “He’s mocking Islam and he’s putting doubts in people’s minds. How can somebody take a job to teach Islam when they’re not even a Muslim themselves?” Read more

AUSTRALIA BUS ADS OFFEND CHRISTIANS – The percentage of Muslims in Australia is very small, but with money from wealthy Arab states they make their presence known. The Australian organization Mypeace is purchasing ads on buses and billboards in Sydney claiming Jesus was a prophet of Islam. Read more
CHRISTIANS ATTACKED IN SUDAN – Christians are fleeing the border regions near the Muslim north of that nation as attacks against them continue amid fears of a new civil war between the Muslim Arab north and the Christian south. Hundreds have died in just the past two weeks. The Christian town of Abyei has been occupied by the Sudan Armed Forces and thousands more forced to flee. Read more
ARE WE FORGETTING ASIA BIBI – Remember Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian woman who has sat for over a year in a jail without trial on a blasphemy charge? Read more
VISIT OUR INTERNET STORE – Our Internet store has more than books and CD’s. There is everything from candy to jewelry and all of it has a Christian theme. Unlike Amazon and other major Internet stores we do not sell porn and satanic materials right beside Christian books. Ours is a real Christian store with tens of thousands of items. Please take a look. The store is located at
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