Chairman's Report for July 1, 2016

In this newsletter: June diaper distribution to Christian refugees in Iraq completed / Summer camp we support in Jordan updates completed including new refrigerators and freezer / Post Card to Congress programs do change the minds of congressmen / Congress must designate refugee funds for victims of Islam not Islamists / Under Obama 99% of Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslim although the Christians population is over 10% and Christians are official victims of genocide.

As Islamic Terror Attacks Grow President Obama and Speaker Ryan Plan For 300,000 More Middle Eastern "refugees"

The Republican majority controlled House and Senate complains about President Obama bringing in tens of thousands of Middle Eastern Muslim refugees to America while at the same time voting to give him funds to do just that when there is amble reason to believe the majority of them won’t assimilate into our culture, and some will pose a real danger.

Highways to Hell Paved With Utopian Dreams

In an era of resurgent collectivism, Religious Freedom Coalition founder William J. Murray “stands athwart history yelling ‘stop’” with his new book Utopian Road to Hell: Enslaving America and the World with Central Planning. Therein he provides a valuable primer into mankind’s rogue gallery of radicals who have ravaged humanity from antiquity to the present with interrelated utopian delusions both authoritarian and hedonistic in nature.

Chairman's Report for June 10, 2016

In this newsletter: Obama can’t find any persecuted Syrian Christians - 97% of Syrian refugees Obama imported in 2015 were Sunni Muslim - The United States is still arming Sunni fighters in Syria – why? - Lack of diapers for Christian refugee babies is causing severe health problems

Chairman's Report for May 20, 2016

In this issue: National Day of Prayer events in Washington, DC / World Magazine editor on persecuted Christians in Iraq / Diapers for Refugees sets new delivery date for Christians in Iraq. Read more about Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman William J. Murray

Chairman's Report for April 22nd, 2016

In April 22, 2016 issue of the newsletter: New: Who writes your congressman’s letters to you? – President Obama’s staff? Update: Post Card program continues to grow as 150,000 cards mail so far in 2016 Update: A return to our summer camp – Christian summer camp for kids in Jordan Update: Diapers for Refugees becomes a critically needed program in Iraq

Totalitarian Democracy and Dangerous Use of Deadly Drones

President Barack Obama is slowly closing the Guantanamo Bay detention center which once held hundreds of Al-Qaeda terrorists because he says it is a “recruiting tool” for groups such as the Islamic State. But to the contrary evidence points to Obama’s drone war as being a fundamental recruiting tool for Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State because of the number of civilians killed. Ten percent of those killed by Obama's "signature" drone strikes are innocent civilians and in some cases hostages of jihadists.

28 Pages - CBS 60 Minutes reports on the Saudi connection to 9-11

The Religious Freedom Coalition has reported almost from the day of the 9/11 jihad attack that Saudi Arabian interests were involved because of the racist, misogynistic and violently anti Western version of Islam that is financed by the royal families. Finally a major news organization, CBS News, has exposed Saudi involvement.

Chairman's Report for March 18th, 2016

In this issue of the newsletter: Exposing Sunni terror – Our ISIS problem is our Saudi Arabia problem / Christmas for Refugees program promoted at major conference / First major supply of diapers delivered to our ministry partner in Iraq / RFC Chairman William Murray's new book, Utopian Road to Hell, went on sale March 8th and sold out at Amazon in two days!

Chairman's Report for February 26, 2016

In this issue of the newsletter: Our ministry partner in Iraq visits congressional and Senate offices / Meeting the Speaker of the House – Telling the Speaker the truth / Postcards to Congress campaign expands -No more guns to Islamic fighters / Diapers for Iraqi Christian refugee babies and other aid program updates