RFC Chairman Participates in Live Nativity
Religious Freedom Coalition chairman William J. Murray participated in a live Nativity sponsored by Faith and Action on the steps of the Supreme Court and at the Capitol Building. He and other leaders in the Washington faith community read the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ aloud at several sites

Chairman's Report for December 4th, 2015
In this issue of the newsletter:
Update: Christmas for Refugees…

Thanksgiving Day 2015
Real Meaning of Thanksgiving –
Thanksgiving in America has clearly been about giving thanks to God, up until the last half of the 20th Century. The early documents of the nation, even from the Continental Congress, show the meaning of Thanksgiving as intended by the nation’s Founders as a day of reverence to God

Chairman William J. Murray Discusses Paris Terror Attack on PIJN News
In an interview with Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt of…

Chairman's Report for November 13th
In this issue of the newsletter: Proof Obama ignores Christian refugees yet imports Muslims / Christmas for Refugees program expansion on track for biggest year / New: Billy Graham’s Decision Magazine interviews William Murray on religious freedom / The post card programs to stop funding of Islamic fighters by Congress– We visit one of the most liberal Senators / Just 53 Syrian Christians admitted by Obama in the last five years!

Obama on Christian refugees: No, thanks
By William J. Murray:
This year Obama’s so-called Justice…

Heavy Rain & Islamic Terrorism Descend On Amman, Jordan
The Religious Freedom Coalition’s Christmas For Refugees program stores food in a warehouse in Amman and we’re still waiting word from our sources there if the warehouse has been flooded or destroyed by the rain.

Chairman's Report for October 2nd, 2015
In this issue of the newsletter:
Update: Mission report from…

The plight of displaced Iraqi Christians who fled to Kurdish areas
A first hand report from Iraq
By William J. Murray, Chairman…