An Urgent Need In Crisis Ridden Iraq
Manara Ministries is the ministry overseeing the Religious Freedom Coalition Christmas For Refugees program in the Middle East. RFC Chairman William J. Murray is currently in Lebanon working with Manara to provide a Christmas meal for hundreds of refugee children – children displaced by Islamic terrorists – like those barbarians who killed 132 children in Pakistan yesterday.
First Christmas Event Held For Refugee Children in Lebanon
On December 6th the first Christmas dinner for one hundred Christian refugee children was held in Beirut, Lebanon. The next two dinners will be held in Lebanon on in mid-month. The remaining nine planned banquets will be held Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley
Chairman's Report December 12, 2014
In this issue: Christmas for Refugees program begins in Lebanon / Did Senators and Congressmen respond to constituents' demands to stop Islamist rebels? / The National Defense Authorization Act, not exactly transparent / The Damascus Massacre - will history repeat itself? / Syrian refugees -- from middle class to suddenly dirt poor
Support RFC’s Christmas For Christian Refugees Ministry
The Christmas for Refugees program that was so successful last year is being expanded. As of now, the plans are for 1,000 Christmas dinners to be served to Christian refugee children in Jordan and 1,000 more to children in Lebanon. Each child will take home to their family a box of staple foods valued at about $30 to $35. The ministry we coordinate with in Lebanon says they can easily expand the program to 1,500 or even 2,000 children — if we can raise the funds. Please pray that we can reach as many children as possible.
Syrian Refugee Babies Freeze To Death In Tent Camps
BABY Fatima was less than 48 hours old when she died last weekend. Her parents, Syrian refugees living in a tent on the outskirts of Arsal, a Lebanese border town, rushed to the local hospital when they found she was not responding, but it was already too late: she had succumbed to the first snap of freezing winter weather.
The Churchless City That Helped Topple Communism
Shortly after the November 2014 general election, Gov. Mike Huckabee led a journey of 100 pastors and other evangelical leaders to some of the bright spots of history, but also to some of the darkest places on earth, including the Nazi death camps in Poland and Nowa Huta, a godless "workers' paradise built by communist utopianists
Chairman's Report November 20, 2014
In this issue (which was largely written on an airplane): Quarter of a million "Stop Funding Terror" postcards for Congress distributed / Christmas for Refugees dinners about more than just food / Gov. Mike Huckabee leads tour group (including William Murray) to places where the battles against ideological tyrannies were fought / A visit to hell on earth at Auschwitz / What changes will elections of 2014 bring?
U.N. Estimates 13.6 Million Displaced By Wars In Syria And Iraq
The United Nations refugee agency has estimated that nearly 14 million people have been driven from their homes due to the wars in Syria and Iraq. The 13.6 includes 7.2 million displaced inside Syria, and 3.3 million Syrians in other countries. In Iraq, 1.9 million have been displaced adding to the 1 million previously driven from their homes.
High School Student Banned From Praying On Free Time
Chase Windebank, a student at Pine Creek High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, has been banned from discussing the Bible and praying with fellow students during his free time on campus. The principal of the school claims that Windebanks’ actions violate the separation of church and state.
Chairman's Report October 29, 2014
In this issue: Religious Freedom Coalition chairman William J. Murray announced that plans for thousands of Christmas dinners of Christian refugee children were on schedule / Christmas dinner program may expand / Post Card program to Congress demanding a stop to funding for Sunni Islamist fighters in Iraq and Syria be stopped / The I Stand Sunday program to stop repression of pastors in Houston was a great success