Remembering the 9-11 Jihad Attack Against America

I was on I-395 approaching the 14th Street bridge at the moment Islamic terrorists flew hijacked American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon. At the time I was literally on the phone with an assistant to President Bush talking about the jihad attack in New York City. I had been headed to a press conference in support of the Sudan Peace Act that the White House opposed. The Sudan Peace Act would have punished the Islamic Sudanese government economically for murdering for the continued persecution and mass murder of Christians in the South Sudan.
William Murray at Flight 93 National Memorial

Chairman's Report August 31, 2014

IN THIS ISSUE: Aid program to Christian refugees: Container delivered / More aid to Lebanon as Christmas for Refugees program expands / Jihad against America – From 9-11 to the Islamic State (ISIL) / White House blames Syrian president for build up of Islamic forces in Iraq - YES IRAQ / No mention of God at Flight 95 National Memorial / The “hijacked religion of peace” strikes again

Saudi royal family will not allow Obama to save Christians in Iraq

Leading spokesman for religious freedom says President Obama will make no serious effort to defeat ISIL terrorists because they are Sunni. Chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition released a statement in which he quoted both the Wall Street Journal and Washington Times as admitting the royal family of Sunni Saudi Arabia would not permit the United States to defeat Sunni militants
Messianic Soldier Laid to Rest After Falling in Gaza

Chairman's Report August 7 2014

In this issue: Son of missionary David Ortiz serving in IDF in Gaza Strip / Christian  IDF member killed in Gaza / Russia and the persecuted Christians of the Middle East / William J. Murray to speak at two major conferences in Russia / Christmas for Refugees and Russia / France to accept Iraqi Christian Refugees
Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Russia

Religious Freedom Coalition chairman to speak at Moscow conference

William Murray to speak at World Russia Forum 2014 Advancing…
William J Murray

Faith, Freedom, and Fanaticism in the Middle East

Millions of Muslims “are looking for a way out of their misery,” Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia (CDHR) President Executive Director Ali Alyami stated at a July 17 Washington, DC, panel.  Yet the Saudi dissent Alyami’s discussed with his fellow panelists including William Murray of the Religious Freedom Coalition only emphasized how difficult an escape from this misery for Muslims and non-Muslims alike would be.

Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation Launches Social Media Campaign

The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation has launched a social media campaign to promote the message of our national motto: “In God We Trust.” This social media project is scheduled for July 30th. It’s called the “Million Voice” shout out – and it will be using Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr to reach millions of Americans with the message that we trust in God and no one else!
A large Protestant church in the city known as “China’s Jerusalem” was demolished on April 28th on the orders of local leaders. Sanjiang church, in the eastern city of Wenzhou, took six years and 30m yuan ($4.8m) to put up, but officials said it had violated building codes. Local Christians gathered at the church but were unable to stop the demolition. Unregistered “house churches” have long been the target of government crackdowns, but Sanjiang was part of the officially approved church.

Chairman's Report July 17th 2014

In this issue:  William J. Murray speaks this week at two events in Washington, DC, each concerning religious freedom.  The first rally was sponsored by the Falun Gong, whose members are sometimes imprisoned in China for their faith; some have even been executed and their organs harvested for transplants to  wealthy Westerners.  Murray called on the Chinese government to stop persecuting the peaceful Falun Gong, and stop tearing down the churches of peaceful Christians, and to focus instead on the Islamic terrorists who are their real enemies.  Murray also spoke on Capitol Hill at a conference sponsored by the Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia, where he explained how Saudi influence is behind many of the seemingly incomprehensible foreign policy decisions of our government.
Islamic murderers in Nigeria

U.S. House Reauthorizes Commission On Internatonal Religious Freedom

The U.S. House of Representatives voted to reauthorize the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom on Tuesday, with commission supporters urging more attention to religious persecution. “Given the state of religious freedom abroad today, the sobering reality is that the commission’s voice is as needed as it has ever been,” U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) said in a July 8 statement.

The Declaration Of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.