Chairman's Report for September 14th, 2012
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In this issue: Booing God - a defining moment for the Democrat party / Barack Obama is no Franklin Roosevelt / Government Is Not God and should not try to be / Values Voters Summit / Salvation Army founder William Booth predicted the social chaos of today / Christless churches and godless government

How Obama encourages Islamic violence
Islam is a culture of death, and the attacks on our embassies in the “Arab Spring” nations of Egypt and Libya, which we “liberated” from secular dictators, demonstrate this. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was on TV today with the old George W. Bush line that a small violent minority from the “religion of peace” was responsible for killing our ambassador. Really

William J Murray remembers 9-11 on the Mike Huckabee Show
This is the audio of William J. Murray's portion of the Mike Huckabee radio show on September 11, 2012. William J Murray discusses 9-11 and the Ground Zero Cross with Mike Huckabee on this the 11th anniversary of the jihadist attack on our nation. The Mike Huckabee Show is heard on the radio nationwide and had a large number of listeners who heard facts about the 9-11 attack they had not known before.

Remembering September 11th
I was on I-395 approaching the 14th Street bridge at the moment Islamic terrorists flew hijacked American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon. At the time I was literally on the phone with an assistant to President Bush talking about the jihad attack in New York City. I had been headed to a press conference in support of the Sudan Peace Act that the White House opposed. The Sudan Peace Act would have punished the Islamic Sudanese government economically for murdering for the continued persecution and mass murder of Christians in the South Sudan.

Report From Washington - September 7, 2012
In this issue: The Democrats, God and Jerusalem / Booing God at the Democrat Convention / Obama's abortion celebration / Congressional support of jihadists / Rapes and forced conversions to Islam in Pakistan / Jordanian jihadists fighting in Syria / "No pattern" in Afghans killing Americans according to General / Spain has "no go" areas for female cops / Collective punishment for Christians in Egypt

Report From Washington - August 31, 2012
In this issue: Mitt Romney avoids social issues / Ads tell truth about Obama / The Todd Akin saga / Karl Rove's murder "joke" aimed at Todd Akin / Congressmen defend statue of Jesus / School district can't kick out Christian club / Foot notes in Army report reveal truth about killings / Ramadan rampage / Pakistani Christian girl faces death for blasphemy / German Jews warned against yarmulkes / Crucifixions in Yemen / Join a fact finding mission to the Middle East

Chairman's Report for August 23rd, 2012
In this issue: Religious Freedom's Coalition newspaper ad exposing the radical anti religious liberty agenda of Barack Obama has now appeared in over forty newspapers. The ads will continue through September 6th. Meanwhile the Mitt Romney campaign is not doing much to endear itself to the social conservative movement. And on the Hill Republicans were attacking each other just before their convention. Senator McCain spoke for twenty minutes on the Senate floor denouncing fellow Republican Michele Bachmann while supporting a Hillary Clinton Muslim Brotherhood affiliated staffer.

Report From Washington - August 24, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama's DNC convention hosts Islamic leader who calls for America's destruction / GOP Senator comments on Islamic immigration / 70 congressmen file court briefs in ObamaCare mandate / Report on hostility toward faith in USA / Analysis of Afghan "friendlies" killing US troops / Egypt's turn to a Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship / UK's welfare for Islamic polygamy / Canadian beaten for walking "unclean" dog near Muslims

Why American atheists' hate 9/11 cross
The cross of Christ is offensive and a symbol of death to those who are perishing, but it is a symbol of resurrection and life to those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Savior. There is no clearer example of this biblical truth than the outrage expressed by David Silverman of American Atheists over a girder in the shape of a cross from the vicious Islamist jihad attack on America of Sept. 11, 2001.

Report From Washington - August 17, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama's FBI: Attacks on Christians are not hate crimes and attacks by Muslims are not terrorism / Obama-supported rebels execute hundreds / USA in a permanent bailout / The truth about Obama / Chair of USCIRF urges protection of religious minorities in Middle East / Atheists attack 9-11 museum / Court rules against Arizona atheists / More servicemen dead at hands of Afghan cops / Muslims riot in France / Hezbollah's terror theme park / EU politicians ignore crimes of Muslim nations