Hutton Hotel Can't Get its Story Straight on Why it Cancelled Sharia Conference

“Charging that two of our speakers have a history of enraging people to the point that ‘violence is imminent’ is absurd and libelous. None of our speakers has ever – I repeat, ever – advocated violence. There are people who will respond with violence to virtually any idea, concept, or event including beating opponent’s fans at baseball games. The outside possibility of a violent reaction from a small minority is no reason to cancel any conference, meeting or sports event in this nation," said event chairman William Murray

Report From Washington - October 21, 2011

IN THIS ISSUE: An Arab Spring or an Arab Fall? / Obama enters another war in Africa / Vanderbilt University's attack on Christians / Muslims demand Islamic military dress code in USA - Wants females to wear hijab / Are Hyatt Hotels anti-Semitic? / Pamela Geller barred from Hyatt Hotel / Evicting the GZ mosque / Sweden OK with Islamic hate speech on radio / Child abuse at U.K. Muslim schools / Another Christian beheaded

Report From Washington - October 14, 2011

IN THIS ISSUE: No support for Egyptian Christians from Obama / Incredible corruption centers on White House / Eric Cantor says Christians threatened / Congressman Frank Wolf, a Prisoner of Conscience / Islamic forced conversion / Public pool for Muslims only / Bloody Sunday in Cairo / Asia Bibi beaten in jail

Chairman's Report for October 14, 2011

In this issue: No White House comment as Christians die in Egypt / Obama supports those trashing Wall Street and using drugs / The faith of presidential challengers / Santorum on Islamic fascism / Grover Norguist exposed by Congressman Wolf / Journalism school teaches that 9-11 attack not a big deal / Sharia for France

Religious Freedom Coalition's William J. Murray Tells Michael Savage About The Threat of Sharia Law

William J. Murray, who is the chairman of the steering committee promoting the November 11th Constitution or Sharia Conference in Nashville, appeared on the nationally syndicated Michael Savage program to speak about the threat of Sharia to the United States. During the interview Murray touched on the great taboo that is never dealt with in discussing Islam, the fact that polygamy is the driving force of jihad

Report From Washington - October 7, 2011

In this issue: Obama encourages lawbreaking demonstrators / Bachmann, Cain, Santorum wow Values Voters / Straw poll shocker / Senator Rubio supports condemned pastor / Congressman Forbes stands for prayer in Congress / Congressman Wolf exposes Grover Norquist / Values Voter Summit and Sharia / EuropeNews on Sharia Laws

Report From Washington - September 30, 2011

IN THIS ISSUE: License to kill: Has Obama crossed the Rubicon / Obama surprise: He defends Christian in Iran / Congress supports religious liberty panel / Journalism school says 9-11 comparatively not that bad / The Tax Man's Jihad / The Nashville conference / Spelling error brings blasphemy charge / More evangelicals targeted in Iran / Muslims again attack in Thailand

Report From Washington - September 23, 2011

IN THIS ISSUE: Obama on Israel, gays and the world in general / Obama's message on a Palestinian state / Netanyahu responds to Abbas and Obama / New data: the Stimulus was 3% shovel ready / Senate to shut door on religious freedom / Texas student told to be pro-gay or get kicked out of school / The Constitution or Sharia conference / New Danish mega mosque / Pakistan: No flood aid for Christians / Another 100 plus Christians slaughtered in Nigeria.

Chairman's Report for September 22nd, 2011

PRESIDENT OBAMA WOULD PREFER WE FORGET – I have great sympathy for the families of the victims of the jihad attack against the United States on 9-11. But that tragic date symbolizes much more than the loss of life on that one day; it symbolizes the beginning of a great struggle between Western civilization and the imposition of a new medieval period of darkness upon the world, one in which New York would resemble Cairo or worse.

Report From Washington - September 16, 2011

IN THIS UPDATE: Barack Obama reads 46th Psalm - media loves it / Obama's Arab Spring brings sharia in the Fall / U.S commission on International Religious Freedom could close / Saudi textbooks still teach hatred of Christians and Jews / Churches aiding mosque with terror ties / A truthful Ground Zero rally / How Muslims view 9-11 / New Muslim attacks in the Philippines / Muslim attacks in Thailand now almost daily