Report From Washington – December 16, 2011
THE USCIRF BATTLEGROUND – There is no doubt that the Obama White House was behind the attempt to defund and shut down the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. The bleak reports from the USCIRF on religious persecution in many of the Islamic nations favored by President Obama moved his Administration to shut down the USCIRF through the back door. His point man, Senator Dick Durbin, is from Obama’s home state of Illinois. He is Obama’s former colleague and is also the Majority Whip, the number two Democrat in the Senate. The USCIRF is an embarrassment to an Administration which wants to pretend that Sharia law, which permits honor killings, is no differentthan English Common Law.
THE WHITE HOUSE AND USCIRF – Republicans in the Senate forced through temporary funding for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom; however, Democrats added a last minute Amendment that would get rid of many of the Bush appointees with “term limits” and allow Obama to stack the deck with liberals who have no problem with Islamic honor killings. The main sponsor of the bill in the House, Frank Wolf, called the demand blackmail. Late breaking news is that the amendment bill was passed by voice vote in the House.
SENATOR DURBIN’S WAR FOR ISLAM – Back in 2005 while George W. Bush was still in office, Senator Dick Durbin compared American soldiers to Nazis. He is now the second most powerful man in the United States Senate after Majority Leader Reid. Durbin’s key staffer, Reema B. Dodin, is in regular contact with the Council on American Islamic-Relations, which is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism case. Dodin is a Palestinian rights activist who organized anti-Israel rallies at the University of California at Berkeley as a student. Dodin was also a member of the Muslim Students Association, which was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood. More on Dodin. Durbin’s attempt to shut down the United States Commission on International Freedom should not come as a surprise to anyone. There is a smiling Durbin in this photo posing with men who have clear connections to radical Islam.
DURBIN USCRIF AMENDMENT – Senator Dick Durbin showed his true colors when tacking on an amendment to a bill reauthorizing funding for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. The amendment retroactively limits commissioners to a total of four years of service, thus he gets rid of Nina Shea and other critics of radical Islam from the USCIRF. His amendment also limits travel of commissioners to the same standards as the State Department, meaning they will not be able to travel to areas where religious freedom is most in jeopardy. An example: State Department staff may not visit East Jerusalem. Durbin’s refusal to fund USCIRF had nothing to do with freeing up money to fund a prison in Illinois as his staff suggested, and had everything to do with shutting down critics of radical Islam.
BIBLE BAN RESCINDED BY HOSPITAL – The Prayer Caucus, headed by Congressman Randy Forbes, (R-VA) intervened with the Walter Reed Armed Forces Hospital when it was learned that visitors had been banned from bringing Bibles and other religious objects to their loved ones. Congressman Steve King (R-IA) joined Forbes in demanding a change to the policy. Last week the hospital apologized and said a new policy would be issued. Read more
MOST MOSQUES IN US PROMOTE JIHAD – Perspectives on Terrorism recently released a comprehensive study on violence-advocating texts in American mosques titled Sharia Adherence Mosque Survey: Correlations between Sharia Adherence and Violent Dogma in U.S. Mosques. The Shariah Adherence Mosque Survey found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshipers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature. Read more
NEW CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Now available, the Chairman’s Report for December 14, 2011. In this issue: Our dear friend Solomon Nour joins the Lord / Is there logic in the White House? / Gays and Muslims go to the head of immigration lines / Secretary Clinton’s support for UN “blasphemy laws” / 3,000 “honor” attacks in UK in 2010 / A billion in aid to Pakistan – where are our priorities? / Poland’s first honor killing / Will Belgium protect its Jews?
LEARN MORE ABOUT SHARIA LAW – One of the best locations on the Internet to learn about Islamic Sharia law and its effect on the West is
FACEBOOK FAN? Sharia Free USA now has a Facebook page with more than 1,500 followers. Join with us at Facebook today!
WITCH IS 73rd PERSON BEHEADED IN SAUDI THIS YEAR –A 62-year-old Saudi Arabian woman convicted of “practicing witchcraft and sorcery,” was beheaded this week according to the Saudi interior ministry. Amina bint Abdulhalim Nassar became the 73rd person executed this year. She was found guilty of witchcraft in the Jawf province of the Kingdom. A few weeks ago 9 people from Bangladesh were beheaded but the crime they committed is unclear. Actually, under Islamic law a death sentence sometimes requires no crime at all.
ATTACK IN COPENHAGEN – The Hare Krishna temple in Western Copenhagen was recently assaulted by a group of young Muslims throwing stones and breaking windows. To diminish the risk in the now Muslim-dominated neighborhood, the devotees of the temple were requested not to wear their characteristic clothes. The police took 30 minutes to respond to the first attack and never showed up after the second attack. Read more
A “MODERATE” JORDANIAN IMAM SPEAKS – Sheik Ahmad Abu Quddum of the Jordanian Tahrir Party delivers a true insight into the nature of jihad as he discusses the “right” to wage war if Islam is not accepted. “If any state prevents us from spreading Islam on its soil we will wage jihad on that state. Youtube video

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