Chairman's Report for December 9, 2022

Christmas for Refugees programs in Lebanon and Syria restored! / Christians continue to suffer in Iraq even after Islamic State defeat / New water well needed at orphanage – Drilling authorized and funded / The mess on Capitol Hill has not been cleaned up – Meeting with Senator

Chairman's Report for November 18, 2022

Jos Christian Refuge for Children opens fully functional. Praise God! / Graduating orphans need transition homes during 33% unemployment / Former Muslims who accept the Lord need assistance and prayers / Christmas for Refugees programs face first cuts in over a decade

RFC Board Member Releases New Book

Bestselling author and internationally recognized journalist Ken Timmerman is a long-time member of the Board of Directors of the Religious Freedom Coalition. His newest book, And the Rest is History, is now available.

Children at home in our new orphanage!

The displaced Christian orphans we have cared for over the last several years have moved into their new home in Jos, Nigeria. The children have sent photos and videos of appreciation. They know we care for them with the love of the Lord.

Chairman's Report for October 14, 2022

Working on Capitol Hill to stop the killing of Christians in Nigeria / Our orphanage is an Island of mercy in a sea of hatred. / Children begin the move into Jos Christian Refuge for Children / Christmas for Refugees funding lags – Trusting the Lord for success

Christmas for Refugees 2022 Planning

Funding for the Christmas programs is well behind, and I have been unable to transfer funds according to our schedules. Is there something more at play? We can still make it with the help of the Christmas Matching Gift Fund.

Working on Capital Hill to Stop Killings in Nigeria

I was one of several leaders of groups concerned with religious freedom that signed a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken asking that Nigeria once again be designated a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) regarding religious freedom.

Chairman's Report for September 23, 2022

Temporary orphanage site flooded causing delays in move / Progress report on construction at new orphanage site / Fencing, gate and other security features at orphanage site / Expanding the Christmas for Refugees program in Syria and Nigeria

Remembering 9/11

Each of us will remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the moment we heard about the Islamic Jihad attack against our nation on September 11th. On that fateful day I was on my way to Washington, DC to participate in the Sudan Peace Act press conference to be held at the Rayburn House Office Building at 10:00 a.m. that morning.

Construction at New Orphanage Site Underway

Work has begun at the new orphanage site in Jos, Nigeria. We are fixing existing structures and building new structures to fit the needs of the orphanage. We are also fixing all fencing and installing larger gates to help the children feel safer.