Report From Washington, DC – July 8, 2011
As stimulus fades unemployment rises / Obama wants Arab oil not Canadian oil / Obama, George Soros and the Libyan rebels / Congressman Todd Akin on the hatred of God liberals have / Congressman says don’t fund same-sex military training / Gays for GOP presidential candidate? / Change the story of 9-11? / Islamists demand three UK cities / Pakistan’s Christian sex slaves / Imam says, “The world belongs to us.”
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT FOR JUNE 29th, 2011 – William J Murray reports on President Obama, Congress and terrorism. This issue includes Obama’s drive to make us more dependent on energy from despotic nations and his release of oil from the Strategic Reserve. The genocide of Christians in the Sudan which Obama is also ignoring while assisting Muslims in Egypt is questioned. At the Capitol Peter King’s hearings on radical Islam in our prisons and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification bill are investigated. On the international front the continued slaughter of Christians in Nigeria by the Boko Haram is discussed. Also covered is the continued push for sharia law in Egypt by elements of the Muslim Brotherhood.
AS STIMULUS FADES UNEMPLOYMENT RISES – Both the markets and the White House were “stunned” today when unemployment rose to 9.2% and the economy created only 16,000 jobs in June. To put the number of new jobs in perspective, it takes 125,000 new jobs a month just to cover population growth. Liberal Democrats will scream for even more government spending, but that is always just a short term solution. Real job growth comes through private investment which the Obama Administration is discouraging through regulation and the threat of new taxes on business.
OBAMA WANTS ARAB RATHER THAN CANADIAN OIL – Only Saudi Arabia has more recoverable oil reserves than Alberta, Canada. Unfortunately for Americans, the Obama Administration does not want oil from Alberta because it comes primarily from oil sands and Obama’s “green” supporters don’t like that fact. Currently Obama’s EPA is blocking the construction of a pipeline to the USA from Alberta that would bring investments of over $9 billion and create 100,000 jobs. Simply put, out of liberal ideology, Obama would rather have American dollars flow to Arab nations that fund extremist Islam than to Canada.
OBAMA, GEORGE SOROS AND THE LIBYAN “REBELS” – The foreign affairs adviser for a top U.S. lobby firm hired to represent the rebels of Libya served a few months ago as President Obama’s special representative to Egypt, where he reportedly held a clandestine meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, a public relations firm working on behalf of the rebels recently arranged a meeting for Libya’s opposition with a progressive group funded by billionaire George Soros that is known for its close relationship with the White House. Read More
OBAMA, GEORGE SOROS AND THE LIBYAN “REBELS” – The foreign affairs adviser for a top U.S. lobby firm hired to represent the rebels of Libya served a few months ago as President Obama’s special representative to Egypt, where he reportedly held a clandestine meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, a public relations firm working on behalf of the rebels recently arranged a meeting for Libya’s opposition with a progressive group funded by billionaire George Soros that is known for its close relationship with the White House. Read More

DON’T FUND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IN MILITARY – Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) has offered an amendment to H.R. 2219, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2012, which would prohibit the implementation of the Navy’s new guidance on same sex marriage for its chaplains. This comes after the Navy recently issued guidance to their chaplains to officiate at same-sex marriages on military bases. This was a contradiction to the Defense of Marriage Act, and so, Members of Congress sent a letter urging the rescindment of this new policy. The Navy decided to halt the policy until further notice, but it is safe to assume that they may reinstate the policy at some point in the future. This amendment would halt funds for the implementation of these guidelines. Contact your congressman and urge him to support Huelskamp’s amendment.

CHANGE THE STORY – Believe it or not that is the name of the website set up to do just that, change the story of the 9-11 jihad attack on America. Numerous young leftists have also been recruited to pass out literature daily at Ground Zero to distract from the horror of 9-11 and promote the construction of an Islamic rabat at the site. Read more

PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN SEX SLAVES – One may argue that rape is a phenomenon that affects every society, yet the fact that most women raped in Pakistan come from the mere 2% Christian minority speaks for itself. Moreover, if you go to the links of these anecdotes, you will find that in every single case the Pakistani police either did nothing to apprehend the culprits or, more often, actually helped them while turning against the victims. Even though Pakistan is not a full-blown Sharia state and tries to save face in front of the international infidel–Sharia has nonetheless conditioned even the police to see infidel Christian women as little more than objects of pleasure which Muslim men can violate at will. Read more
IMAM SAYS: “THE WORLD BELONGS TO US” – The United States has officially recognized the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and looks forward to “working with” it. Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian Shaykh Safwat Hegazy in a recent video threatened Jews and Christians, and ultimately the whole world, saying, “Jerusalem belongs to us, and the whole world belongs to us.” He states the Islamic caliphate will return, and that “every land upon which Islam has set foot will return to us.” He makes pointed references to Qurayza and Khaybar, which are clear threats against the Jews, and also states, “we will kill anyone who has polluted the al-Aqsa Mosque.” Sounds like the White House has made some real interesting friends. See translated video
RELEASE ASIA BIBI NOW – Pakistani Christians are demanding the release of Asia Bibi, mother of five, who has been falsely accused of blasphemy and jailed for nearly two years. Blasphemy laws in Pakistan are used to blackmail Christians and steal their homes and land. This is just one more outrage. More at Pakistan Christian Post
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