Report From Washington – August 19, 2011

PETER KING FINDS NEW 9/11 LINK – Congressman Peter King (R-NY), in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, said investigators believe it is no coincidence that Anwar al-Awlaki had contact with three of the five hijackers who flew a plane into the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001. The House Homeland Security Committee is investigating to determine “to what extent Anwar al-Awlaki wittingly or unwittingly facilitated the plot of the 9/11 hijackers.” After the attacks, Al-Awlaki was invited to speak at a Pentagon lunch and was also invited by Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison to speak on Capitol Hill. Al-Awlaki also encouraged the attack by Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood.
IN RECESS – The House and Senate are in recess until September 6th at 10:00 AM.
ISLAMIC HATE SPEECH – Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told his followers that Fort Hood shooter Col. Nidal Hasan was not a terrorist, but a good Muslim. (Actually I already knew the shooter was a good Muslim.) Farrakhan said that this good Muslim was simply driven crazy by the terrorist American soldiers who rape both Muslim women and Muslim men. Read more and see actual video!
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT FOR AUGUST 12, 2011 – William Murray’s newsletter, the Chairman’s Action Report is now available online. This issue contains insights into White House actions before and after the downgrade of U.S. credit. Also featured: Obama’s birthday bash that cost more per plate than the average American makes in a year. Why the atheists are suing the Ground Zero museum. More on the Ground Zero mosque, now called “PrayerSpace”, and yet another attempt at jihad at Ft. Hood. VISIT
RAMADAN BODY COUNT – As of the 19th day of Ramadan there have been 102 Islamic terror attacks, with a total of 433 killed and hundreds more wounded. keeps a daily body count of victims each year during Ramadan. Islamic assassinations, mass murders and riots often peak during the “holy” month of Ramadan as imams poison the minds of men virtually every day rather than just on Fridays. The site has links to stories from all over the world, about Islamic terror attacks that are not reported in the United States.
THE LONDON RIOTS – The smoke had hardly cleared away in the affected areas before the analyses began to roll out. Prime Minister David Cameron, on vacation when the riots began, pointed his finger not at poverty, but at “moral collapse.” In an address, he blamed: “Irresponsibility. Selfishness. Behaving as if your choices have no consequences. Children without fathers. Schools without discipline. Reward without effort. Crime without punishment. Rights without responsibilities.” Read more
ATTACK IN ISRAEL – Eight Israelis were killed in coordinated attacks that targeted civilians traveling along a highway near the Egyptian border on Thursday. This was the worst attack inside of Israel in several years. Of the 20 or so Muslim terrorists who attacked, just seven were killed and the rest escaped. The original targets were, of course, civilian buses. Since that attack more than 20 missiles have also been fired into Israel. The eight dead are listed among the 433 killed in Islamic terror attacks since the beginning of Ramadan.
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