The Chairman's Report for August 13, 2021

Airlines cancel our mission trip to Nigeria / Farm program continues / School building at IDP camp in Benue state complete / Desks to be moved in / Diaper program – Many issues continue as needs of vulnerable grow / The state of Iraqi Christians is dire. Our diaper program is helping

WATCH: Nigerian Orphanage Attacked

The Christian orphanage we support in Plateau State, Nigeria was attacked and destroyed by Muslim Fulani Herdsmen during the night of August 2nd, 2021. Please watch this video from the desk of William J. Murray as he explains the current situation and the huge need there is for your help.

The Chairman's Report for July 16, 2021

Children return to orphanage near Miango – Calm has returned to area / Nigerian orphanage farm planting continues -- Irish potatoes bloom / Diaper program – Many elderly in Bethlehem die from Covid-19 / Congress is asked to address persecution of Christians in Vietnam

WATCH: School Building Under Construction

Construction is underway for the new school building at an IDP camp in NIgeria. The building is being constructed as originally planned, even after delays. RFC is not only constructing but fully outfitting the school for the TIV Tribe. Watch this video to see the construction that is taking place.

WATCH: Crisis in Nigeria

Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria are in grave danger as Sunni Muslim Fulani Herdsmen rampage their way through towns and farmland, killing Christians and destroying homes. Our orphanage and farm are in their path. Learn about one Christian orphanage that was miraculously saved during one of these terrible attacks.

The Chairman's Report for May 21, 2021

Biden recognizes Armenian genocide without using the word “Christian”/ Nigerian orphanage – Muslim terrorist murderers at the gate / School building construction slows because of design change demands / We supply oxygen concentrator that saved lives in Iraq

Saving a Life

Over 25% of Jordan’s 10,000,000 residents are classified as refugees. Because of the number of refugees who are not paying taxes, the health care system is strained. A member of the staff of our ministry partner in Jordan contracted Covid-19 recently and was told he had to go onto oxygen immediately.

1.5 Million Christians Murdered in What is Called the "Metz Yeghern"

I was overjoyed when I learned that President Joe Biden was going to issue an official statement recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Then I read President Biden’s statement. He never even mentioned the word "Christian" and also managed to forgive the killers.

The Chairman's Report for April, 23 2021

Classrooms for Christian IDP children in Benue State, Nigeria / Third year for our farm project at Nigeria orphanage in Plateau State / Detailed results of the annual Religious Freedom Coalition supporter’s poll / Capitol Hill – My conversation with Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Conversation with Senator Ben Sasse

On March 18th I spent over an hour on a Zoom call with Senator Sasse to discuss the state of religious liberty. I was also able to speak with his National Security Advisor, Brett Fetterly, to discuss in great detail the persecution of Christians in Nigeria and the failure of our government to call out the Sunni Muslim president.