Global Persecution of Christians Worsening
An unprecedented escalation of violence against Christians -- the most violent and sustained attack on Christian faith in modern history occurred during 2015, stated Open Doors USA President David Curry on January 13 in Washington, DC. In a National Press Club presentation his organization’s annual World Watch List confirmed depressing global trends in Christian persecution noted 2015 was even worse for Christians that 2014.

Chairman's Report for January 15, 2016
In this issue of the newsletter: Final report on Christmas for Refugees events in 2015
Update / Baptists, Catholics and Orthodox work together to make events a success
/ Many children invite Jesus into their lives for the very first time / Church in Lebanon uses our program format for their children

Obama State of the Union Ignores Christian Genocide
Obama’s January 12 State of the Union made no mention of rescuing Christians from genocide, a term whose policy implications would have run counter to his advocacy of diminished American global leadership. Americans “can’t try to take over and rebuild every country that falls into crisis...that’s a recipe for quagmire,” he stated, the “lesson of Vietnam..."

Christian Genocide Collides with Georgetown Fantasies
Shah’s overly-optimistic appeal for Mideast Christians and Muslims to unite upon the basis of individual human dignity reflects Islamophile sentiments all-too prevalent at Georgetown. Guided in particular by the university’s Saudi-funded Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU), Georgetown faculty and deceptive events regularly dismiss concerns about Islam as “Islamophobia.”

RFC's Virtual Server Company Hit By Multiple Attacks
The Religious Freedom Coalition's website is supported by a virtual server company called Linode. Over the past ten days, Linode’s servers have received numerous attacks leaving multiple U.S. and UK customers without working websites.

Ex-atheist Spends Christmas Feeding Christian Refugee Kids
His mother was once America’s most famous atheist. He grew up a Marxist and an unbeliever, a product of his dysfunctional family. But as an adult, William J. Murray, son of Madalyn Murray O’Hair, found God, and today the former atheist spends his Christmases helping feed Christian refugee children in the Middle East.

Another large Christmas event held in Iraq
More that 600 children attended Christmas for Refugee events in the Kurdish area of northern Iraq. The Gospel is clearly defined at the same time children are entertained and fed. Sadly only 300 of over 2,000 children in one displaced persons center were able to attend because of a lack of space.

Chairman's Report for December 24, 2015
In this issue: Christmas dinners for Christian refugees held in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq / Christmas program began in Lebanon early, as record number served / Live Nativity scene brings the Gospel story to the steps of Supreme Court / Obama Administration does not check on religion of immigrants from Syria

First Christmas for Refugee event held in Lebanon
The smiles of the faces of the children say it all: The first Christmas for Refugees event of 2015 was a hit! The first event was held in church in Mount Lebanon Governorate north of Beirut. Each of the Christmas events will be attended by 50 to 150 refugee children. A total of 60 children participated in the first.

Bennetta Betbadal, Christian Victim Of San Bernardino Muslim Killers
Bennetta believed she could live peacefully in America without fear of Islamic persecution and terror, but Muslim terrorists now strike at will everywhere in the world, including the United States. In the once pleasant community of San Bernardino, Islamic terror found her and took her life.