Chairman's Report June 27th 2014
In this issue: William J. Murray discusses his mothers' attempted defection to the Soviet Union in 1960 and how that brought about the Supreme Court ban on school prayer on the occasion of his first return to the Russian Embassy since 1961

Join The Fight To Free Meriam Ibrahim From A Sudan Prison
The Religious Freedom Coalition is joining in the fight to #RescueMeriam Ibrahim from a Sudan prison. She faces 100 lashes and death by hanging for refusing to deny her faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The penalty of 100 lashes is for “adultery” (having sexual relations with her Christian husband). Death by hanging is for “apostacy” – leaving Islam.

Chairman's Report June 6th, 2014
In this issue of the Chairman's Report - William Murray meets Syrian Christian advocate Sister Hutane Dogan / Sister Dogan reports more atrocities by Obama backed "rebels" / Did Chairman Mike Rogers sabotage the Benghazi hearings to hide Obama gun running he approved? / Atheist Newdow lost yet again in battle against "In God We Trust" / Congressional Prayer Caucus battles Newdow lawsuits / Prayer breakfast for retiring Senate "top cop"

RFC Joins FRC Campaign To Petition Obama For Release Of Meriam Ibrahim
The Religious Freedom Coalition joins with the Family Research Council (FRC) in a petition campaign to Obama for him to do everything in his power to get Sudanese Christian Meriam Ibrahim released from a death sentence. Please sign the petition at the bottom of this message from Tony Perkins, head of FRC.

Second Circuit Upholds “In God We Trust” On U.S. Currency
The Second Circuit affirmed a federal district court’s dismissal of a challenge to the national motto, “In God we trust.” The court stated that the motto’s inclusion in the design of U.S. currency, which is required by statute, is “a reference to our religious heritage” and does not violate the Establishment Clause or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Chairman's Report May 16, 2014
In this issue: RFC chairman prays on steps of Supreme Court - / National Day of Prayer events in Washington, DC / Supreme Court rules prayer before public events no unconstitutional / U.S. aid supporting Islamic terrorists / Leftist Hollywood discovers sharia

‘Under God’ Stays In The Pledge Of Allegiance
One nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. These words have long echoed throughout America’s history. Students rise, face the flag, and with hands over hearts, recognize the values that have historically united our nation and made the United States of America exceptional: faith, freedom, justice, and unity.

Chairman's Report -- April 25, 2014
In this issue: Christian history being erased in Syria by "rebels" / Our tax dollars go to Pakistan, where courts sentence Christians to death for blasphemy / GOP establishment lost in a time warp / The politics of inflation numbers

RFC Chairman Reacts To Public Prayer Ruling By Supreme Court
William J. Murray, chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition, is encouraged by yesterday’s Supreme Court decision upholding prayers in Town Hall meetings.
Murray was interviewed by Jerome Corsi for WorldNetDaily. Murray was at the center of the infamous Supreme Court decision in 1963 that threw prayer out of the public schools.
Murray’s mother, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, was a notorious atheist activist who sued the Baltimore School District for requiring each school day to start with Bible reading or the Lord’s Prayer.

RFC Chairman Participates In Today’s National Day Of Prayer
May 1st is the National Day of Prayer. Since 1988, by law the first Thursday in May has been set aside for national prayer, reflection and repentance. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush officially participated and held events for the National Day of Prayer. Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did not.