Chairman's Report for October 25th, 2012

In this Chairman's Report: Ignoring the victims of terror – The day before the election, November 5th, is the third anniversary of the jihad attack by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas. Thirteen of our service members died, as well as one unborn baby. None of our service personnel were armed, making them easy targets as Hasan screamed “Allah Akbar!” and began shooting. President Barack Hussein Obama refuses to designate Hasan’s assault on Ft. Hood as terrorism even though Hasan referred to himself as a “soldier of Islam.” As a result of Obama’s refusal, the families of the dead and the injured have been refused combat compensation. Obama has no respect for those lost.

Obama betrays victims of Fort Hood terror

President Barack Hussein Obama refuses to designate Hasan’s assault on Fort Hood as terrorism even though Hasan referred to himself as a “soldier of Islam.” As a result of Obama’s refusal, the families of the dead and the injured have been refused combat compensation. President Obama will not even issue Purple Hearts to the victims – not to the families of the dead, and not to those who were wounded.

Report From Washington - October 19, 2012

In this issue: Obama still refuses Purple Hearts for Ft. Hood victims of Islamic terror / Obama's Arab Spring denies rights to women / Obama says Bible publisher not religious / PAC says Obama favors Islam / Obama sends anti-Israel Muslim zealot to "human rights conference' / Kids forced to learn Islamic sign language in Virginia / Saudi textbooks still teach hatred of Jews and Christians / Persecution of Christians in Bosnia / More Islamic terror in Thailand / Another UK doctor is a terrorist

Report From Washington - October 12, 2012

In this issue: Obama's brother and the kidnapped girl / Memories of meeting a young Marxist named Barack / CBS reporter says Obama lies about Taliban strength / PAC ads hit Obama on Islam / House hearings on Libya embassy attack / Egyptian Christians fleeing to US / College fires official for signing pro-marriage petition / Pakistan Taliban shoots young girl for going to school as Christian and Hindu girls forced into Islamic marriage / Obama sends troops to Jordan / Tunisian kids sing the Al-Qaeda terror song

Report From Washington - October 5, 2012

In this issue: Obama's HAMAS man / Obama says don't "slander" Islam / PAC attacks Obama as "Apologizer-in-Chief / Lying to be reelected / Congress adjourns today / Congress, Al-Qaeda and forest fires / Calling a terrorist a savage is "uncivilized" / Janet Jackson converts to Islam to marry billionaire / Jordanian King dissolves parliament in face of Muslim Brotherhood unrest / More Christian students killed in Nigeria / Genocide of minorities in Pakistan / Egyptians told to kill Christians where you can find them

Chairman's Report for October 4th, 2012

In this issue: Censorship by any other name: Obama jails anti-Islam film maker / Thailand in full scale civil war with Islamists who want Sharia state / Obama apologizes to Muslims for free speech in America / UN Chief Ban wants ban on free speech. New Egypt president demands international ban on free speech. Egyptian president welcome at White House / Muslim president of Turkey wants ban on free speech - Backs Obama

Report From Washington - September 28, 2012

In this issue: Obama's Prophet / Obama Administration jails anti-Islam film maker / Congressional resolution on faith / Group letter to congressman on religious freedom / Senate candidate arrest record / UN Chief Ban wants ban on free speech / Swedish Jewish center bombed / Muslims want apology because Christians evicted them from Spain / Australian eight-year-old girl calls for bloodthirsty jihad

Report From Washington - September 21, 2012

In this issue: US government running ads to apologize to radical Muslims / White House admits video did not cause attacks / Why Mr. President? / A hundred year old prophecy haunts America today / Rising tide of restrictions on religion / Many dead in riots on "Love the Prophet Day" / Turkey PM demands worldwide blasphemy laws / Six years in jail for insulting Egypt's Muslim president / 100 Afghans killed by Syrian troops - in Syria! / France braces for cartoon riots

William J. Murray spotlights dire warning made about American 100 years ago

William Booth, who lived from 1829 to 1916, was the founder of the Salvation Army. As the 20th century began, he was asked by someone what he saw as the greatest dangers for the next hundred years. His response is chilling, when taking into account the cultural and political condition of the world through the 20th century and into today. His response was chilling.

Report From Washington - September 14, 2012

In this issue: Obama thanks Libya after U.S. Ambassador murdered / Obama encourages Islamic violence / Why Mr. President Why? / Obama and Hillary try to stifle Americans' free speech / GING-PAC supported candidates speak at Values Voter Summit / Turmoil spreads in Middle East / Anti-American riots in 20 countries / Pray for Middle East Christians