Report From Washington – March 2, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama’s IRS targets the Tea Party / Most Catholic Senators vote against Catholic Church on contraceptives / Senator Blunt’s Rights of Conscience legislation / House resolution on death sentence of Iranian pastor / Arizona fights new HHS mandates / Florida passes school prayer bill / Islamic terror in the Philippines and Thailand / Islamic female genital mutilation in Ireland
OBAMA TARGETS TEA PARTY WITH IRS- Using the IRS to target enemies is not new. In the 1990’s Bill Clinton had an enemies. The Clinton administration targeted for IRS audit the National Rifle Association, the Heritage Foundation, the National Review, the American Spectator, Citizens Against Government Waste, Citizens for Honest Government, Concerned Women for America and the San Diego Chapter of Christian Coalition. Today, Obama has an enemies list. The IRS is investigating conservative political groups including the Tea Party who oppose Obama’s agenda. Read more
CATHOLIC SENATORS – REALLY? – An amendment to ensure religious freedom against the recent federal contraception mandate was voted down in the Senate with the help of 13 Catholic politicians March 1. Of the 24 Catholic members of the U.S. Senate, 13 Democrats opposed the amendment while 11 Republicans supported it. Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), expressed his disappointment with the bill’s narrow defeat, but said the “fight is not over” and that he would continue to work to protect the First Amendment. Read more
RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF CONSCIENCE – Senator Roy Blunt, the co-chairman of the Senate Values Action Team (VAT) is not a Catholic, yet he led the way to remove the contraceptive mandate from Obama Care with his Respect for Rights of Conscience Bill. Why? Senator Blunt knows that secularists such as President Obama are using the federally mandated health insurance as the wedge to enter the church door and control the activities of all religious organizations.
RESOLUTION ON IRANIAN DEATH SENTENCE FOR PASTOR – We in America who enjoy the fundamental human right of religious freedom have the opportunity to stand in unity for Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. On March 1st, the House of Representatives passed H.Res.556, a resolution introduced by Rep. Joseph Pitts (PA-16) condemning the Government of Iran for its continued persecution, imprisonment, and sentencing of Pastor Nadarkhani for refusing to recant his Christian faith. Read more
ARIZONA SENATE AGAINST HEALTH MANDATES – Arizona State Senate passes bill to protect religious freedom in face of HHS mandate. The Arizona State Senate passed a bill on Tuesday that would protect individuals from being discriminated against for refusing to provide or participate in services to which they have religious and moral objections. It now awaits action in the Arizona House.
SCHOOL PRAYER IN FLORIDA – A school prayer bill passed the Florida legislature 88-27 on Thursday. The bill allows state school boards to permit student-initiated prayer and other “inspirational messages” at public school assemblies. “As you know, I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe that individuals should have the right to say a prayer,” Gov. Scott said. He is expected to sign the bill next week.
NEW CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Now available, the Chairman’s Report for February 16, 2012. IN THIS ISSUE: Obama’s war on individual liberty / Obama Care and the march to central planning / Friedrich von Hayek on central planning / Contraceptive mandate and religious liberty / Air Force erases God from flight patch / Honor killings in Canada / Dubai police chief no longer trusts America / Meet Obama’s man in Egypt
LEARN MORE ABOUT SHARIA LAW – One of the best locations on the Internet to learn about Islamic Sharia law and its effect on the West is FACEBOOK FAN? Sharia Free USA now has a Facebook page with more than 1,500 followers. Join with us at Facebook today!
PHILIPPINES – The Muslim terror group, Abu Sayyaf planted a bomb that exploded in a commercial district of the southern island of Jolo late Saturday, said provincial police chief Senior Superintendent Antonio Freyra. A street vendor and a schoolteacher were killed and 13 others were wounded when the bomb exploded in Jolo, which has been a stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf for over a decade, police said.
THAILAND – A roadside bomb killed at least one Thai soldier and severely wounded another Friday in an attack by southern Muslim separatists, police said. A unit of eight soldiers was patrolling in Mayo district of Pattani province to protect local teachers when the bomb was detonated with a mobile phone. A Buddhist husband and wife were also murdered in Pattani my Islamic terrorists this week.
IRELAND – More than 2,500 Muslim women and girls living in Ireland are estimated to have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM), according to new research. The number was described as a ‘conservative estimate’ by Sudha Patel of Duke University, North Carolina, who conducted the research. It is feared that the figure is in fact much higher.
Now available at our online store. Books by William J. Murray

CATHOLIC SENATORS – REALLY? – An amendment to ensure religious freedom against the recent federal contraception mandate was voted down in the Senate with the help of 13 Catholic politicians March 1. Of the 24 Catholic members of the U.S. Senate, 13 Democrats opposed the amendment while 11 Republicans supported it. Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), expressed his disappointment with the bill’s narrow defeat, but said the “fight is not over” and that he would continue to work to protect the First Amendment. Read more
RESPECT FOR RIGHTS OF CONSCIENCE – Senator Roy Blunt, the co-chairman of the Senate Values Action Team (VAT) is not a Catholic, yet he led the way to remove the contraceptive mandate from Obama Care with his Respect for Rights of Conscience Bill. Why? Senator Blunt knows that secularists such as President Obama are using the federally mandated health insurance as the wedge to enter the church door and control the activities of all religious organizations.
RESOLUTION ON IRANIAN DEATH SENTENCE FOR PASTOR – We in America who enjoy the fundamental human right of religious freedom have the opportunity to stand in unity for Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. On March 1st, the House of Representatives passed H.Res.556, a resolution introduced by Rep. Joseph Pitts (PA-16) condemning the Government of Iran for its continued persecution, imprisonment, and sentencing of Pastor Nadarkhani for refusing to recant his Christian faith. Read more
ARIZONA SENATE AGAINST HEALTH MANDATES – Arizona State Senate passes bill to protect religious freedom in face of HHS mandate. The Arizona State Senate passed a bill on Tuesday that would protect individuals from being discriminated against for refusing to provide or participate in services to which they have religious and moral objections. It now awaits action in the Arizona House.
SCHOOL PRAYER IN FLORIDA – A school prayer bill passed the Florida legislature 88-27 on Thursday. The bill allows state school boards to permit student-initiated prayer and other “inspirational messages” at public school assemblies. “As you know, I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe that individuals should have the right to say a prayer,” Gov. Scott said. He is expected to sign the bill next week.
NEW CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Now available, the Chairman’s Report for February 16, 2012. IN THIS ISSUE: Obama’s war on individual liberty / Obama Care and the march to central planning / Friedrich von Hayek on central planning / Contraceptive mandate and religious liberty / Air Force erases God from flight patch / Honor killings in Canada / Dubai police chief no longer trusts America / Meet Obama’s man in Egypt
LEARN MORE ABOUT SHARIA LAW – One of the best locations on the Internet to learn about Islamic Sharia law and its effect on the West is FACEBOOK FAN? Sharia Free USA now has a Facebook page with more than 1,500 followers. Join with us at Facebook today!
PHILIPPINES – The Muslim terror group, Abu Sayyaf planted a bomb that exploded in a commercial district of the southern island of Jolo late Saturday, said provincial police chief Senior Superintendent Antonio Freyra. A street vendor and a schoolteacher were killed and 13 others were wounded when the bomb exploded in Jolo, which has been a stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf for over a decade, police said.
THAILAND – A roadside bomb killed at least one Thai soldier and severely wounded another Friday in an attack by southern Muslim separatists, police said. A unit of eight soldiers was patrolling in Mayo district of Pattani province to protect local teachers when the bomb was detonated with a mobile phone. A Buddhist husband and wife were also murdered in Pattani my Islamic terrorists this week.
IRELAND – More than 2,500 Muslim women and girls living in Ireland are estimated to have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM), according to new research. The number was described as a ‘conservative estimate’ by Sudha Patel of Duke University, North Carolina, who conducted the research. It is feared that the figure is in fact much higher.
Now available at our online store. Books by William J. Murray
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