Report From Washington – October 5, 2012
In this issue: Obama’s HAMAS man / Obama says don’t “slander” Islam / PAC attacks Obama as “Apologizer-in-Chief / Lying to be reelected / Congress adjourns today / Congress, Al-Qaeda and forest fires / Calling a terrorist a savage is “uncivilized” / Janet Jackson converts to Islam to marry billionaire / Jordanian King dissolves parliament in face of Muslim Brotherhood unrest / More Christian students killed in Nigeria / Genocide of minorities in Pakistan / Egyptians told to kill Christians where you can find them.
The Presidency
The Presidency

Obama: Don’t slander Islam – Diana West in an op-ed for Townhall looked deeper into Obama’s comment at the United Nations criticizing those who “slander” Islam. That “slander” includes any statement that reflects badly on Islam, including reporting terrorists attacks on Christians, Buddhists and Hindus by Muslims. Read more
Lying to be reelected – I don’t normally report on economic issues in this update, but I was so struck by the manipulation of the jobs numbers this morning that I have to comment. According to the Obama Administration over 800,000 people entered the job market and only 114,000 found jobs but the unemployment rate dropped from 8.1.% to 7.8% How can five times as many people enter the job market than there are jobs created — and the unemployment rate goes down? The numbers simply don’t work.
PAC ads say Obama favors Islam – Government Is Not God-PAC is now running ads exposing the various ways Barack Obama has displayed either weakness or favoritism toward the Islamic agenda. The PAC ads refer to Obama as Apologizer-in-Chief. See ads here
Lying to be reelected – I don’t normally report on economic issues in this update, but I was so struck by the manipulation of the jobs numbers this morning that I have to comment. According to the Obama Administration over 800,000 people entered the job market and only 114,000 found jobs but the unemployment rate dropped from 8.1.% to 7.8% How can five times as many people enter the job market than there are jobs created — and the unemployment rate goes down? The numbers simply don’t work.
PAC ads say Obama favors Islam – Government Is Not God-PAC is now running ads exposing the various ways Barack Obama has displayed either weakness or favoritism toward the Islamic agenda. The PAC ads refer to Obama as Apologizer-in-Chief. See ads here
Congress adjourns for election –On the House side there will be no votes after 3:00 PM today and the Congress will not return until after the November 6th election. On the Senate side, nothing much ever happens anyway under the leadership of Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) The Senate has not even passed a budget in over three years, instead financing the government with annual “omnibus” bills.
Congress and the forest fires – For several years I have heard rumors on Capitol Hill that congressmen were being secretly briefed on “wild fires” being started in the United States by radical Muslims associated with groups such as Al-Qaeda. As a result, the Russian secret service blaming Al-Qaeda for fires this summer in Europe is no surprise. Read more
Congress and the forest fires – For several years I have heard rumors on Capitol Hill that congressmen were being secretly briefed on “wild fires” being started in the United States by radical Muslims associated with groups such as Al-Qaeda. As a result, the Russian secret service blaming Al-Qaeda for fires this summer in Europe is no surprise. Read more
Religion and Culture
Calling a terrorist a savage is “uncivilized” – Muslim terrorists killed more than thirty Christian students in Nigeria this past week but the murders received little notice in the Western media, which was busy condemning a Youtube clip that tells the truth about Islam. A Wall Street Journal writer noted the media condemnation of ads that Pamela Geller had placed in the New York subway calling terrorists savages, and the writer made this observation: “Call a Terrorist a ‘Savage’? How Uncivilized“
Janet Jackson converts to Islam – Janet Jackson plans to marry Muslim billionaire Wissam Al Mana in Doha, Qatar next year in a Muslim ceremony. Turkish author, Adnan Oktar (aka Harun Yahya), has told the media that 46-year-old Janet Jackson has converted to Islam. (Her brother Michael Jackson also converted to Islam). Questions: What happens to all the lewd music videos she starred in? Does she wear a burka to dance in the future?
JORDAN: King dissolves Parliament – King Abdullah II dissolved parliament and called early elections on Thursday, ahead of a major public demonstration planned by Islamists. The Muslim Brotherhood went ahead with its planned rally in central Amman today, with an estimated 50,000 supporters. The King appoints over half of the parliament now. The Muslim Brotherhood is demanding that all seats be filled by popular vote — which would put them in power, as they are in Egypt. Christians, who now hold many seats in the government, would probably be excluded from a Muslim Brotherhood government. Donate now to help Christians in Jordan.
NIGERIA: Even MORE Christian students killed – No fewer than 40 students of the Adamawa State University in Mubi were killed by Muslim terrorists this past week — 24 were shot and 16 had their throats cut. (This is a separate incident from the more than 30 individual shootings and killings of Christian students in Northern Nigeria over the past week). The Boko Haram sometimes kill Muslim students as well, because they are receiving a “Western education.” So many Christians are murdered in Nigeria by Muslims each week that it is very difficult to differentiate the various news stories in African and Asian newspapers. The murders for the most part go unreported in the United States, as Muslims might be offended if it is noted that the killers were Muslims.
PAKISTAN: Put this nation on genocide list – There are calls to put Pakistan on a Genocide Watch list, amid mounting persecution of its religious minorities, says a lengthy report worth the read. Read more
EGYPT: Kill Christians where you can find them – The nation’s jihad organizations dropped leaflets calling on Muslims to kill Christians wherever they found them. Islamists in the Constituent Assembly demanded that the Coptic Church’s funds be placed under state financial control. Read more
More From the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman’s Report –Now available, the October 4th, 2012 edition of William J. Murray’s Chairman’s’ Report. This issue contains key information on the Islamic attacks on US Embassy and Barack Obama response of weakness and apology. Also covered is the Obama ordered arrest of a anti-Islamic movie producer to appease radical Muslims. See it here
Constitution or Sharia DVD – This is the complete set of DVD’s from the November 11, 2011 Constitution or Sharia conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference was the first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America sponsored by major freedom oriented organizations! It was not just another educational conference. How to deal with and stop implementation of Sharia law in the United states was outlined by speakers and in panels. Order today
Now available at our online store. Books by William J. Murray
Calling a terrorist a savage is “uncivilized” – Muslim terrorists killed more than thirty Christian students in Nigeria this past week but the murders received little notice in the Western media, which was busy condemning a Youtube clip that tells the truth about Islam. A Wall Street Journal writer noted the media condemnation of ads that Pamela Geller had placed in the New York subway calling terrorists savages, and the writer made this observation: “Call a Terrorist a ‘Savage’? How Uncivilized“
Janet Jackson converts to Islam – Janet Jackson plans to marry Muslim billionaire Wissam Al Mana in Doha, Qatar next year in a Muslim ceremony. Turkish author, Adnan Oktar (aka Harun Yahya), has told the media that 46-year-old Janet Jackson has converted to Islam. (Her brother Michael Jackson also converted to Islam). Questions: What happens to all the lewd music videos she starred in? Does she wear a burka to dance in the future?
JORDAN: King dissolves Parliament – King Abdullah II dissolved parliament and called early elections on Thursday, ahead of a major public demonstration planned by Islamists. The Muslim Brotherhood went ahead with its planned rally in central Amman today, with an estimated 50,000 supporters. The King appoints over half of the parliament now. The Muslim Brotherhood is demanding that all seats be filled by popular vote — which would put them in power, as they are in Egypt. Christians, who now hold many seats in the government, would probably be excluded from a Muslim Brotherhood government. Donate now to help Christians in Jordan.
NIGERIA: Even MORE Christian students killed – No fewer than 40 students of the Adamawa State University in Mubi were killed by Muslim terrorists this past week — 24 were shot and 16 had their throats cut. (This is a separate incident from the more than 30 individual shootings and killings of Christian students in Northern Nigeria over the past week). The Boko Haram sometimes kill Muslim students as well, because they are receiving a “Western education.” So many Christians are murdered in Nigeria by Muslims each week that it is very difficult to differentiate the various news stories in African and Asian newspapers. The murders for the most part go unreported in the United States, as Muslims might be offended if it is noted that the killers were Muslims.
PAKISTAN: Put this nation on genocide list – There are calls to put Pakistan on a Genocide Watch list, amid mounting persecution of its religious minorities, says a lengthy report worth the read. Read more
EGYPT: Kill Christians where you can find them – The nation’s jihad organizations dropped leaflets calling on Muslims to kill Christians wherever they found them. Islamists in the Constituent Assembly demanded that the Coptic Church’s funds be placed under state financial control. Read more
More From the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman’s Report –Now available, the October 4th, 2012 edition of William J. Murray’s Chairman’s’ Report. This issue contains key information on the Islamic attacks on US Embassy and Barack Obama response of weakness and apology. Also covered is the Obama ordered arrest of a anti-Islamic movie producer to appease radical Muslims. See it here
Constitution or Sharia DVD – This is the complete set of DVD’s from the November 11, 2011 Constitution or Sharia conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference was the first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America sponsored by major freedom oriented organizations! It was not just another educational conference. How to deal with and stop implementation of Sharia law in the United states was outlined by speakers and in panels. Order today
Now available at our online store. Books by William J. Murray
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