Chairman’s Report for December 5th, 2012


A politician who robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the vote of Paul – This statement was obviously proven in the election of Barack Obama who spent four years expanding the ranks of dependency using every avenue of government possible, from food stamps to mortgage reductions.

Rob Peter to pay PaulAt the founding of our nation, Benjamin Franklin said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” California has lead the way to hell in numerous ways for decades, and in November the vast majority of voters in that state passed a referendum to increase benefits to them by taxing a minority of the population. Politicians throughout the nation salivated over the results of the vote in California. In the 18th century Voltaire wrote, “In general the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of citizens to give to the other.” This requires central planning.

President Barack Hussein Obama has a vision of an American utopia not of equal opportunity, but of centrally planned equal outcomes. Many refer to Obama as a socialist or even a communist, but those are just two of the roads politicians in the past have chosen to create their vision of a centrally planned utopian state, or a false Garden of Eden on earth. Adolph Hitler is most often referred to as a fascist, but he was also one of the foremost central planners and utopianists in history. He called his brand of utopianism “national socialism.”

Central planning attempts at creating a utopia have always been paid for with stolen money, and most have lasted only until the stolen money was all spent. Hitler, for example, was indeed anti-Semetic, but his hatred of the Jews had practical applications as well. He stole the homes, furniture, jewels, money and even gold teeth of the Jews he killed to finance his thousand year utopian dream that lasted less than three decades and caused the deaths of tens of millions and the destruction of entire cities. He ran out of stolen money to finance his war machine and bring his utopian dream to the world. Toward the end he tried to trade Jews to the Allies for cash.

To create the “common good” and have “economic equality” a central government must “plan.” Barack Hussein Obama has vastly increased government to expand the central planning that already existed, thanks to both political parties. His version of central planning covers everything from “green energy” to forcing religious institutions to pay for contraceptives and abortions. His utopian central planning czars want to control our energy use, our diets and our incomes. Next, government will tell us where and when we can talk about our faith in the Lord.

There is freedom in central planning, but as F.A. Hayek pointed out in his famous Road to Serfdom, it is the “unlimited freedom of the planner to do with the society what he pleases.” Judeo-Christianity, which emphasizes the freedom of the individual under a supreme God, is not compatible with a central planner’s visions of a society in which “all gods are equal” under government. On the planet Barack Hussein Obama comes from, his vision of social good comes first, and all religions – except Islam – must conform to the centrally planned society. Individual freedom is not possible in a centrally planned society.

To the surprise of those who cherish true freedom and individual liberty, socialist utopians Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Barack Obama were both reelected this year. Neither of them has as yet run out of other people’s money to spend. Both men have still more money to grab and tens of millions of those dependent on government who will keep them in power.  The vote in California by a majority to increase the taxes on a minority was not a fluke; it was the new reality of an American society with a culture of dependency.

Only the revival of the family as a unit of stability can move the nation away from the condition of dependency it is in. One of the keys to rebuild American families is the church, which must stop preaching feel good messages and return to the truths of the Bible.

Obama’s international destruction – Over the past several decades I have driven rental cars myself in several Middle Eastern and African states. Two years ago my wife Nancy went on a mission trip with me to Israel and Jordan. While in Jordan, we took two days off and drove from Amman to Petra, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I drove the 250 kilometers or so south along the Jordan River, and Nancy and I stopped at several locations on the way, including an old crusader castle. We ate in local restaurants and I pumped my own gas.

Two years ago Syria was just as safe for Americans to drive around in as Jordan, perhaps even safer. Syria had a population of 2.5 million Christians before Barrack Hussein Obama began his Muslim Brotherhood campaign to overthrow the secular government of that nation. The city of Homs had 80,000 Christians when the Islamists began their uprising nearly twenty months ago. The last Christian in Homs, an 84-year-old man who refused to leave, was murdered by Obama supported rebels in November. The churches of Homs have been desecrated by the Islamist rebels and the dead were dug up from Christian cemeteries and their remains defiled.

In the last week of November, Islamists launched several suicide attacks against Christian targets. The final death toll is not yet in from a series of car bombs and suicide bombers who attacked the Christian neighborhoods of Damascus and the Christian town of Jaramana. The death toll from just two attacks at last count was 54, although rescue workers were still digging in the rubble. Christian civilians are killed almost daily by the Islamist rebels.

Communications equipment furnished to the Islamist rebels by the United States is probably used to coordinate the attacks on Christian targets. On December 1, the State Department bragged that the United States had furnished “spy proof” communications equipment to the murdering Islamist thugs terrorizing civilians. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said, “They are all designed to be independent from and able to circumvent the Syrian domestic network, precisely for the reason of keeping them safe, keeping them secure from regime tampering, regime listening and regime interruption.”

The United States supplies only “non-lethal” aid to the Islamist rebels such as spy gear, body armor, vehicles and full logistical support from the CIA including satellite images to guide Islamist rebels to targets. The actual weapons used by the Islamists are paid for by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two of the world’s most repressive nations, both which lack any freedom of speech and repress women. Does anyone really believe the Saudis want democracy in Syria?

Ambassador Stevens, who was killed in Benghazi on September 11th, was there to arrange weapons transfers from Libya to the Islamist rebels in Syria. He was actually killed shortly after meeting with a Turkish military attaché.

Obama supports Egyptian Muslim oppression – Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi issued a decree forbidding courts to rule against virtually anything he does, in what can only be described as assuming dictatorial powers. Although Christians and secularists are demonstrating in the streets of Cairo, the Obama Administration stands firmly with Morsi and has no criticism of his power grab. Meanwhile Morsi’s organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, continues to call for jihad against Israel and the killing of Jews.

Obama’s West Point gay wedding chapel – The Defense of Marriage Act, which is the law of the land, clearly states that the federal government only recognizes marriage between one man and one woman. Despite this law, the Obama Administration has championed homosexual marriage in the military.

On December 1st the chapel at the West Point Military Academy was defiled by a lesbian wedding. The wedding made a mockery of the chapel and the founding principles of the United States Army. Over the last four years, Obama has turned the military upside down, demanding to change it from a unified fighting force to a laboratory of social change. Respect for one’s superior is tantamount in any military operation. Now married men who love the Lord must follow the orders of lesbians and homosexuals who hold their beliefs in contempt.

The refusal of leading Republicans to condemn the use of the chapel at West Point for a lesbian marriage is appalling. Congress must act to reinforce the Defense of Marriage Act, which the Obama Administration refuses to defend in court against lawsuits by radical homosexuals.

Obama’s intentions are clear with regard to same-sex marriage. He plans to alter the federal code and the Medicare rules to allow homosexual “couples” the benefits now reserved for heterosexual married couples, at a cost of billions of dollars a year to the taxpayers of this nation.


 Too late the GOP calls to rein in entitlements – Senate Minority Leader McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner spent the entire last week of November ignoring all social issues and continuing their fight to stop Barack Obama from increasing taxes on those earning more than $250,000 a year.

News flash for McConnell and Boehner: You lost the election doing this.

The nation has gone past the tipping point. There are simply not enough people paying income taxes to get majority public support for this position. Obama is robbing Peter to pay Paul as mentioned above. All those “Pauls,” plus the radical environmentalists, Christian-hating atheists, homosexual radicals and nutty rich liberals like Warren Buffet, came together to vote for Obama and kept Harry Reid in charge of the Senate. The Republicans desperately need social conservatives, yet are now ignoring our issues.

Not even a month has passed since the election and the GOP establishment is distancing itself from social conservative leaders. These establishment guys really believe that telling the 50% of the adults who pay no income tax at all that they are going to reduce spending and cut taxes is going to get them elected. How? People on food stamps are not going to vote for the GOP if the social issues are tossed in the trash. And meanwhile the Democrats are proud of their stance on social issues. Democrat congressmen ride in “gay parades” and help women get to abortion clinics. Most Republicans hide on the day of the Right to Life march in January.

Many of those who pay no taxes at all and receive government assistance vote for Republican candidates because they are pro-life and pro-traditional family. Is such a family on food stamps going to vote for a Republican who both supports same-sex marriage and wants to cut food stamps?  The same family will, however, vote for a strong social conservative.

In the November election 80% of the candidates backed by my social conservative political action committee won! Not a single candidate supported by Karl Rove’s political action committee won, despite the fact that he spent hundreds of millions of dollars. Of the four Senate candidates my political action committee backed, two won. Both are 100% pro-life and stand for the traditional family.

The stupidity in the GOP establishment is stunning but I do understand it.

John Boehner and William J. Murray

Speaker John Boehner listens as William J Murray speaks

John Boehner and John McConnell don’t even know anyone who doesn’t pay big time taxes. Both these men pay tens of thousands of dollars in federal income tax each year and just don’t get the fact that half of Americans no longer pay anything. All their friends pay tens of thousands of dollars in tax each year.  It just comes natural for them to think: “I could do good things with that money if the government doesn’t take it.” And Obama has the answer for them:  “Give it to me and I will do what I deem to be good.”

Obama even wants to curtail tax deductions for charitable giving. Obama prefers the government to get your money in tax dollars, rather than you being able to give to charity.

Democrats are proud of their unholy alliances with evil, but the Republican establishment is ashamed of their moral allies who stand with the Bible. Thankfully there are more than one hundred members of Congress in the Congressional Prayer Caucus that social conservative leaders like me can continue to work with.

The GOP establishment needs to get some Old Time Religion!

Since the election I have met with six different Republican Senators and several congressmen.  I have forcefully pressed the message that Republicans cannot stay in power with the sole strategy of keeping taxes low … Yes, we do need low taxes for economic growth, but our nation also needs to be right in the eyes of God.  America cannot at the same time kill over one million babies a year, mock the Bible with same-sex marriages, and bow to the false god of Islam throughout the world, without receiving God’s judgement.

We must continue the fight on Capitol Hill for both financial responsibility and the Judeo-Christian values of our nation.

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  1. […] Coalition New Chairman’s Report – Now available, the December 6th, 2012 edition of William J. Murray’s Chairman’s’ Report. In this issue: A politician who robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the vote of Paul. The […]

  2. […] Chairman's Report for December 5th, 2012 – Religious Freedom … Go to this article […]

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