Our Work on Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court in 2019
At the end of January, a letter was sent to the supporters of the Religious Freedom Coalition asking for advice on which programs we should emphasize this year. The survey is very important to the direction of this ministry!
Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court – The majority of those responding to the survey support our continued work on Capitol Hill. All of those who checked off Capitol Hill also checked “do it all,” or they checked one or more of the other programs. This raised some questions in my mind as to how the survey is done.
Rather than ask supporters to pick one program over another next year, I think we should ask supporters to rank them first, second, third, etc. This approach I believe would give me an even better picture of areas of concern for supporters.

Decades ago, at least 90% of the Religious Freedom Coalition’s efforts were on Capitol Hill and centered on Supreme Court nominees. During the last ten years I went from telling congressmen and Senators about the persecution of Christians to helping the Christian victims of Islamic terror.
That does not mean I have forgotten Capitol Hill and the issues facing Christians here.
That is the reason I filed an Amicus brief with the Supreme Court asking that the prison sentence of a wrongly convicted Christian pastor be reversed. Philip Zodhiates is in prison because our government wanted to punish him for helping a young mother get her child away from a lesbian activist.
Philip Zodhiates was saving a little girl from being forced to take nude baths with a woman not related to her in any way. But our government is so pro-gay they demanded the little girl be handed over to the lesbian.
The response to my announcement that the Religious Freedom Coalition had filed an Amicus (Friend of the Court) brief stirred readers to overwhelmingly show their support.
If Philip Zodhiates stays in jail our nation is one step closer to criminalizing free speech as has been done in most of Europe. Making a critical post on the internet about homosexuality in the UK can get someone jailed. We must stop the gay train before it runs over all of our rights.
My work continues on Capitol Hill. In February I have met with several congressmen on various issues including social issues in the United States, and the continued needs of Christians in the Middle East who have lost their homes and barely escaped with their lives. This month I will make a presentation before congressmen and Senators about the critical situation of Christians in the Nineveh Plain of Iraq.
If you wish to learn more about Philip Zodhiates and how you can help, you can access his 419 fund by going to https://419fund.com/projects/philip-zodhiates/
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