RFC & WND Publish Syrian Terrorist Story Five Months Before Washington Post
Better late than never is a good saying – and it certainly applies to the Washington Post for its woefully late coverage of Syrian terrorists who post photos of their fallen “martyrs” on Facebook and Twitter.

Washington Report - November 1st, 2013
In this issue: Obama created the Syrian terrorist nightmare / Obama Army attacks "Healthy white, Christian heterosexual men" / Leading economic conservative attacks Senator Ted Cruz / Congressman Allen West on anti-Christian army / Sudan: Bulldozing churches for Muslim businessmen / Syria: Location of kidnapped bishops known / Egyptian newspaper exposes Muslim Brotherhood in the USA / Iran: Christians whipped for taking communion wine

Washington Report- October 25th, 2013
In this issue: Obama created Syrian nightmare / Obama Army exposed for smearing Christian groups / Pro-gay agenda activist takes over Homeland Security / Senators demand response to persecution of Christians / Congressman wants abortion coverage disclosed / World Council of Churches ignores persecuted Christians / International Religious Freedom Day ignored? / In Yemen, Muslim father burns teen daughter to death / in Kenya, Muslims murder pastors / In Nigeria, Police in norther states enforce Sharia on Christians / In Syria, Christians turn to Russia for help/ CLIP OF TERROR ATTACK ON LIVE NEWS PROGRAM

Washington Report- October 18th, 2013
In this issue: Obama's DOD threatens priest with arrest / Obama's Army says Christian groups are "hate" groups / Obama rebels collect jizia tax / McCain attacks Congressman Gohmert / California law allows boys to enter girls' restrooms / Morocco: Court persecutes Christians / Pakistan: Christian families in hiding / UK: Muslim terrorists arrested on plot to attack mall / Thailand: New bombings by Muslims kill at least 13

Chairman's Report - October 18th, 2013
The Religious Freedom Coalition exhibit at the Values Voter Summit exposed the evils of Saudi Arabia including the arrests and torture of Christians guest workers from Ethiopia. RFC Chairman William J Murray met with several Senators concerning the evils of the ruling Saudi royal family.

Washington Report- October 11th, 2013
In this issue: Obama rebels target church in Damascus / Congressional resolution supports chaplains / Former congressman speaks on murder rate / Religious Freedom Coalition at Values Voter Summit / Report on hostility toward religion in USA / Syria: Civilian massacre by rebels documented / Bangladesh: Bomb factory explodes in Islamic "school" / Indonesia: Christians still jailed for Evangelism / UK: Head of M15 warns on Jihadists

Liberty Institute/FRC Release Religious Hostility Report
Attacks on religious liberty in the public arena are perhaps the most widely recognized and one of the fastest growing forms of hostility to religion in the United States today. This category covers all attacks on exercising religious liberty in public, including challenges to praying in public, challenges to publicly displaying Nativity scenes or menorahs, challenges to displaying the Ten Commandments, and challenges to veteran’s memorials that include crosses.

‘Pledge Of Allegiance’ Threatened In Massachusetts Case
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag is once again under legal threat by atheists who seem to have a phobia against the mention of God in the classroom or in public meetings.

Washington Report - October 4th, 2013
In this issue: Saudi black ops team responsible for chemical attack in Syria / Christians arrested for evangelism in Obama's boyhood home / Muslim Brotherhood salute at Homeland Security / Senator McCain hires paid propagandist / Prayer Caucus Congressman gives back his pay during shutdown / Syria: More churches destroyed by rebels / Syria: Jihadists unite into one group / Nigeria: Death count rises in school attack / United Kingdom: Tax funded Sharia compliant schools / Qatar's World Cup slaves

Washington Report- September 27th, 2013
In this issue: Obama's DOJ releases accused jihadist / Obama's "non-lethal" aid to terrorists / Legislation to protect religious conscience / Obama Air Force says no to "so help me God" / Jihad flags fly in NYC / Americans participate in terror attack on Kenyan mall / Double suicide bombling at ancient church in Pakistan / Syria: Obama's "rebels" desecrate Jewish graves / Yemen: 8-year-old child bride raped to death on wedding night.