Chairman's Report for May 2nd, 2013
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In this issue: The Religious Freedom Coalition introduces evil empire advertising campaign a major conference / First ads run exposing Saudi treatment of Christian guest workers / Congressman questions Saudi ambassador on arrests for praying / A humble and prayerful Christian congressman and his wife / Two Bishops kidnapped by U.S. supported jihadists in Syria / RFC Chairman Murray speaks at various events
Obama: God bless Planned Parenthood
No president has stood for death and the destruction of the true church of Christ as has Barack Obama. He has supported the takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood of several nations and the result has been the brutal treatment and murder of Christians. In Syria his Administration has supported Islamist fighters who have bombed schools and slaughtered women and children. It is no surprise then that he would take to the stage and ask God to bless abortionists that kill babies.
Report From Washington - April 26, 2013
In this issue: Obama nightmare: Boston bombers not in Tea Party / Obama's FBI not allowed to ask if terror suspect is Muslim / No remembrance of genocide of Armenian Christians / Congressman questions Saudi's on Christian arrests / Congressman exposes plight of Middle Eastern Christians / Exposing the evil Saudi empire / UN Chief: Most important issue in world is "sexually confused" / US funded jihadists kidnap two archbishops / Confirmation that European jihadists fighting in Syria / Death for conversion in Morocco / Behead three Christian teen girls and go free
The Awakening: Jihad, Terror and Saudi Arabia
The Awakening is a large gathering of mostly evangelical social conservatives, for a two day conference on various issues. On April 19th and 20th of 2013, The Awakening was held near Orlando, Florida on the campus of the First Baptist Church of Oviedo and the Religious Freedom Coalition was there to educate those present about the root of terror in the world today – Saudi Arabia.
Report From Washington - April 19, 2013
In this issue: Muslim bombers caught in Boston / Obama says Boston was terror, but Fort Hood attack killing five times as many was not / Media ignores Muslim church attack in Ohio / Media sees no Muslim evil / Youtube sees no Muslim evil / Poison mailed to Senator / Somali convert from Islam tortured / Egyptian Christians who were attacked are not arrested / Horrendous "honor" killing in Jordan / Jewish activist warns of Christian persecution
Silence as the Christians Die
Why is the West so shamefully silent in the face of the onslaught against Christian peoples and communities throughout the Islamic realm? If the reasons for this are not understood – and if the silence continues – we are almost sure to witness bloody religious/ethnic “cleansings,” if not actual genocides.
Report From Washington - April 12, 2013
In this issue: Obama's Army: "Catholics and Evangelicals are extremists like Al-Qaeda / Obama silent on Islamist killings of Christians and secularists / Obama spending spree / AP and other media shield serial killer / No tax dollars for jihadists / Associated Press bows to CAIR / Islamists take over Golan Heights / Christian mourners attacked in Egypt / Nigerian Pastor escapes as Christian village attacked again / Muslims destroy church in Indonesia
Chairman's Report for April 11th, 2013
In this issue: Bronze Star awarded for a politically correct PowerPoint on how to be sensitive in handling Islamic religious materials / Obama State Department wants more Muslim college students in USA / Obama’s “Arab Spring” Tunisia: “Stone her to death” / Obama’s “free Syria” covers young girls in black / Congressman: “Don’t arm our enemies” / Jewish Senator supports jihadists in Syria / American Al-Qaeda fighter arrested / Christians most persecuted group in world / Saudi Arabia: No word on Ethiopian Christians / Nigeria: Easter attacks kill 80 Christians / Pakistan: Muslim mob attacks Christians / Bangladesh: Christian children rescued from Islamic traffickers disappear
Report From Washington - April 5, 2013
In this issue: Bronze Star awarded for PowerPoint on Islamic sensitivity / Obama State Department's new program to import Muslim college students / Obama Arab Spring fuels hatred of Christians in Tunisia / No tax dollars to Syrian jihadists / Nigeria: 80 Christians killed in Easter violence / Pakistan: Muslim mob destroys Christian village / Germany: Muslims demand new Islamic national holidays / The UN versus Israel
Report From Washington - March 29, 2013
In this issue: Obama's "free Syria" covers young girls in black / Obama's "Arab Spring" Tunisia: "Stone her to death!" / Sleeping with the Devil / Congress in recess / Congressman: "Don't arm our enemies" / No tax dollars for jihadists / American Al-Qaeda fighter arrested / Christians most persecuted group in world / Syria: Killing students for jihad / Chinese jihadist joins Syria "rebel fighters" / Sudan's Muslim government bombs Christians / Libya: American arrested for "proselytizing"