Hillary Clinton at her best

Report From Washington - January 25, 2013

In this issue: Hillary: What difference does it make why they died? / Obama seeks "Peace in our time" / Obama supports death on Roe v. Wade anniversary / Senators support Right to Life March / House Majority Leader supports Right to Life March / More Arab Spring attacks / Syrian refugee girls taken for Islamic "pleasure marriages" / Arming the enemies of freedom / The Jewish terrorist

Video: What does it profit America to sell arms to the enemies of freedom?

William J Murray's powerful expose of the the sale of weapons by the West to Islamic forces that conquered Constantinople, attacked Europe and now threaten Israel. Lenin was right, the capitalists will sell the enemy the very rope which will be used to hang themselves. For centuries the West has sold the weapons to Muslim forces to violate human rights and enslave entire nations.
One version of the black flag of jihad. The text is actually the Islamic statement of faith (shahadah) . The flag image varies but is used by by those killing Americans in Afghanistan as well as America's allies fighting against the Syrian government.

Report From Washington - January 18, 2013

In this issue: Obama: Protect children from guns and abort more babies / U.S. needs U.N. permission but French don't? / Does Nancy Pelosi run the House? / Pelosi appoints "Arab-American" as Chief of Staff / Senator Cruz on Obama's "exploitation" of children / Rupert Murdoch worse than Al Gore? / U.K. politician arrested for statement on Islam / Muslim vigilantes in London enforce Sharia.

Chairman's Report for January 17th, 2013

In this issue: William J. Murray writes on hot tub multiculturalism / Obama's gay inauguration - no evangelicals allowed / Obama sends tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood / More social conservatives in Congress including two new Senators / Planned Parenthood got $542 million of your tax dollars last year / Al Gore and Rupert Murdoch make big bucks on Jew hating TV networks
Newsweek Obama Gay

Report From Washington - January 11, 2013

In this issue: Obama's gay inauguration / Newsweek Magazine declares Obama "the first gay President" / Anti-Israel pick to head Defense Department / Obama's Syrian problem / Congressman against 200 tanks for Egypt / More Planned Parenthood tax dollars and a record number of abortions / Slavery trade under Islam / New video of Islamic slave trade / Muslim hit ordered on 15-year-old girl / More teachers killed by Muslims in Thailand
Al Gore hatred brings tears

Report From Washington - January 4, 2013

In this issue: Obama rejects "freedom of conscience" for military chaplains / NBC admits censorship of election news / Terror cleric link to 9-11 known by FBI for years / 113th Congress sworn in / 20% of House Members new / 14 new Senators / Al Gore sells TV network to Islamists, takes oil money / F-35's to Turkey and F-16's to Egypt / Egypt's Morsi previously called for war on Israel / Christian beheaded in Syria / Fatwa says rape only women over 14 in Syria / Muslims attack American Jew in Venice
Obama dashboard doll

Report From Washington - December 28th, 2012

In this issue: More Christians murdered in Nigeria / US debt crisis looms as Obama surfs in Hawaii / Fiscal cliff days away / Russian adoption heartbreak - whose fault was it? / CNN host: Bible needs amended / Islamists unit to form Syria Islamic state / List of Muslim murders of Christians on Christmas / More from William J Murray

Chairman's Report for December 24th, 2012

In this issue: William J. Murray writes on the Newtown school massacre / Mike Huckabee Show features Chairman Murray on America's violent society / Do we have more violence crime in America because the church does not preach eternal punishment in Hell any longer? / The Fiscal Cliff is a lot worse that anyone thinks / Taxes to rise regardless of congressional votes

Report From Washington - December 21st, 2012

In this issue: Obama and the Newtown massacre / A "commission" of violence? / RINO to run Pentagon? / Anti-war activist to take over State Department / Anti-tax king Grover Norquist calls to raise taxes / The AMT is about to bite taxpayers / Churches not preaching about Hell caused Newtown shootings? / CAIR leaders calls for destruction of Israel / Muslims kill nine giving out polio vaccine / Child killer Mohammed Merah a "hero" of Islam / Thai Muslims hunt Buddhist to kill

RFC Chairman William J. Murray to appear on Huckabee Show concerning Newtown school shooting

William J. Murray, chairman of the Government Is Not God Political Action Committee and the Religious Freedom Coalition will be on Mike Huckabee’s radio programtoday at 12:32 EST to discuss the Newtown, Connecticut school massacre. NEW: The audio of the program segment is now available!