Report From Washington - August 10, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama increases lead over Romney / RFC ad campaign tells the truth about Obama / Romney digs hole deeper on social issues / Both Houses in recess / Defending Michele Bachmann against the new pro-Muslim GOP establishment / Gymnast Aly Raisman honors martyred Olympic Jews / Cop punished for eating Chick-fil-A sandwich / Three servicemen killed by Afghan police chief / "Mainstream" Islamic cleric promotes suicide bombings / Pakistani lawyer kills sister in court / UK honor killing guilt for parents who murdered daughter / Learn more about Islamic terror

Report From Washington - August 3, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Will Romney move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem? / White House not sure where capital of Israel is / Obama executive order to help blacks only get into college / 60% leave Conservative party in UK over same-sex approval / Congressional resolution on Syrian Christians / Newt Gingrich defends Michele Bachmann / Attacks on Chick-fil-a backfire / Christians arming themselves in Syria / More attacks on Christians in Nigeria

Chairman's Report for August 2, 2012
The central point of The Road to Serfdom is that it is impossible to have both central planning and individual freedoms. We can see this playing out today; for instance, a small business owned by a Roman Catholic family in Denver refused to buy the federally mandated health insurance covering birth control, the morning after pill and sterilization. The Obama Justice Department told the family that they could either provide the insurance as ordered by the government, or shut down the business. The case is still in the courts. Then there is the ongoing saga of Chick-fil-A.

Report From Washington - July 27, 2012
William J Murray's weekly update from Washington, DC. In this issue: Forcing homosexuality on America / White House says the Capital of Israel is ? / Obama creates special office to assist only African-Americans / Majority Leader Eric Cantor, who is Jewish, urges tolerance toward Muslims / Michele Bachmann attacked for honesty about Muslim Brotherhood / World Magazine only major print publication to defend Bachmann / Congressional resolution on Syrian Christians? Socialism is not Christian / My thoughts on school prayer / American athletes in London forced to eat "halal" foods / Egypt and the Israel "treaty" / The Western - approved war on Christians.

Atheist's son: Prayer needed in classrooms
“This is more than the national motto; it was meant to be the real source of authority for our government. If rights come from God they cannot be taken away, but if they come from government, a simple majority vote can void those rights,” he continued. “Fifty years ago prayer and Bible reading represented the authority of God over the school, the teachers and the students. Bowing of heads in the morning for prayer was much more about surrendering to the authority of God than about learning ‘morals.’

Report From Washington - July 20, 2012
In this issue: Obama's FBI ignored warnings about Ft. Hood shooter / Evangelical college joins Catholics in ObamaCare lawsuit / Exposing Barack Obama's attacks on religious freedom / Congressman defends Chick-fil-A / Olympics: Husband and wife can't share room / Pray for victory over radical Islam / The Syrian situation / Vacation in jihad training camp

Pray for victory against radical Islam
If we want to win a war, should we not be asking God for victory? If the answer is yes, pastors can find models for those victory prayers in Psalms authored by King David, among other noteworthy places in the Bible. If, on the other hand, we do not want God’s intervention, perhaps we should prepare ourselves to lose the existential battle against the Islamists

Report From Washington - July 13, 2012
In this issue: Romney to throw election to Obama? / Obama's love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood / Obama, enemy of religious freedom / New Chairman's Report prepared in Middle East / The Syrian situation / Christian refugees from Syria / Instability in Jordan as Saudi Arabia plans invasion / Congress acts on ObamaCare, sort of

Chairman's Report for July 12, 2012
In this issue, William Murray reports from Israel, Jordan, and the Syrian border / Conditions in the Middle East are worsening for Christians / Bethlehem, under Palestinian Authority rule, sees Christian population shrink from 85% to less than 20% / Fighting intensifies in Syria, and Christians flee to Jordan / Medical clinics and food distribution warehouse overwhelmed by refugees in Jordan / In the US, ad campaign continues to inform Americans about Obama's war on religious freedom.

Report From Washington - June 29, 2012
In this Issue: ObamaCare survives and thrives / My newest op-ed on ObamaCare / Congressmen object to Air Force attacks on religion / Prayer Caucus defends legislative prayers / Muslim graffiti at Ground Zero Memorial / Sudan steals more church property in Khartoum and destroys churches / 85% of Pakistanis view USA as enemy / British Muslims a threat to Olympics / Stay away from London!