GOP leaders and conservative groups maintained an almost 100% certainty that they could win the White House, take over the Senate and hold the House on economic issues alone. One of the key economic issues in what they thought was a full arsenal was ObamaCare. Now what?

Report From Washington - June 22, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama and the Boko Haram / Exposing Barack Obama's attacks on religious freedom / Innocent family jailed for Holder's crimes / Lesbians make out in White House under Reagan portrait / Gays invited by Obama give Reagan portrait the middle finger / Children raised by homosexuals suffer / Catholics call for "Fortnight of Freedom" / Boko Haram kills 80 more - Obama finally responds with minor move / Christian slaves in Pakistan / Jew hunting season in France / Bishop says Christians safe in Assad's pre revolution Syria

Chairman's Report for June 21st, 2012
In the June 21st issue of the Chairman's Report: Saving Religious Freedom ads continue to appear in various newspapers exposing Barack Obama's attacks on religious freedom / Social conservatives must work to inform Mitt Romney what is expected of him before he wins in November / The message to Romney: "You must undo the damage done to religious freedom by Barack Obama." / The Arab Spring in Egypt turns into a war on women.

Report From Washington - June 15, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama generals name June "celebrate sodomy in the military month" / Barack Obama's message and a warning in Isaiah / Proof Obama joined a socialist party / Senators speak out in defense of marriage / Senate Bill for D-Day Prayer at FDR monument / Bloomberg says keep the pot but hand over the pop corn / Disney sodomy day / Arab Spring riots in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt with death squads, plunder, murder and rape - Does Obama get another Peace Prize for this?

Report From Washington - June 8, 2012
In This Issue: Obama military allows same-sex marriage in state where illegal / More dead to gang violence in Nashville thanks to Obama / FDR's D-Day prayer shows a stark contrast to Barack Obama / Conservative Hollywood producer banned from HS graduation / Judge rules to protect sex offender's "rights" / CAIR executive's antisemitic speech / Syrian "rebels" force Christians out of towns / Another Nigeria church bombed / New Egypt brings more attacks on women / German honor killing beheading

Report From Washington - June 1, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama says gender selective abortions OK / Thousands of Muslims chant "Obama the Ape, we are all Osama" / Black pastors say same-sex marriage not a civil rights issue / No Sharia for Kansas and no straight sex for California / Learn more on Sharia law / More Muslim death threats against Geert Wilders / UK inmates forced to convert to Islam / New Islamic conquest of Egypt / Uncovered women spat upon

Chairman's Report for June 1st 2012
The Religious Freedom Coalition’s advertising campaign warning of the Obama Administration’s threats to religious freedom began running on May 13th. The first newspaper to accept the ad was the Panama City News Herald. This newspaper is in the Panhandle of Florida, in an area that has a large military presence. Many of those living in the area fought for religious freedom in Iraq and Afghanistan, only to see Christians persecuted by the predominantly Muslim governments there.

Report From Washington - May 25, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE - Shocker: Obama lost most Kentucky counties in Dem primary / Obama orders school to allow man in women's bathroom / Obama's attack on religious freedom / Congress, Obama, the defense bill and chaplains' rights / New lawsuits against Obama Care over religious issues / What is behind the contraceptive mandate? / French socialists celebrate a Muslim victory / More Pakistan "blasphemy " arrests / Christians murdered in Pakistan / Pakistan jails doctor who helped find bin Laden / Moderate Muslims toss bags of urine in church

Report From Washington - May 18, 2012
In this issue: Obama says military chaplains must recognize same-sex marriage / Obama orders military chaplains to violate federal and state laws / New ad points to Obama attacks on religious freedom / Congressman Todd Akin's work to protect rights of military chaplains / Groups fight Eric Holder's attempt to expand Internet gambling to state lotteries / Taxpayers paying for abortions for illegal immigrants / Muslim voters control keys to power in Europe / Bowing to Islam, France bans port form government buildings

Report From Washington - May 11, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Exposing Obama's war on faith / Obama's Gay Agenda / Government rather than God / Protecting Chaplains / Capitol Hill prayer event / Hilton Hotel hosts pro-sharia conference / CAIR attorney trashes USA in Egypt / Kuwait: Death for blasphemy