Report From Washington - March 2, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama's IRS targets the Tea Party / Most Catholic Senators vote against Catholic Church on contraceptives / Senator Blunt's Rights of Conscience legislation / House resolution on death sentence of Iranian pastor / Arizona fights new HHS mandates / Florida passes school prayer bill / Islamic terror in the Philippines and Thailand / Islamic female genital mutilation in Ireland / More on the House Prayer Caucus
Report From Washington - February 24, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama to Muslims - We are sorry. Obama to Muslims - We are really sorry. Obama to Muslims - Please forgive us as you kill our soldiers / Obama, oil and gas prices / Congress and the work recess / Pennsylvania judge: Attack by Muslim on atheist is OK / Federal court backs religious freedom / More dead in Nigeria / In UK Muslims get time off for religious worship, but not Christians / Muslim associated with terrorists wants airline job back
Report From Washington - February 17, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: William J Murray's update - Terror threat to Capitol Building / Obama, Religious Freedom and social justice / Senator Blunt speaks out on religious freedom / Congressional hearings on Obama Care and religious liberty / The Vagina Monologues at the church altar - yes, really / Colorado school choir sings "there is no other truth except Allah" / Interpol enforces Islamic blasphemy laws / Islamic coup in Maldives
Chairman's Report for February 16, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama's war on individual liberty / Obama Care and the march to central planning / Friedrich von Hayek on central planning / Contraceptive mandate and religious liberty / Air Force erases God from flight patch / Honor killings in Canada / Dubai police chief no longer trusts America / Meet Obama's man in Egypt
Report From Washington - February 10, 2012
In this issue: Can the Church back down Obama? / Santorum's big win / Lawmakers try to counter Obama's attack on religious liberty / Air Force kicks God off logo / Religious Freedom Act needs Senate support / CPAC explained - Why I don't attend / a must for Christian families / Turkey converts another church to a mosque / A French politician tells the truth / Mafia move over here comes the Ikwan - A mega-mosque for Sicily
Report From Washington - February 3, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama exposes Israeli military plans, then says Jesus wants people to pay more taxes / Obama's continued attacks on the Catholic Church / Senator informs Obama that he is is not Jesus / Two Prayer Caucus backed bills pass House / Senator Rubio wants religious exemptions from Obama Care / Cherry picking the Bible / Occupy movement burns American flag and then goes anti-semitic / Dubai police chief says USA can't be trusted and has actually helped Iran / Media may have discovered persecuted Christians / A real success against Islamic terror
Chairman’s Report for January 27th, 2012
In this issue: Obama's continued war on religious freedom / Court defeat for Obama on EEOC attack on churches / HAMAS cheered by Obama support of Arab Spring / Rick Santorum defends faith and family / Former congressman jailed over Sudan contacts / Egypt's richest man faces blasphemy charge / Muslim Brotherhood owns Egypt / The Arab Spring turns to an Islamic fall / Boko Haram kills hundreds more in Nigeria / New York Times says Boko Haram "not a problem" / More from Religious Freedom Coalition
Report From Washington - January 27, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Rick Santorum stands for God given rights in Florida debate / Obama favors Muslim Brotherhood / The Egypt Obama made / One Thousand days since Congress passed a budget / Muslim students attack in Dearborn / School attacks student for pro-family op-ed / Will Nigeria surrender to terror? / Christian schools with Islamic prayers / Canada honor killings trial
Hate crime violence by Muslims on upswing in Michigan
At the end of a football game between two private schools in Dearborn, Michigan, four Muslim football players rushed a Christian quarterback, knocked off his helmet and beat him unconscious.
Report From Washington - January 20, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: Obama says oil pipeline too dangerous / The Gingrich disaster / Santorum's surprise / American Muslim children taught hatred in Islamic schools / NYC pastors arrested over service ban / Nigeria death toll rises / Pakistan province seizes church hospital / Jihad in Egypt rising