Report From Washington - June 17, 2011

IN THIS ISSUE: Obama ignoring genocide of African Christians / President claims there are no "hostilities" in Libya / Senate drive for Child Interstate Abortion Notification / Obama appoints radical pro-abortion judge / The Weiner saga in the House / Atheist Newdow defeated again / "Under "God" OK in Pledge / Seventh graders forced to take sex survey / UK parliament debates persecution of Christians / UK atheist speaks out against Islamic cultural terror / Terror in the Nuba Mountains / Release Asia Bibi now!

Report From Washington - June 10, 2011

In this issue: Secretary Gates says NATO era over / Obama's failed Iran policy / Rep. Weiner's Jewish-Muslim Issues / Recess and almost recess / Minneapolis Somali suicide bomber / Another Christian martyr every five minutes / Asia Bibi still wrongly jailed
Seals kill Osama Bin Laden

Chairman's Report for June 8, 2011

In this issue: The Obama/Netanyahu battle over the pre '67 boundaries of Israel / Group ad in Wall Street Journal supporting Israel / More than Israel at stake / Congressional resolutions supporting Israel / NYT: Burning Qur'an is news, plotting murder is not / ACLU defends Islam / Christian sisters forced to marry same Muslim man / Sharia for Egypt, says Muslim brotherhood / Christians attacked in Sudan
Jesus just a prophet ad on Sydney bus

Report From Washington - June 3, 2011

In this issue: Obama, the debt and foreign aid / Obama's Homeland Security Islam issues / Congressmen join lawsuit to protect memorial crosses / Pastor files lawsuit to say "Jesus" / Judge says gays allowed to discriminate / Teacher beaten by Muslims / Bus ads call Jesus a Muslim prophet / Turkey's Christians under siege / Muslims attack Christians in Sudan

Report from Washington, May 27, 2011

In this issue: Obama's "Jews should love me" delusion / Protecting life and marriage in the military / Congressional pro-Israel resolutions / Jewish Chaplains memorial / Social conservatives and Israel / Atheist Newdow lost another one / Sex change for kids? / ACLU defends sharia / Muslim Brotherhood's Egypt / Christian sisters kidnapped, forced to marry same Muslim man / Asia Bibi

Report From Washington - May 20, 2011

In this week's issue: Obama wants indefensible borders for Israel / Social conservative groups support Israel, run full page ad in DC / Congressional resolution to support Israel / Senate blocks Obama's judge / Muslim US attorney for Jihad? / Who is paying for the new giant Brooklyn mosque / Israel rejects Obama demand for 1967 border / Missiles in Latin America; what would John F. Kennedy do?
Usama bin Laden killed by Seals

Chairman's Report for May 19, 2011

In this issue: Bin Laden's takedown; no explanations needed /"Arab Spring" harbinger of a frightening summer /Obama offends policemen observing Police Week /Same-sex Navy marriages? / Congressman West says, Stop funding Pakistan /Congressional Resolution for Ten Commandments / Bankrupt but Gay-friendly /Another American girl victim of "honor killing" / Brave Egyptian and Nigerian Christians endure more attacks.
Seals kill Osama Bin Laden

Report From Washington, May 13, 2011

In this issue: How the Obama's celebrated Police Week / Obama's same-sex Navy marriages / Proposed law would empower international religious freedom / Ten Commandments Weekend a reality in Kansas / The bankrupt but gay-friendly state / Another honor killing in Michigan / Another mega mosque for New York City / More attacks on Egyptian Christians
Time Cover Osama Dead

Report From Washington - May 6, 2011

In this week's issue: Obama terror victory marred by message errors / A respectful funeral for Bin laden? / Congressman says stop funding Pakistan government / House bans abortion funding / Christian school attacked in Pakistan / Pro Bin Laden demonstrations in Pakistan
Seals kill Osama Bin Laden

Pakistan was protecting Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden was killed in his mansion in Abbottabad,…