Jesus just a prophet ad on Sydney bus

Report From Washington - June 3, 2011

In this issue: Obama, the debt and foreign aid / Obama's Homeland Security Islam issues / Congressmen join lawsuit to protect memorial crosses / Pastor files lawsuit to say "Jesus" / Judge says gays allowed to discriminate / Teacher beaten by Muslims / Bus ads call Jesus a Muslim prophet / Turkey's Christians under siege / Muslims attack Christians in Sudan

Report from Washington, May 27, 2011

In this issue: Obama's "Jews should love me" delusion / Protecting life and marriage in the military / Congressional pro-Israel resolutions / Jewish Chaplains memorial / Social conservatives and Israel / Atheist Newdow lost another one / Sex change for kids? / ACLU defends sharia / Muslim Brotherhood's Egypt / Christian sisters kidnapped, forced to marry same Muslim man / Asia Bibi

Report From Washington - May 20, 2011

In this week's issue: Obama wants indefensible borders for Israel / Social conservative groups support Israel, run full page ad in DC / Congressional resolution to support Israel / Senate blocks Obama's judge / Muslim US attorney for Jihad? / Who is paying for the new giant Brooklyn mosque / Israel rejects Obama demand for 1967 border / Missiles in Latin America; what would John F. Kennedy do?
Usama bin Laden killed by Seals

Chairman's Report for May 19, 2011

In this issue: Bin Laden's takedown; no explanations needed /"Arab Spring" harbinger of a frightening summer /Obama offends policemen observing Police Week /Same-sex Navy marriages? / Congressman West says, Stop funding Pakistan /Congressional Resolution for Ten Commandments / Bankrupt but Gay-friendly /Another American girl victim of "honor killing" / Brave Egyptian and Nigerian Christians endure more attacks.
Seal of the Muslim Brotherhood

Report From Washington, May 13, 2011

In this issue: How the Obama's celebrated Police Week / Obama's same-sex Navy marriages / Proposed law would empower international religious freedom / Ten Commandments Weekend a reality in Kansas / The bankrupt but gay-friendly state / Another honor killing in Michigan / Another mega mosque for New York City / More attacks on Egyptian Christians
Time Cover Osama Dead

Report From Washington - May 6, 2011

In this week's issue: Obama terror victory marred by message errors / A respectful funeral for Bin laden? / Congressman says stop funding Pakistan government / House bans abortion funding / Christian school attacked in Pakistan / Pro Bin Laden demonstrations in Pakistan
Seals kill Osama Bin Laden

Pakistan was protecting Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden was killed in his mansion in Abbottabad,…
Presidents Assad and Ahmadinejad

Report From Washington, April 29, 2011

In this week's issue: Will Obama support Muslim Brotherhood in Syria? / Why India doesn't trust the U.S. / Just print more funny money / Hamas and Fatah make a deal / Farrakhan criticizes America on Al-Jazeera / Hundreds of Christians killed in Nigeria / Christian fear in Iraq / Why the church supports Syria's Assad
King James 400 Year Anniversary

Chairman's Report for April 28, 2011

In this issue: The Peace Prize President / Ignoring the New Nazis / John McCain Fronts for Obama / Senator Reid Drops "Under God" from Pledge / Congressional Resolution Proposed to Honor King James Bible / Cleared, then Murdered for Blasphemy / Good Friday Disaster Averted in Indonesia
Seal of the Muslim Brotherhood

Report From Washington - Friday, April 22, 2011

In this issue: Muslim Brotherhood demands sharia law in Egypt / Obama helping Muslim Brotherhood? / John McCain fronts for Obama in Libya / Congress and the Ten Commandments / Liberals: Free speech kills / Son of Hamas and the Ground Zero mosque / Palm Sunday Church attack in Pakistan / Good Friday attack on church averted in Indonesia / Saudi Arabia arrests Christians