Chairman's Report for May 20, 2022

Second 2022 mission to Nigeria successful despite satanic interference / Obstacles to April trip mounted as Islamic attacks in Nigeria escalated / Attacks in Plateau and Kaduna – Train from Abuja attacked during trip / Prayers at proposed orphanage site as the Lord shows a path to success

WATCH: Interview with Nigerian Orphanage Director

William J. Murray sat down with the Director of the Christian orphanage we support in Nigeria. In this interview, they discuss life before and after the horrific tragedy that took place in August 2021 when Fulani Herdsmen destroyed the orphanage and forced the children to flee.

Chairman's Report for April 15, 2022

Safe, permanent site for the orphanage children may have been found / Owner wants outrageous price for current building that needs repair / Diapers for Refugees program continues in Iraq and West Bank / Final results of supporters’ poll ranking our mission programs

Diapers for Refugees

In Iraq our main distribution center is now Dohuc where there are many impoverished Christian families who were financially unable to return and rebuild their homes. We continue to distribute both infant and adult diapers in the Dohuc area, the home of what is left of the Assyrians.

Chairman's Report for March 25, 2022

Results of 2022 poll of Religious Freedom Coalition supporters / Capitol Hill groups demand help to release Christian worker in Niger / More on our visit to the orphanage at Jos and plans for the building / More on visits to locations in Benue State, Nigeria – A school we can’t support

Nigeria Mission Recap 2 - Nigerian Orphanage

We noticed some things needed to change after an audit was done during our visit to the orphanage. We have already made adjustments to the current building, but think we may need to look elsewhere for a permanent home.

Christian Missionary Held - Capitol Hill

I was one of twelve leaders of religious organizations to sign a joint letter to the foreign minister of Mali to help free a Christian missionary. Jeffery Woodke is one of sixty-six Americans known to be held by terrorist organizations. View the official letter here.

Chairman's Report for February, 25 2022

Finally, in Nigeria – Two years of attempts at a mission trip during Covid-19 / Commissioning of our new school building at IDP camp in Benue State, Nigeria / Visit to former orphanage site attacked and destroyed by Sunni Muslims / Conditions at the new orphanage site in Jos are not ideal, but usable

Nigeria Mission Recap 1 - IDP Camp School Building

Mission Trip to Nigeria planned for March 2020 finally takes place in January 2022. In this first recap I tell about our trip to Benue State to attend the commission of the school building we funded at an IDP camp. We were able to participate and hand out Christ-centered educational materials to the children.

Chairman's Report for January, 28 2022

The disaster of December: Our office shut down for most of the month / Exploding water heater floods our office and Post Office “misplaces” our mail / Photo spread of our Christmas programs in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq / Nigeria orphanage celebrates “Jesus birthday” during classroom construction