Chairman’s Report for May 20, 2022
In this issue of the newsletter
Update: Second 2022 mission to Nigeria successful despite satanic interference
Update: Obstacles to April trip mounted as Islamic attacks in Nigeria escalated
Update: Attacks in Plateau and Kaduna – Train from Abuja attacked during trip
Update: Prayers at proposed orphanage site as the Lord shows a path to success
Satan is no match for our God
Buying land anywhere is a big investment: I was comfortable renting a facility for the orphanage in Jos, Nigeria for the next two years. One full year’s rent was paid in advance.
Then, problems arose that should have been foreseen. We have three times the number of children in the building than it had in the past. There are major pumping issues.
There are also power issues that we were unaware of at first. When Nancy and I visited the orphanage in January, lights were flickering. Because of the number of children, a fire evacuation would be a nightmare. Meanwhile, our costs for repairs as a result of the number of children we have are mounting.
Nancy and I returned to Nigeria in April for a further inspection and to look over several plots of land that have been offered to us.
From the day I decided to return to Jos for further inspections Satan tossed roadblocks in front of us in numerous forms.
My office computer went dead just two days before our scheduled departure. Because of how our server system is set up, I need to login remotely to my office computer at work. And that is just one of several disturbing interruptions that occurred that were far from normal. We even had mysterious power outages at our home that the power company could not explain.
Just before we were to leave for Dulles International Airport there was a series of accidents on Interstate 95. Despite leaving four hours before the flight time, at one point I honestly believed we would not make it. We stood nearly still on the Interstate for over two hours.
I have experienced this kind of resistance before from Satan, and it has always resulted in a great victory for the Lord and for this ministry. This was no exception. But, there is always victory for those who seek to minister in the name of our Lord.
Also, we know that all things work together for the best unto them that love God, even to them that are called of his purpose. Romans 8:28 (Geneva Bible)
Still, Satan continued his attacks while we were there. The drive to Jos from Abuja requires driving through Kaduna State which saw several Islamic attacks while we were in Nigeria. We faced numerous roadblocks and troop movements. Two trains between Abuja and the city of Kaduna in Kaduna State were bombed. (Abuja is the capital of Nigeria, and the city of Kaduna was the former capital of the British protectorate.) People were kidnapped from the trains. Finally, Nancy and I arrived in Jos to inspect proposed new sites for the orphanage.
I am a member of the Board of Directors of the official charity that operates the orphanage in Nigeria. Because of Nigerian law the Religious Freedom Coalition, an American non-profit, must be separate from the Nigerian organization. However, the Religious Freedom Coalition has full control of how funds are spent.
Nancy and I looked at land offerings, and the land I mentioned in the last newsletter is the only viable option because it has existing structures that can be expanded.
We spent some time with the children as well. We had lunch with them and I learned how they had become orphans, and their feelings after the attacks that destroyed the orphanage in Miango.
Some of those conversations with the children can be seen at out Internet site. I also recorded a lengthy interview with our orphanage director, Joshua Dickson, that I hope you can watch. He describes the August, 2021 attack and the evacuation of the children.
After meeting with Joshua and listening to the children, we prayed at the site of the only affordable land inside of Jos. I asked the Lord for direction and within hours the owner of the land reduced the price!
The Lord has shown us a path.
Even with the price reduction, improvements must be made before the children can move to the new site. With the price of the land and improvements a total of $150,000 is needed. We have rent paid at the temporary site until September. Bottom line: I need to raise the funds in less than two months to purchase the land and make the improvements.
A special letter to supporters: As soon as I returned from Nigeria, I mailed a special fund-raising letter asking 10,000 former and current supporters to give just $15 each to purchase the land. Many of those I mailed the letter to have not given any support to projects for several years. Others like you, have helped more recently.
Will every one of those 10,000 send $15? I pray they will, but many may not be able to help at all, so I asked as many as were able to send an extra $15 for those who may not be able. If you can send an additional gift this month, please help! Thank you.
Our other programs, including the very important adult diaper program, must continue as well. Once the orphans we are helping in Nigeria have a home that is safe, I will be able to focus more on the Diaper and Christmas programs and spend more time on Capitol Hill.
This will be a pivotal year, and the November election may change the face of the nation. So called liberals have moved toward fascism in restricting free speech and attacking religious freedom. In the next newsletter I plan to report in greater detail on my work on Capitol Hill.
If you mailed a check to the Religious Freedom Coalition in November or December and it still has not been cashed, please contact our office at 202-543-0300.
See below for photos from our most recent trip to Nigeria in April.

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