Progress at Orphanage Transition House!
Work completed: Most of the work needed for the new transition house for teenagers aging out of our orphanage has been completed.
The ten teenagers selected have cleaned up the property themselves, including doing many of the required repairs.
About the furnishings! About the only items we needed to purchase were mattresses and some small items like chairs. The bed frames, desks and other larger items were made in the orphanage wood shop! The bed in the photo below is an example of the quality workmanship at the orphanage wood shop.

Only one larger project needs to be addressed and that is the drilling of the bore hole for an adequate water supply for ten young adults. That will be done before the end of June.
Advertisements were placed in churches for caregivers and a security officer for the transition house.
Interviews were conducted of applicants, and background checks completed.
The requirements for a live-in couple and monitors to watch over the transition house were set very high.
The five teenage girls in the program will be in a separate area than the boys. One of the reasons this property was chosen was the ability to provide a separate area for the girls.
The program should be in full operation by the end of June, with all ten teenagers who have aged out of the orphanage now in their new home.
The ten teens moving out of the orphanage will mean ten open slots for the orphans most in need from the attacks in Mangu, Barkin Ladi and other areas in Plateau State. Our ministry is still working to find homes for orphans created in the attacks during the Christmas period.
Educational programs will begin almost immediately. The next newsletter will include profiles of some of the transition students. All are graduating from the orphanage school with government test scores far above those of public-school students! Generous gifts from our supporters made this possible!
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