Entries by Claire Marlowe

The Chairman’s Report for January 6, 2020

Demonstrations in Lebanon and strikes in Paris hamper Christmas programs / Some children attending were raised as Muslim but now confess Jesus
New: Visits to some of the first Christmas programs in Lebanon in 2019 / Iraq Christmas programs remind children of Jesus’ love for them / Watch the next issue of the Chairman’s Report for Jordan and the West Bank

Christmas for Refugees in Iraq: WATCH

William J. Murray reports from Qaraqosh, Iraq… an area that was destroyed by the Islamic State because of the Christian presence in the town. Watch this video to see how our Christmas for Refugees events help encourage Christians in areas like this!

The Kurdish Crisis?

The city of Manjib in northeastern Syria has become a focal point for those who have attacked President Trump for pulling American troops from Syria. William J. Murray calls attention to the truths of what Christians are facing in Kurdish controlled areas.