1.5 Million Christians Murdered in What is Called the "Metz Yeghern"

I was overjoyed when I learned that President Joe Biden was going to issue an official statement recognizing the Armenian Genocide. Then I read President Biden’s statement. He never even mentioned the word "Christian" and also managed to forgive the killers.

The Chairman's Report for April, 23 2021

Classrooms for Christian IDP children in Benue State, Nigeria / Third year for our farm project at Nigeria orphanage in Plateau State / Detailed results of the annual Religious Freedom Coalition supporter’s poll / Capitol Hill – My conversation with Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Conversation with Senator Ben Sasse

On March 18th I spent over an hour on a Zoom call with Senator Sasse to discuss the state of religious liberty. I was also able to speak with his National Security Advisor, Brett Fetterly, to discuss in great detail the persecution of Christians in Nigeria and the failure of our government to call out the Sunni Muslim president.

Building Schools for Displaced Christian Children

The Religious Freedom Coalition is funding the construction of school buildings at IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) Camps in Nigeria. Many of the Christian families in these camps are there as a result of fleeing Islamist terror and persecution.

The Chairman's Report for March 26, 2021

Post cards to Biden demanding action in Nigeria sent to all supporters! / We build classrooms for Nigerian Christian children in displacement camps / Religious Freedom Coalition supporters back Nigeria and diaper programs / Adult diaper delivery to disabled Christian elderly in Middle East

Diapers for Refugees Update

Our Diapers for Refugees program is still curtailed by Covid-19 which is severe in the Middle East. Despite the difficulties, there are successes in places such as Bethlehem and Beit Sahour in the West Bank. In Iraq, Jordan and the West Bank diapers must be delivered to homes and care centers because of government restrictions.

Inside Our Work in Nigeria

In this update from William J. Murray, learn about the different areas the Religious Freedom Coalition is helping the persecuted Christians in Nigeria. These efforts include the continued partnership with an orphanage along with a new venture we have begun which is centered around building school houses for displaced children.

WATCH: Schools for Nigerian Children

WATCH: We have partnered with the Tiv Tribe to build one school building for children to learn away from the beating sun and pouring rain. But I believe we can do even better, as there are thousands of displaced children who need some form of education.

The Chairman's Report for February 26, 2021

Post Card Campaign to Joe Biden successful. Thousands mailed so far! / Everyone receiving newsletter will receive a post card to mail to Biden. / Diapers for Refugees programs in Iraq, Jordan and the Holy Land / Food program in Bethlehem helps Christian families in extreme poverty

Demanding that Biden continue Trump policy on Nigeria

Joe Biden has issued an executive order to undo what he called the "Muslim travel ban" that was established by President Trump to put pressure on areas with increased Sunni Muslim terrorist activities... including Nigeria.