Chairman's Report for April 11th, 2013
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In this issue: Bronze Star awarded for a politically correct PowerPoint on how to be sensitive in handling Islamic religious materials / Obama State Department wants more Muslim college students in USA / Obama’s “Arab Spring” Tunisia: “Stone her to death” / Obama’s “free Syria” covers young girls in black / Congressman: “Don’t arm our enemies” / Jewish Senator supports jihadists in Syria / American Al-Qaeda fighter arrested / Christians most persecuted group in world / Saudi Arabia: No word on Ethiopian Christians / Nigeria: Easter attacks kill 80 Christians / Pakistan: Muslim mob attacks Christians / Bangladesh: Christian children rescued from Islamic traffickers disappear

Report From Washington - April 5, 2013
In this issue: Bronze Star awarded for PowerPoint on Islamic sensitivity / Obama State Department's new program to import Muslim college students / Obama Arab Spring fuels hatred of Christians in Tunisia / No tax dollars to Syrian jihadists / Nigeria: 80 Christians killed in Easter violence / Pakistan: Muslim mob destroys Christian village / Germany: Muslims demand new Islamic national holidays / The UN versus Israel

Report From Washington - March 29, 2013
In this issue: Obama's "free Syria" covers young girls in black / Obama's "Arab Spring" Tunisia: "Stone her to death!" / Sleeping with the Devil / Congress in recess / Congressman: "Don't arm our enemies" / No tax dollars for jihadists / American Al-Qaeda fighter arrested / Christians most persecuted group in world / Syria: Killing students for jihad / Chinese jihadist joins Syria "rebel fighters" / Sudan's Muslim government bombs Christians / Libya: American arrested for "proselytizing"

The Global Assault on Christians:
Human rights advocate Nina Shea:, “Christians are the most persecuted group in the world.” She backed up that statement with statistics and statements from the Vatican, Open Doors, Newsweek, the Economist and the Pew Research Center during a recent forum with Paul Marshall and Lela Gilbert at the Hudson Institute

Report From Washington - March 22, 2013
In this issue: Obama in Israel - why now? / Obama to Israelis: Pretend you're Palestinians / Obama and the great green con / No tax dollars for jihadists / Jewish Senator wants jihadist state in Syria / Is U.S foreign aid a "jizya? / Hamas supporter to head Syrian rebels / Tenth anniversary of Iraq war - 20 bombings / More Christian kids murdered in Nigeria / "Moderate" Indonesia to tear down church \ Join me in fact finding trip to Israel.

Chairman's Report for March 22nd, 2013
Despite Saudi Arabia being an absolute monarchy/dictatorship, there is never a word of criticism from Western leaders or the Western press against the atrocities there. Rather, Western leaders – including President Obama - often travel to Saudi Arabia to bow before the royalty to either beg for loans or in an attempt to sell arms to them. No Western reporters will follow up on the arrests of 53 Christian guest workers.

Report From Washington - March 15, 2013
In this issue: U.S. supports jihadists now? / Obama wants to remove "right to life" from UN declaration /White House silent on Saudi persecution of Christians / No tax dollars for jihadists / Senator may help Christians in Saudi Arabia / Using the Fax Congress system / New Pope should defend religious liberty / France: Frenchmen fight on both sides / UK Muslim MP blames Jews for his 16 day stay in jail for killing man / Australia: Wilders warns of Islam / Bangladesh: Hindus meet same fate as Christians / Join me in fact finding trip to Israe

When America switched sides in terror war
Incredibly, less than 12 years after al-Qaida fighters from Saudi Arabia flew civilian aircraft into two World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon, the United States is supporting an al-Qaida-backed insurgency in Syria, the goal of which is to create an Islamic state free of Christians. In Washington, D.C., there is bipartisan support for the fighters waging the war to rid Syria of its secular government. Not only does the Democratic president, Barack Obama, support the Islamic “rebels,” but so do hawkish Republican senators such as John McCain and Lindsay Graham.

Report From Washington - March 8, 2013
In this issue: Money for Muslim Brotherhood but not for White House tours for kids / State Department award to anti-Semite / The White House and Saudi persecution of Christians / House bill to protect religious liberty in ObamaCare / Senator slams Muslim Brotherhood / Senator grills Eric Holder on social issues / Leftist congressmen mourn dictator Chavez death / Coptic Christians fear US support of Muslim Brotherhood / Imam who says woman deserve rape tries to rape woman / Boko Haram attacks army garrison dung their "cease fire" / 209 schools destroyed by Boko Haram in one state / Blood runs in the streets of Bangladesh so your shirt from Kohl's can be 100% Muslim

Congressmen must speak out against Saudi arrests of Christians for praying
In February 53 more Ethiopian Christians were arrested as they held a prayer meeting at a private home. In the past Christians working in Saudi Arabia have been tortured. Christian women arrested have been subjected to sexual tortures. The Religious Freedom Coalition has arranged through FaxCongress.com for a petition to be faxed free of charge to your congressman asking him to speak up against the arrest and torture of Christians in Saudi Arabia