Report From Washington - December 14th, 2012
In this issue: Obama's Egypt now under martial law / Obama sends more F-16's to Muslim Brotherhood / Obama's Egypt: Judges gleeful he can order hands cut off / Survey shows most Egyptians against free speech / Obama says unions made Detroit what it is - duh / Rubio blasts UN on Human Rights and Trafficking / FEMA says Sandy damaged houses of worship deserve no help / Much more from the Religious Freedom Coalition

Report From Washington - December 7, 2012
In this issue: Obama demands more power than any American president has ever had / Paul loves Obama for robbing Peter / White House submission to international blasphemy laws / America can't survive the cures coming out of Congress / One bright spot in actions of Congressional Prayer Caucus / New Chairman's Report by William J Murray /Did Franklin Roosevelt describe the Egypt of today? / A world of jihad - an attack every five hours / Al Jazeera owner sends man to life in jail for criticizing him

Chairman's Report for December 5th, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE: A politician who robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on the vote of Paul. The new central planning machine in Washington will run over the GOP / Obama has a vision of an American utopia not of equal opportunity, but of centrally planned equal outcomes / Jihadists target Christians in Syria / Saudi Arabia financing war on Syria / Obama's lesbian wedding at West Point / Benjamin Franklin: “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

Report From Washington - November 30, 2012
In this issue: More Christians killed by Obama's "rebels" / Obama supports Muslim oppression / Grover Norquist and the Congress / Islam film maker unrepentant / Carnival's gay drag queen cruise / Sharia Court condemns American to death / More dead Christians in Syria thanks to Obama / Islamists from 19 countries have been killed fighting the secular government of Syria / More churches bombed in Nigeria / Muslims kill more Christians

Thanksgiving, November 22, 2012 - Washington, DC
In this issue: The real meaning of Thanksgiving - Read the first Thanksgiving Proclamation / Thanksgiving proclamations of Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and now Obama / Proclamation of the first Congress / The Pilgrim experiment with collectivism / Pray for Christians in the Middle East this Thanksgiving. Includes copies of early Thanksgiving proclamations

Report From Washington - November 16, 2012
URGENT: Riots have broken out in Jordan near our aid distribution centers. Christians are fleeing Syria to Jordan. Our aid work must continue. Please help now!
In this issue: Obama's Muslim Brotherhood buddies riot in Jordan / The Obama-Morsi love affair / Does Romney finally get it? / Secret Benghazi hearings / Focus on the Family to "refocus" / Unemployment up and prices up / Obama reelected and Israel attacked / More Syrian Christians murdered / Last Christian in Homs, Syria murdered

Chairman's Report for November 15th, 2012
Government dependency won the election and the family lost. But, We cannot surrender. The truth of the Gospel and the Biblical view of the family must still be presented to the lost. On a political level those who love the Lord and hold the Bible as truth must continue to knock on the doors of congressmen and Senators. It is our responsibility as believers to warn the leaders of this nation away from the dangerous path they have chosen for the people. We must return both power and responsibility back to the God ordained family.

Report From Washington - November 9, 2012
In this issue: Another establishment one-note GOP candidate for President lost / What next for our "democracy"? / What happened in the House and Senate / Nancy Pelosi and the Islamists / Gay foreplay and the Maine middle school / Arab Lawyers Union honors a mass murderer with an award / More Muslims than Catholics in France? / Increase in Saudi child brides / More Christians die at the hands of Muslims this week

Report From Washington - November 2, 2012
In this issue: The Benghazi blame game / Clinton's assistant dreamt up blaming video? / A storm kills American infrastructure / PAC ads explain how Obama is pro--Islam / Congresswoman fears Hezbollah in Mexico / American Muslims want critics of Islam jailed / Anti-Muslim film maker still jailed without bail / University air brushes crosses from football game photo / Islamists target Buddhists / Muslim Brotherhood confirms Sharia for Egypt / Government attacks secularist protestors with water cannon in Turkey / More attacks on Christians in Syria / Syrian rebels adopt Nazi salute / Syrian rebels post video of themselves murdering unarmed men for the glory of Allah

Report From Washington - October 26, 2012
In this issue: Romney and Obama both wrong on Islam / The truth about Obama and Libya / Obama ignorant of military use of bayonets / PAC says Obama favors Islam / Anti-Islam film maker hearing set after election / Another university tries to ban Christian groups / Muslim doctors of death worldwide / Pro-Muslim repression in the UK / Thirty days of Islamic terror