Good Christian Bitches sucks as bad as ABC executives

Report From Washington - March 30, 2012

IN THIS ISSUE: What does Obama's "after election flexibility" mean to Israel? / Does a Muslim really head the CIA anti-terror unit? / Gift book for Muslim couples - on wife beating / Catholic group leaves university in protest / Saudi Kingdom helps "rebels" in Syria? / French Muslim women honor child killer / In UK, forced marriage for 5-year-old / Man kills daughter over cell phone pics of American actor
Victims of child killer Mohamed

Chairman’s Report for March 29, 2012

In this issue: Child killer Mohamed Merah was encouraged by European appeasement / Labor Party candidate of mayor of London claims the words of Mohammed are "an agenda for humanity" / Winston Churchill would be at odds with pro-Islamic society in UK today / UK man jailed for year for insulting Sharia law / UK Christian have no right to wear a cross at work / Morocco teen kills self when forced to marry her rapist / Obama's Egypt ... The Muslim Brotherhood controlled parliament declares Israel the enemy / Are McCain and Obama targeting the Christians of Syria
Obama and the Egypt Muslim Brotherhood

Report From Washington - March 23, 2012

In this issue: Barack Obama and John McCain created an Egypt that calls for the destruction of Israel / In Oklahoma, Obama is pro-oil? / Congressional Prayer Caucus fights to save Mt. Soledad Cross / Several cities change official seals to say: In God We Trust / Christian neighborhoods in Syria bombed by "rebels" / USCRIF reports on nations that repress religious freedom / Sorry New York Times, the shooter was a Muslim, not a Nazi / Jew hating candidate for mayor of London has sweet words for Mohammed
Real US Oil reserves

Report From Washington - March 16, 2012

In this issue: Obama's hatred for domestic energy / Romney the day before his southern defeat / Congressman defends prayer at food pantry / Surprise: The New York Times has a bias against Christianity / Islam: Girl forced to marry rapist commits suicide / In the UK man sentenced to jail for being critical of Islam while UK government says Christians have no right to wear cross in public / Another Christian mother arrested for blasphemy in Pakistan
Good Christian Bitches sucks as bad as ABC executives

Report From Washington - March 9, 2012

IN THIS ISSUE: Muslim attack on Washington, DC on March 9th / Obama, centralized government and faith / Outrage over "post birth abortion" / Congressmen support religious liberty / Religious freedom for military chaplains / Why does Walt Disney Corp. hate Christians? / Constitution or Sharia Conference DVD available / Christian and Hindu women suffer in Pakistan / Spanish Imam on proper way to beat women / Muslim terrorists take over DC building - - in 1977
Good Christian Bitches sucks as bad as ABC executives

Chairman's Report for March 8, 2012

IN THIS ISSUE: Obama Apologizes for Qur'an Burning / Don't Attack Iran? / Obama Targets Tea Party with IRS / Catholic Senators Help Obama Kill Religious Freedom / Resolution on Iranian Death Sentence for Pastor/ U.S. Judge Says Muslim Attack on Atheist OK / Syria: Targeted Killings of Christians
Good Christian Bitches sucks as bad as ABC executives


Syrian Christians have already been targeted in areas that have fallen to what Senator McCain lovingly calls “the rebels.” Christians have been forced from their homes, and without the rule of secular law, young Christian girls are being kidnapped and forced into Islamic marriages. The “rebels” are supported by al-Qaeda and other Islamic extremist organizations. IF Obama and McCain have their way the devil we know in Syria may be replaced soon by a devil we may not want to know.
Good Christian Bitches sucks as bad as ABC executives

Mission to Syrian Christians

The Christians of Syria need our help! During March, 2012 all…
Good Christian Bitches sucks as bad as ABC executives

Report From Washington - March 2, 2012

IN THIS ISSUE: Obama's IRS targets the Tea Party / Most Catholic Senators vote against Catholic Church on contraceptives / Senator Blunt's Rights of Conscience legislation / House resolution on death sentence of Iranian pastor / Arizona fights new HHS mandates / Florida passes school prayer bill / Islamic terror in the Philippines and Thailand / Islamic female genital mutilation in Ireland / More on the House Prayer Caucus
Good Christian Bitches sucks as bad as ABC executives

Report From Washington - February 24, 2012

IN THIS ISSUE: Obama to Muslims - We are sorry. Obama to Muslims - We are really sorry. Obama to Muslims - Please forgive us as you kill our soldiers / Obama, oil and gas prices / Congress and the work recess / Pennsylvania judge: Attack by Muslim on atheist is OK / Federal court backs religious freedom / More dead in Nigeria / In UK Muslims get time off for religious worship, but not Christians / Muslim associated with terrorists wants airline job back