Report From Washington - September 2, 2011
IN THIS ISSUE: Date set for Constitution or Sharia Conference / Obama Administration to fight "Islamophobia" by eliminating free speech / Obama wants more jobs (in Saudi Arabia) / Senator Lieberman says Obama too concerned about offending Muslims / Muslims go after coloring book depicting 9-11 attacks / Muslim Brotherhood in America / Final Ramadan body count 785/ More Christian persecution in Norway

Chairman's Report from Washington, DC for September 1, 2011
IN THIS ISSUE: President Obama deals with high unemployment with high dollar vacations / Why does First Lady need a separate jet to go with the President? / Busting the Bible Belt with Somali Muslims / Does TSA high extremists? / Allen West in Israel / More fraud associated with Ground Zero mosque / Islamic hate speech in Harlem / The London Riots caused by lack of morals / Israel under attack / The Ramadan body count: 180 terror attacks kill 785

Report From Washington - August 26, 2011
IN THIS ISSUE: Busting the Bible Belt / Obama's airport security / FBI recruits from organization it busted / Congressman Allen West in Israel / WIKI ISLAM / Teacher fired for free speech is reinstated / Another teacher punished for showing tools in class / Ground Zero Mosque financer accused of fraud / Ramadan body count goes past 600 / Muslims bomb UN building in Nigeria / Sharia law for the new Libya ... Even more in depth material on Sharia in the USA

Report From Washington - August 19, 2011
In this issue: Barack Obama spends your money better than you could / Obama will change immigration laws without congressional approval / Congressman King finds new 9/11 link / More Islamic hate speech in Harlem / Teacher of the year suspended for Facebook post / Ramadan body count at 433 / London riots a "moral issue" / New attacks on Israel

Report From Washington - August 12, 2011
In this weekly update: Is it the Tea Party downgrade? / Obama is causing the market volatility / Support the Public Expression of Religion Act / SEIU members parade for Obama and communist revolution / Why riots in London? / The Ramadan body count stands at 121 as of day 12 / Imam claims Queen Elizabeth will wear the hijab

Chairman's Report from Washington, DC for August 11, 2011
The August 11th, 2011 edition of William Murray's newsletter, the Chairman's Action Report contains insights into White House actions before and after the downgrade of U.S. credit. Also featured: Obama's birthday bash that cost more per plate than the average American makes in a year. Why the atheists are suing the Ground Zero museum. More on the Ground Zero mosque, now called "PrayerSpace: and yet another attempt at jihad at Ft. hood. Murray's newest op-ed, China: The Deadly Utopia is also included.

RFC Report From Washington - August 5, 2011
In the August 5, 2011 issue: U.S debt now 100% of GDP / Barack's birthday bash / VP Biden finally uses the word "terrorist" --- against the Tea Party! / Fed spending exceeds $30K per household / Will Senate help protect religious minorities in the Middle East? / NYC: Yes to mosque, no to church / The Bloomberg mosque and same-sex nuptials / Yet another version of Ground Zero mosque / Ramadan body count on day 4 reaches 49 dead in 20 attacks / Muslim kills six daughters in one day to defend his "honor" / Egypt slides to Islamic state.

RFC Report From Washington - August 5, 2011
In the August 5, 2011 issue: U.S debt now 100% of GDP / Barack's birthday bash and Michelle's extravaganza in Spain / VP Biden finally uses the word "terrorist" --- against the Tea Party! / Fed spending exceeds $30K per household / Will Senate help protect religious minorities in the Middle East? / NYC: Yes to mosque, no to church / The Bloomberg mosque and same-sex nuptials / Yet another version of Ground Zero mosque / Ramadan body count on day 4 reaches 49 dead in 20 attacks / Muslim kills six daughters in one day to defend his "honor" / Egypt slides to Islamic state.

Report From Washington - July 29, 2011
In this issue: Does Obama want a debt default? / How we paid the Taliban / Speaker Boehner meets the enemy and it is his own troops / Did the GOP commit suicide this week? / Atheists sue over Ground Zero Cross / Another Muslim attack on Ft. Hood / Norway bomber not a Christian / More Nigerian Christians die / New York City against a church at Ground Zero

Report From Washington - July 22, 2011
In this issue: Obama moves against Fox News / Obama fights for gay issues / Gay love in the trenches / Democrats want to force other nations to be gay friendly / Terror in Oslo / Islamic Emirates in Britain / Terror not just in the Middle East / Falsely accused Christian dies in Pakistani jail