Report From Washington – September 23, 2011
Obama on Israel, gays and the world in general / Obama’s message on a Palestinian state / Netanyahu responds to Abbas and Obama / New data: the Stimulus was 3% shovel ready / Senate to shut door on religious freedom / Texas student told to be pro-gay or get kicked out of school / The Constitution and sharia conference / new Danish mega mosque / Pakistan: No flood aid for Christians / Another 100 plus Christians slaughtered in Nigeria.NEW: Chairman’s Report from Washington, DC for September 22, 2011. IN THIS ISSUE: New York officials try to dampen 9-11 freedom rally / William J Murray speaks at the 9-11 rally / What is the real reason to remember the 9-11 jihad attack on America / What Obama does not understand about the Islamists
THE PRESIDENT, ISRAEL AND GAYS?- And I thought Fidel Castro had long rambling speeches! During his address to the United Nations this week I got lost someplace between President Obama calling for an Islamic state in Samaria and this: “No country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere.” The remark had one goal, to raise money from homosexuals for his 2012 campaign.
OBAMA AND THE PALESTINIAN STATE – Last year President Obama demanded that Israel return to the “67” borders and promised Palestinians everything they had ever demanded. After telling Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in advance that all his demands would be met, the President can’t figure out why Abbas will no longer negotiate with Israel and instead demands a seat at the UN.
NETANYAHU RESPONDS – Prime Minister Netanyahu’s response to Mahmoud Abbas’ viral anti-Israeli speech was logical and balanced: ‘”I came here to speak the truth. The truth is that Israel wants peace. The truth is that I want peace. The truth is that Israel wants peace with the Palestinians, but they want a state without peace, and the truth is you shouldn’t let that happen,” he said. “The Palestinians should first make peace with Israel and then get their state. After peace is signed, Israel won’t be the last country to accept a Palestinian state – we will be the first.” Read more and video
SHOVEL READY? – I don’t normally work on economic issues on Capitol Hill, but l must attend meetings where these issues are discussed. At a recent event someone handed out a summary of the Stimulus Bill included “shovel ready” spending on our highways. Of the $825 billion spent, just $27.5 billion, or less than 3%, was spent on roads and bridges. Where did the rest go? There were 3,545 “green jobs” created at a cost of $4.83 million each. There were 1,100 of those jobs lost when Solyndra went belly up.
MEGA-MOSQUE – The city council of Copenhagen has given its final approval for the construction of the first official “Grand Mosque” in the Danish capital. The mega-mosque will have a massive blue dome as well as two towering minarets and is architecturally designed to stand out on Copenhagen’s low-rise skyline. Read more
NO AID FOR CHRISTIAN OR HINDU FLOOD VICTIMS – Christian and Hindu flood victims are being denied aid by the Pakistani government and Muslim organizations, charges Father Mario Rodrigues, national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies. “The only channel to get humanitarian aid to displaced people belonging to religious minorities, Christians and Hindus, is Caritas [the Church’s charitable agency] ” he told the Fides news agency. The US government gives Pakistan billions of dollars a year in aid. Read more
AT LEAST 110 MORE CHRISTIANS DEAD IN JOS – A rash of attacks by armed Muslim extremists on villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state in the past month have left more than 100 Christians dead, including the elimination of entire families. In a guerrilla-type “hit and run” attack on the Christian community of Vwang Kogot, Muslim attackers at about 8 p.m. on Sept. 9 killed 14 Christians, including a pregnant woman. Read more
VISIT OUR INTERNET STORE – Our Internet store has more than books and CD’s. There is everything from candy to jewelry and all of it has a Christian theme. Unlike Amazon and other major Internet stores, we do not sell porn and satanic materials right beside Christian books. Ours is a real Christian store with tens of thousands of items. Please take a look. The store is located at
THE PRESIDENT, ISRAEL AND GAYS?- And I thought Fidel Castro had long rambling speeches! During his address to the United Nations this week I got lost someplace between President Obama calling for an Islamic state in Samaria and this: “No country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere.” The remark had one goal, to raise money from homosexuals for his 2012 campaign.
OBAMA AND THE PALESTINIAN STATE – Last year President Obama demanded that Israel return to the “67” borders and promised Palestinians everything they had ever demanded. After telling Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in advance that all his demands would be met, the President can’t figure out why Abbas will no longer negotiate with Israel and instead demands a seat at the UN.
NETANYAHU RESPONDS – Prime Minister Netanyahu’s response to Mahmoud Abbas’ viral anti-Israeli speech was logical and balanced: ‘”I came here to speak the truth. The truth is that Israel wants peace. The truth is that I want peace. The truth is that Israel wants peace with the Palestinians, but they want a state without peace, and the truth is you shouldn’t let that happen,” he said. “The Palestinians should first make peace with Israel and then get their state. After peace is signed, Israel won’t be the last country to accept a Palestinian state – we will be the first.” Read more and video
SHOVEL READY? – I don’t normally work on economic issues on Capitol Hill, but l must attend meetings where these issues are discussed. At a recent event someone handed out a summary of the Stimulus Bill included “shovel ready” spending on our highways. Of the $825 billion spent, just $27.5 billion, or less than 3%, was spent on roads and bridges. Where did the rest go? There were 3,545 “green jobs” created at a cost of $4.83 million each. There were 1,100 of those jobs lost when Solyndra went belly up.
U.S. COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM COULD SHUT DOWN – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent government watchdog for abuses of religious freedom abroad, may cease to exist if the Senate doesn’t act over the weekend to reauthorize it. Congress leaves soon for a week long recess and the commission will shut down Sept. 30 without Senate reauthorization. One Democratic senator is apparently holding up the reauthorization, according to several sources. An extension has passed the House but Senate action is needed. Contact your Senators now!
GAY AGENDA: FROM WHITE HOUSE TO SCHOOL HOUSE – This past Tuesday, high school freshman Dakota Ary was given in-school suspension for stating in class that he believes homosexuality is wrong because of his Christian faith. Liberty Counsel is representing Dakota in this case, demanding full vindication and a full retraction of the suspension. If the school board does not comply, a lawsuit will be filed for violation of Dakota’s First Amendment rights. Read more
MUSLIMS CAN VETO TAXI CAB ADS – Christians and Jews driving cabs in New York for years complained about vile advertisements on the tops of their cars for strip clubs. The Taxi Commission in New York City said the ads were up to the owner of the taxi medallion, not the driver or car owner. Then the Muslims complained and the rules were changed. The medallion owners must now get driver or owner approval of ads. Point: While Muslims make up less than one percent of New York’s population, laws are frequently changed to accommodate them.
U.S. COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM COULD SHUT DOWN – The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, an independent government watchdog for abuses of religious freedom abroad, may cease to exist if the Senate doesn’t act over the weekend to reauthorize it. Congress leaves soon for a week long recess and the commission will shut down Sept. 30 without Senate reauthorization. One Democratic senator is apparently holding up the reauthorization, according to several sources. An extension has passed the House but Senate action is needed. Contact your Senators now!
GAY AGENDA: FROM WHITE HOUSE TO SCHOOL HOUSE – This past Tuesday, high school freshman Dakota Ary was given in-school suspension for stating in class that he believes homosexuality is wrong because of his Christian faith. Liberty Counsel is representing Dakota in this case, demanding full vindication and a full retraction of the suspension. If the school board does not comply, a lawsuit will be filed for violation of Dakota’s First Amendment rights. Read more
MUSLIMS CAN VETO TAXI CAB ADS – Christians and Jews driving cabs in New York for years complained about vile advertisements on the tops of their cars for strip clubs. The Taxi Commission in New York City said the ads were up to the owner of the taxi medallion, not the driver or car owner. Then the Muslims complained and the rules were changed. The medallion owners must now get driver or owner approval of ads. Point: While Muslims make up less than one percent of New York’s population, laws are frequently changed to accommodate them.
The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference will be the first national conference on sharia and the Islamization of America, and will be held in Nashville on November 11, 2011. Topics will include: Sharia and Jihad; The European Experience; The Dehumanization and Diminishment of Women in the West under Sharia; The Muslim Brotherhood in America; Sharia and Legal Action, Grassroots Organizing against Sharia and Rabats (including Mega-Mosques); Defending Liberty In Legislatures; and Fighting Islamist Propaganda in the Media

NO AID FOR CHRISTIAN OR HINDU FLOOD VICTIMS – Christian and Hindu flood victims are being denied aid by the Pakistani government and Muslim organizations, charges Father Mario Rodrigues, national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies. “The only channel to get humanitarian aid to displaced people belonging to religious minorities, Christians and Hindus, is Caritas [the Church’s charitable agency] ” he told the Fides news agency. The US government gives Pakistan billions of dollars a year in aid. Read more
AT LEAST 110 MORE CHRISTIANS DEAD IN JOS – A rash of attacks by armed Muslim extremists on villages in Nigeria’s Plateau state in the past month have left more than 100 Christians dead, including the elimination of entire families. In a guerrilla-type “hit and run” attack on the Christian community of Vwang Kogot, Muslim attackers at about 8 p.m. on Sept. 9 killed 14 Christians, including a pregnant woman. Read more
VISIT OUR INTERNET STORE – Our Internet store has more than books and CD’s. There is everything from candy to jewelry and all of it has a Christian theme. Unlike Amazon and other major Internet stores, we do not sell porn and satanic materials right beside Christian books. Ours is a real Christian store with tens of thousands of items. Please take a look. The store is located at
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