Report From Washington – May 25, 2012
IN THIS ISSUE – Shocker: Obama lost most Kentucky counties in Dem primary / Obama orders school to allow man in women’s bathroom / Obama’s attack on religious freedom / Congress, Obama, the defense bill and chaplains’ rights / New lawsuits against Obama Care over religious issues / What is behind the contraceptive mandate? / French socialists celebrate a Muslim victory / More Pakistan “blasphemy ” arrests / Christians murdered in Pakistan / Pakistan jails doctor who helped find bin Laden / Moderate Muslims toss bags of urine in church
OBAMA ELECTION SHOCKER – In the Kentucky Democratic primary, President Barack Obama lost a majority of the counties. In Harlan County, in the heart of coal country, Obama received just 26.2 percent of the vote. His opponent did not have a name; the majority of counties voted for “uncommitted.” With help from the larger cites Obama did win the primary with 58 percent of the vote; however, this was the third state in a row in which he received less than 60 percent. In West Virginia a convicted felon still in jail received 42 percent of the vote against Obama. The president also received less than 60% in Arkansas. Does this matter? Read this. Obama’s weakness comes from more than his attacks on the coal industry in these rural areas. His very public approval of sodomy is not welcome in America’s heartland.
OBAMA: MEN MUST BE ALLOWED IN WOMEN’S RESTROOM – The Obama Department of Justice has ordered the University of Arkansas at Ft. Smith to allow a male student to use women’s bathrooms on campus. Campus Reform reports that a male student who calls himself “Jennifer Braly,” and is in the process of raising money to pay for his sex-reassignment surgery, filed a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice after the campus told him to use gender-neutral bathrooms rather than women’s restrooms. Read more
NEW AD POINTS TO MORE OBAMA VIOLATIONS OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM – The Religious Freedom Coalition has a continuing advertising campaign designed to stop President Barack Obama’s frequent attacks on religious freedom. This weekend, an ad listing even more of Obama’s egregious insults to religious freedom was placed in the weekly edition of the New York Times which is distributed in Washington, DC and mailed to all 50 states. See ad
CONGRESS IN RECESS – The House and Senate are now in recess and will return May 31st. No votes will be taken on the 31st before 6:00 PM.
PROTECTING CHAPLAINS’ RELIGIOUS FREEDOM – The Obama Administration announced its opposition to an amendment included in the House-passed version of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310) that provides specific conscience and religious freedom protections for military chaplains and other service members. The repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in the military last year raised concerns that service members whose religious beliefs conflicted with homosexual behavior would face discrimination and disapproval. If he cannot force Christian chaplains to approve of homosexual behavior, Obama is willing to veto the entire military budget bill.
CHURCH LAWSUITS AGAINST CONTRACEPTIVE MANDATE – Forty-three organizations have filed religious freedom lawsuits opposing the HHS mandates. The University of Notre Dame, the Archdiocese of Washington, Catholic Charities of D.C., and the Saint Anne Home and Retirement Community are a few of the forty-three organizations that filed lawsuits this week opposing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that will force scores of religious employers to provide health plans that cover services that violate their religious beliefs.
THE REAL MANDATE ISSUE – The Obama mandate on contraceptive coverage in insurance is not about health care but the actual definition of religion. If the Obama Administration wins, religion will be defined as something that is only practiced inside a church on Sunday morning. Outside of the church building, according to Obama, there is no religious freedom. All religious organizations — hospitals, soup kitchens, child care facilities, or whatever — must abide by all government directives, even those that directly contradict the beliefs of the operators. The core purpose of the Obama mandates is to destroy all religious adherence outside of the church building itself.
ISRAEL FACT FINDING MISSION – A once in a lifetime mission led by William J. Murray, William Federer and Frank Gaffney, all three experts on Israel and Islamic affairs. Not a standard “tour,” the mission includes visits to settlements and military bases plus evening panels. Read more
NEW MAY CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Now available, the May 10th, 2012 edition of William J. Murray’s Chairman’s’ Report. IN THIS ISSUE: Religious Freedom Coalition begins advertising campaign exposing Obama’s war on religious freedom / Congressmen demand Secretary Clinton add Boko Haram to State Department terror list / Special on National Day of Prayer events on Capitol Hill / Report on the continued support of Christians in Syria by the Religious Freedom Coalition.
LEARN MORE ABOUT SHARIA LAW – One of the best locations on the Internet to learn about Islamic Sharia law and its effect on the West is FACEBOOK FAN? Sharia Free USA now has a Facebook page with more than 1,500 followers. Join with us at Facebook today!
CONSTITUTION OR SHARIA CONFERENCE DVD – This is the complete set of DVD’s from the November 11, 2011 Constitution or Sharia conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference was the first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America sponsored by major freedom oriented organizations! It was not just another educational conference. How do deal with and stop implementation of Sharia law in the United states was outlined by speakers and in panels. Order today
FIND THE FRENCH FLAG – The Socialist Party won the night and the new President of France is Francois Hollande. The victors celebrated the night away waving flags of the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Egypt, and the EU. Some are political party flags and one says “vote left.” Most of the flags are Palestinian, indicating antisemitism, and the crowd is jubilant. Can you find the only French flag in the photo? Large Photo Here
MORE “BLASPHEMY” ARRESTS IN PAKISTAN – Police in Pakistan arrested a Christian, Sajid Inayat, and charged him with “blasphemy” after he had an argument with some Muslims over a billiards game in Punjab Province’s Sheikhupura district. This adds one more to the number of innocent Christians rotting in jail in Pakistan accused of “blasphemy.” Also this week there are no charges expected to be filed in a home invasion in which five Christians, including children, had their throats slit in the middle of the night by Muslims.
MORE PAKISTAN – Dr. Shakil Afridi led Navy SEALS to bin Laden by setting up a fake vaccination program that allowed him to take DNA samples from the terrorist’s children. He has been sentenced to 33 years in prison for treason. Again … the man who helped catch the terror mastermind was sent to jail for treason against Pakistan. Meanwhile Pakistan is still refusing to allow supplies to reach our troops in Afghanistan. According to President Obama, this nation is an ally of the United States.
MODERATE MUSLIM INDONESIA – No arrests have been made since 600 Islamists hurled bags filled with urine and ditchwater at about 100 members of a church last week and threatened to kill its pastor. Police looked on as the mob attacked the Philadelphia Batak Christian Protestant Church worshiping on the street in Bekasi, near Jakarta in West Java Province, on Thursday (May 17), church attorney Saor Siagian told Compass by phone. Read more
OBAMA: MEN MUST BE ALLOWED IN WOMEN’S RESTROOM – The Obama Department of Justice has ordered the University of Arkansas at Ft. Smith to allow a male student to use women’s bathrooms on campus. Campus Reform reports that a male student who calls himself “Jennifer Braly,” and is in the process of raising money to pay for his sex-reassignment surgery, filed a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice after the campus told him to use gender-neutral bathrooms rather than women’s restrooms. Read more
NEW AD POINTS TO MORE OBAMA VIOLATIONS OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM – The Religious Freedom Coalition has a continuing advertising campaign designed to stop President Barack Obama’s frequent attacks on religious freedom. This weekend, an ad listing even more of Obama’s egregious insults to religious freedom was placed in the weekly edition of the New York Times which is distributed in Washington, DC and mailed to all 50 states. See ad
CONGRESS IN RECESS – The House and Senate are now in recess and will return May 31st. No votes will be taken on the 31st before 6:00 PM.
PROTECTING CHAPLAINS’ RELIGIOUS FREEDOM – The Obama Administration announced its opposition to an amendment included in the House-passed version of the FY 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310) that provides specific conscience and religious freedom protections for military chaplains and other service members. The repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in the military last year raised concerns that service members whose religious beliefs conflicted with homosexual behavior would face discrimination and disapproval. If he cannot force Christian chaplains to approve of homosexual behavior, Obama is willing to veto the entire military budget bill.
CHURCH LAWSUITS AGAINST CONTRACEPTIVE MANDATE – Forty-three organizations have filed religious freedom lawsuits opposing the HHS mandates. The University of Notre Dame, the Archdiocese of Washington, Catholic Charities of D.C., and the Saint Anne Home and Retirement Community are a few of the forty-three organizations that filed lawsuits this week opposing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate that will force scores of religious employers to provide health plans that cover services that violate their religious beliefs.
THE REAL MANDATE ISSUE – The Obama mandate on contraceptive coverage in insurance is not about health care but the actual definition of religion. If the Obama Administration wins, religion will be defined as something that is only practiced inside a church on Sunday morning. Outside of the church building, according to Obama, there is no religious freedom. All religious organizations — hospitals, soup kitchens, child care facilities, or whatever — must abide by all government directives, even those that directly contradict the beliefs of the operators. The core purpose of the Obama mandates is to destroy all religious adherence outside of the church building itself.
ISRAEL FACT FINDING MISSION – A once in a lifetime mission led by William J. Murray, William Federer and Frank Gaffney, all three experts on Israel and Islamic affairs. Not a standard “tour,” the mission includes visits to settlements and military bases plus evening panels. Read more
NEW MAY CHAIRMAN’S REPORT – Now available, the May 10th, 2012 edition of William J. Murray’s Chairman’s’ Report. IN THIS ISSUE: Religious Freedom Coalition begins advertising campaign exposing Obama’s war on religious freedom / Congressmen demand Secretary Clinton add Boko Haram to State Department terror list / Special on National Day of Prayer events on Capitol Hill / Report on the continued support of Christians in Syria by the Religious Freedom Coalition.
LEARN MORE ABOUT SHARIA LAW – One of the best locations on the Internet to learn about Islamic Sharia law and its effect on the West is FACEBOOK FAN? Sharia Free USA now has a Facebook page with more than 1,500 followers. Join with us at Facebook today!
CONSTITUTION OR SHARIA CONFERENCE DVD – This is the complete set of DVD’s from the November 11, 2011 Constitution or Sharia conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference was the first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America sponsored by major freedom oriented organizations! It was not just another educational conference. How do deal with and stop implementation of Sharia law in the United states was outlined by speakers and in panels. Order today

MORE “BLASPHEMY” ARRESTS IN PAKISTAN – Police in Pakistan arrested a Christian, Sajid Inayat, and charged him with “blasphemy” after he had an argument with some Muslims over a billiards game in Punjab Province’s Sheikhupura district. This adds one more to the number of innocent Christians rotting in jail in Pakistan accused of “blasphemy.” Also this week there are no charges expected to be filed in a home invasion in which five Christians, including children, had their throats slit in the middle of the night by Muslims.
MORE PAKISTAN – Dr. Shakil Afridi led Navy SEALS to bin Laden by setting up a fake vaccination program that allowed him to take DNA samples from the terrorist’s children. He has been sentenced to 33 years in prison for treason. Again … the man who helped catch the terror mastermind was sent to jail for treason against Pakistan. Meanwhile Pakistan is still refusing to allow supplies to reach our troops in Afghanistan. According to President Obama, this nation is an ally of the United States.
MODERATE MUSLIM INDONESIA – No arrests have been made since 600 Islamists hurled bags filled with urine and ditchwater at about 100 members of a church last week and threatened to kill its pastor. Police looked on as the mob attacked the Philadelphia Batak Christian Protestant Church worshiping on the street in Bekasi, near Jakarta in West Java Province, on Thursday (May 17), church attorney Saor Siagian told Compass by phone. Read more
Now available at our online store. Books by William J. Murray
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