Report From Washington – September 21, 2012

ISRAEL FACT FINDING MISSION – A once in a lifetime mission led by William J. Murray, William Federer and Frank Gaffney, all three experts on Israel and Islamic affairs. Not a standard “tour,” the mission includes visits to settlements and military bases plus evening panels. Read more

In this issue: US government running ads to apologize to radical Muslims / White House admits video did not cause attacks / Why Mr. President? / A hundred year old prophecy haunts America today / Rising tide of restrictions on religion / Many dead in riots on “Love the Prophet Day” / Turkey PM demands worldwide blasphemy laws / Six years in jail for insulting Egypt’s Muslim president / 100 Afghans killed by Syrian troops – in Syria! / France braces for cartoon riots
The Presidency

Obama Administration paying to say sorry –
The President of the United States, the most powerful man on Earth, is buying TV ads in Pakistan with our tax dollars to tell Muslims he is ashamed of the fact that we have free speech. Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are featured in TV ads paid for by the State Department and now running in Pakistan. They are actually apologizing because someone in the United States used their freedom of speech to be critical of Mohammed. It doesn’t get any worse than this. Read more in a UK newspaper. Although some media outlets continue to blame rioting on the non-existent movie about Mohammed, evidence is overwhelming that this was not the case.
White House admits video did not cause attacks –
After ten days of media supported lies by the Obama Administration claiming that a YouTube video was to blame for the murders of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, the White House took a sharp turn and said “terrorism” was to blame. The fictional story blaming the video collapsed when CBS News interviewed people living near the consulate and found out there was no demonstration. Armed Islamists with RPG’s attacked the consulate in three waves on the anniversary of 9-11. For days the Obama Administration had been blaming free speech in the US as the problem. See my op-ed
Why Mr. President Why? –
A great new one-minute commercial is now running, asking Barack Hussein Obama why he is inviting the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House. The commercial exposes the Muslim Brotherhood that Obama seems to so love. See it here.

Senator champions religious freedom –
Before he was elected to the Congress, Senator Roy Blunt was president of Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. He understands the issues that religious institutions face under ObamaCare and has written an op-ed in a Missouri newspaper about his concerns. NOTE: Islamic organizations are exempt from all ObamaCare rules being forced upon Christian and Jewish organizations.
Religion and Culture
A prophecy come true for America –
This past week I wrote an opinion editorial for WND.COM that spotlights a dire warning made about Western civilization 100 years ago by William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army. The article shows how Booth predicted godless government and a Christless church. Read it here.
Rising Tide of Restrictions on Religion –
Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that restrictions on religion spiked throughout the world in 2009-2010. The United States was among the 16 countries whose scores on both the Government Restrictions Index and the Social Hostilities Index increased by one point or more in the year ending in mid-2010. Read more

Pakistan: Love for the Prophet Day –
Yes, it is “Love for the Prophet Day” in Pakistan and so far 19 people have died in the riots, with many more injured and millions of dollars in property damage done. Times of India
Turkey: PM demands worldwide blasphemy laws –
Prime Minister Erdogan called for “international legal regulations against attacks on what people deem sacred, on religion” as well as “something in terms of domestic law.” He stated that Turkish legislators will immediately seek to prohibit blasphemous remarks. Before the Muslim Brotherhood came to power, Turkey was a secular nation Read more
Egypt: Six years in prison for Christian who insulted Muslim president –
Christians are concerned and shocked by the six-year sentence imposed on Bishoy Kamel, a Christian teacher who posted online satirical cartoons on Islam on July 30 this year, and allegedly insulted Egypt’s president. Read more
Syria: 100 Afghans killed in Aleppo –
In a strike against a school used by “rebel” forces, the Syrian army killed one hundred (100) Afghan nationals who had come to Syria for jihad. It now appears that most of the front line rebel fighters are foreign jihadists, as the popularity of the revolt against the Assad regime seems to dissipate among Libyans.
France: Government prepares for riots –
France is braced for a Muslim backlash after a satirical magazine published new cartoons of Mohammed. France will close 20 embassies and schools across Islamic countries Friday. Read more
More From the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman’s Report –
Now available, the September 14th, 2012 edition of William J. Murray’s Chairman’s’ Report. This issue contains several stories dealing with the current election cycle. Read it here!
Constitution or Sharia DVD –
This is the complete set of DVD’s from the November 11, 2011 Constitution or Sharia conference in Nashville, Tennessee. The Constitution or Sharia: Preserving Freedom Conference was the first true national conference on Sharia and the Islamization of America sponsored by major freedom oriented organizations! It was not just another educational conference. How to deal with and stop implementation of Sharia law in the United states was outlined by speakers and in panels. Order today

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