Report From Washington – March 15, 2013
Editor: William J. MurrayIn this issue: U.S. supports jihadists now? / Obama wants to remove “right to life” from UN declaration /White House silent on Saudi persecution of Christians / No tax dollars for jihadists / Senator may help Christians in Saudi Arabia / Using the Fax Congress system / New Pope should defend religious liberty / France: Frenchmen fight on both sides / UK Muslim MP blames Jews for his 16 day stay in jail for killing man / Australia: Wilders warns of Islam / Bangladesh: Hindus meet same fate as Christians / Join me in fact finding trip to Israel.
The Presidency
U. S. supports jihadists now? – Less than 12 years after the devastating jihad attack on 9-11 that left thousands dead and our nation in shock, the Obama Administration is openly supporting radical Islamists in overthrowing secular governments in the Middle East. As I pointed out in my current WND.COM column Obama was not, unfortunately, the first president to support jihadists. Still, the post 9-11 support of Islamists should at least cause some in the media to a least ask questions, but that has not happened.
Obama wants removal of “right to life” from UN declaration – It is disturbing to learn that the U.S. delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women is calling for deleting a reaffirmation that every human being has the “inherent right to life, liberty and security of persons.” This contradicts a foundational principle of citizens and civilizations worldwide. As chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition I signed a group letter letter to Secretary of State Kerry demanding that this outrageous position be changed.
The White House and Saudi persecution of Christians – In the last two weeks I have written a column for WND.COM and appeared on radio shows including Mike Huckabee’s national show to expose the persecution of African Christians who are guest workers in Saudi Arabia. I have posted stories on Facebook that have had thousands of visits. I placed an online petition asking congressmen to speak out against the Saudi persecution of Christians. That petition can be faxed for free to your congressman if you will sign it. The net result of my two weeks of work is 14 people who have contacted their congressman. I am flat out ashamed at the response and embarrassed to actually show up at a congressman’s office claiming I have support from the American Christian community to stop the persecution and torture of Christians in Saudi Arabia. No wonder Barack Obama is so confident of his support for the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia.
GOP Senator supports same-sex marriage now that son is “gay” – Senator Portman (R-OH) has given up his previously stated core beliefs and the position of his church to support same-sex marriage because he has a homosexual son. Homosexual sex is ultimately just as destructive as cocaine use. Would Portman suddenly call for the legalization of cocaine if his son had announced that he was a cocaine addict? Read more
No tax dollars for jihadists – The Religious Freedom Coalition has begun an online petition asking congressmen to speak out against any funding, military or otherwise, to jihandists anywhere in the world. The petition comes at a time the Obama Administration is furnishing CIA help as well as cash and “humanitarian” aid to jihadists fighting the secular government of Syria. Provide your name and zip code, and a copy of the petition will be faxed to your congressman free of charge. See petition here.
Senator may help Christians in Saudi Arabia – This week I spoke to a Senator at length about the continued arrests and torture of guest workers in Saudi Arabia who are Christians. As of now only Congressman Fortenberry has spoken out in the House. A free fax petition is available to send to your congressman asking that he speak out against the abuse of Christians in Saudi Arabia. See petition here
Using the Fax Congress system – The new system we are using to fax congressmen works, its free and it really helps me when I call congressional offices. E-mail addresses are NOT collected unless a box is checked for this weekly update from the Hill. I encourage you to use this system. There is an additional charge to send a fax to Senators – but – the Religious Freedom Coalition gets half the fee to use for our work and it is only two bucks. Please use the system because it does work and it does help. for daily posts!
Religion and Culture
New Pope should defend religious liberty – Religious liberties crusader says that Pope Francis must become a strong defender of those persecuted for their religion – YES – That means Christians in Muslim nations. Read more
Congressmen and media mourn Chavez – At news of the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, the left-wing mainstream media and a few Democrat allies came out of the woodwork to mourn the human rights violator extraordinaire. Democrat Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) led the way with a tweet suggesting that Chavez “was a leader that understood the needs of the poor. He was committed to empowering the powerless. R.I.P. Mr. President.” Read more
France: Frenchmen fighting on both sides – The French government and media heaped scorn and shame on Muslim French citizens who went to Mali to fight jihad while French troops were there. However, there seems to be no critical voice regarding the 80 or so Muslim Frenchmen fighting jihad in Syria to establish an Islamic state. Rather, the French government is arguing for the EU to supply arms to jihadist fighters in Syria. Read more
UK – Muslim MP blames Jews for his 16 days in jail for killing man – Baron Nazir Ahmed received a suspension from the Conservative party for offering $13 million to any one who would kill George W. Bush. Now he has received a 16 day jail sentence for killing a man while he was driving and texting on his phone. He claims that he only received the “harsh” sentence because of a “Jewish conspiracy.” I wonder how long a Christian who was not an MP would serve in jail for the same killing? Read more
Australia: Wilders warns of Islam – Dr. mark Durie reports on the clear presentation to Australia of the dangers of accepting Islam and Sharia law. This is a must read. Read more
Bangladesh: Hindus meet same fate as Christians – 47 Hindu temples and at least 700 Hindu homes have been either torched or vandalized by members of Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir. Read more
Join me in a fact finding mission to Israel – A once in a lifetime mission led by William J. Murray, William Federer and Frank Gaffney, all three experts on Israel and Islamic affairs. Not a standard “tour,” the mission includes visits to settlements and military bases plus evening panels. Limited time for $400 discount! Read more
More from the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman’s Report – Now available, the February 28th, 2013 edition of the Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman’s Report. In the current issue: Former Mayor Edward Koch warns of the dangers of Islam from the grave / Obama Administration vetoes UN resolution against terrorist car bombing / Car bomb kills dozens in Aleppo – Christians at risk / Saudi religious police arrest African Christians / Obama sees no Saudi evil / Free fax to your congressman on Saudi evil / Congressman Franks works for release of pastor in Iran.
My Life Without God – William J. Murray’s first book, My Life Without God, is now back in print as the 30th anniversary of his atheist mother’s lawsuit to remove prayer form the schools approaches. Murray writes of his life in the dysfunctional home of infamous atheist/Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O’Hair. Learn more
The Presidency
U. S. supports jihadists now? – Less than 12 years after the devastating jihad attack on 9-11 that left thousands dead and our nation in shock, the Obama Administration is openly supporting radical Islamists in overthrowing secular governments in the Middle East. As I pointed out in my current WND.COM column Obama was not, unfortunately, the first president to support jihadists. Still, the post 9-11 support of Islamists should at least cause some in the media to a least ask questions, but that has not happened.
Obama wants removal of “right to life” from UN declaration – It is disturbing to learn that the U.S. delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women is calling for deleting a reaffirmation that every human being has the “inherent right to life, liberty and security of persons.” This contradicts a foundational principle of citizens and civilizations worldwide. As chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition I signed a group letter letter to Secretary of State Kerry demanding that this outrageous position be changed.

GOP Senator supports same-sex marriage now that son is “gay” – Senator Portman (R-OH) has given up his previously stated core beliefs and the position of his church to support same-sex marriage because he has a homosexual son. Homosexual sex is ultimately just as destructive as cocaine use. Would Portman suddenly call for the legalization of cocaine if his son had announced that he was a cocaine addict? Read more
No tax dollars for jihadists – The Religious Freedom Coalition has begun an online petition asking congressmen to speak out against any funding, military or otherwise, to jihandists anywhere in the world. The petition comes at a time the Obama Administration is furnishing CIA help as well as cash and “humanitarian” aid to jihadists fighting the secular government of Syria. Provide your name and zip code, and a copy of the petition will be faxed to your congressman free of charge. See petition here.
Senator may help Christians in Saudi Arabia – This week I spoke to a Senator at length about the continued arrests and torture of guest workers in Saudi Arabia who are Christians. As of now only Congressman Fortenberry has spoken out in the House. A free fax petition is available to send to your congressman asking that he speak out against the abuse of Christians in Saudi Arabia. See petition here for daily posts!
Religion and Culture

New Pope should defend religious liberty – Religious liberties crusader says that Pope Francis must become a strong defender of those persecuted for their religion – YES – That means Christians in Muslim nations. Read more
Congressmen and media mourn Chavez – At news of the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, the left-wing mainstream media and a few Democrat allies came out of the woodwork to mourn the human rights violator extraordinaire. Democrat Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) led the way with a tweet suggesting that Chavez “was a leader that understood the needs of the poor. He was committed to empowering the powerless. R.I.P. Mr. President.” Read more
France: Frenchmen fighting on both sides – The French government and media heaped scorn and shame on Muslim French citizens who went to Mali to fight jihad while French troops were there. However, there seems to be no critical voice regarding the 80 or so Muslim Frenchmen fighting jihad in Syria to establish an Islamic state. Rather, the French government is arguing for the EU to supply arms to jihadist fighters in Syria. Read more
UK – Muslim MP blames Jews for his 16 days in jail for killing man – Baron Nazir Ahmed received a suspension from the Conservative party for offering $13 million to any one who would kill George W. Bush. Now he has received a 16 day jail sentence for killing a man while he was driving and texting on his phone. He claims that he only received the “harsh” sentence because of a “Jewish conspiracy.” I wonder how long a Christian who was not an MP would serve in jail for the same killing? Read more
Australia: Wilders warns of Islam – Dr. mark Durie reports on the clear presentation to Australia of the dangers of accepting Islam and Sharia law. This is a must read. Read more
Bangladesh: Hindus meet same fate as Christians – 47 Hindu temples and at least 700 Hindu homes have been either torched or vandalized by members of Jamaat-e-Islami and its student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir. Read more
Join me in a fact finding mission to Israel – A once in a lifetime mission led by William J. Murray, William Federer and Frank Gaffney, all three experts on Israel and Islamic affairs. Not a standard “tour,” the mission includes visits to settlements and military bases plus evening panels. Limited time for $400 discount! Read more
More from the Religious Freedom Coalition
New Chairman’s Report – Now available, the February 28th, 2013 edition of the Religious Freedom Coalition Chairman’s Report. In the current issue: Former Mayor Edward Koch warns of the dangers of Islam from the grave / Obama Administration vetoes UN resolution against terrorist car bombing / Car bomb kills dozens in Aleppo – Christians at risk / Saudi religious police arrest African Christians / Obama sees no Saudi evil / Free fax to your congressman on Saudi evil / Congressman Franks works for release of pastor in Iran.
My Life Without God – William J. Murray’s first book, My Life Without God, is now back in print as the 30th anniversary of his atheist mother’s lawsuit to remove prayer form the schools approaches. Murray writes of his life in the dysfunctional home of infamous atheist/Marxist leader Madalyn Murray O’Hair. Learn more
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